so john takes my stang into work this morning to make some final adjustments for the turbo and wrap up some loose ends, like tidying up the wiring, etc...

i get a phone call at lunchtime... it went something like this:

me: hello.
him: hi honey!

**warning ** warning ** warning**

me: oh god... what did you do?
him: you know the pipe i keep blowing off the car whenever i get on it?
me: yes, the intercooler pipe...
him: yeah well, i blew it off again today showing off for the boss when i left for lunch.
me: well put it back on and leave it there!
him: yeah well, that's the thing. when it blew off, the whole pipe blew off instead of just one end and then it went under the rear tires. it got smushed.
me: WHAT?!?!?!?!
him: don't worry honey...
me: you #$*$!
him: honey...
me: @(*#&

you get the gist of it... lmao

what a turd. leave it the boys to break the toys...