Reschedule Race Rock

As you all are aware, Race Rock was cancelled for this weekend (6/4/05). After speaking with the General Manager last night for a few minutes... he is very excited about us coming out there and would love for us to re-schedule. I have been looking over the calendar and came up with a few weekends that would be good and give us enough time to schedule off for whomever works on the weekends.

July 8-10 - July 9th ~ Show
July 22-24 - July 23rd ~ Show
August 5-7 - August 6th ~ Show
August 19-21 - August 18th ~ Show

Talks among the thread to what ideas everyone has and would like to see at the show and any ideas you may have. These dates are not set in stone and still need to be cleared through Race Rock. I have full cooperation with the management staff and can get a date, but We have to understand that it is first come first serve. We also have to be aware that we are in the middle of hurricane season as of Wednesday, June 1, 2005, meaning if we have any kind of hurricane activity like we did last year.... I do not think a lot of us will be bringing thier stangs out!

Please PM me or email me at with any questions or concerns you may have about this show. I am going to be in contact with all the local clubs that I had coming to this event. I even had Race Rock giving my number out to locals that had mustangs... I got several calls and excited stang owners for this show and I acknowledged all of them as I did you of the cancellation and they are excitedly awaiting the new date to show off their stangs!

Also, was everyone up for going out on Friday night and staying there if time allowed it and finacially able to. If so, I will get with a few hotels that I know are pretty decent and see what kind of rate we can get. I have a little more time to do this then I did last time. Also, the hotel I was trying to get (had a parking garage & club in) quoted me a rediculous rate and I called them out on it. I stayed there for a better rate then what they were willing to give me. I will get with a few that I know are $49.95 a night and see if I can get a cheaper rate if I know there are a bunch of us going to stay out there Friday night and Saturday if is wanted.



Ok... discuss...