Quote Originally Posted by trikpony
I'll be the first to step forward and admit I’m guilty of inviting others to check out my website while welcoming them to Gotstang and offering any assistance in helping them setting up there webpages here ect ect.
I have received these same types of invites from others on this site in the past and so I didn’t see it as being wrong since I don’t run around spamming.
There are members of my site which I have encouraged to join GS and become involved in the activities and enjoy some of the unique features it has to offer…I felt the teams idea was a great way to unit other sites with Gotstang and encourage even more particapation ..but anyways like you stated its all about the Mustangs and Friendships.
OK now I'm lost!!! I'm all over the net during the day and telling anyone that has a stang that they should stop by and check out the site and if they need help I'll be glad to help em....am I spam?