Question:--How do I place a border around a picture using the new editor?

Answer:--OK there are a lot of different options here but I'll give you the basics. From there you can play around with the different options and change things to you taste.

1. In the editor design screen left click somewhere around the picture you wish to border.
2. Click on "Insert Table" at the top of the editor in the tool bar.
3. In the Tables Size" rows box, change the 3 to 1.(This number will determine how many rows are going down the screen)
4. In the Tables Size, Columns box change it from 3 to 1.(This number will determine how many columns are going across the screen)
5. In the Tables Size Width, change the 100% to 35% for one picture and 80% for two pictures side by side. (These are the factors that worked for me and I'm sure if you played around with them you could fine tune them to your taste.)
6. In the Borders and Shading, Border size box change this number to whatever your taste. I went with 15 to 20 on my single pictures and that adds like a 3/8" to 1/2" border around your picture.
7. In the Borders and Shading area you can now choose the colors as you please.
8. Un-Check the Border Collapse box if Bold lines are what you desire.
9. Now click OK.
10. Before you add pictures to the Table, Right click on the table and got to "Table, Row and Cell properties" or click the same titled button on the editor tool bar.
11. In this window click the "This Table" tab.
12. From this window you can now change alignment, colors & border size. Click apply once your complete. (You can change these properties anytime should you want to see how it looks in different positions, border width or colors)
13. Click & drag the picture into the table now.

NOTE: Every step in here applies to single pictures or side by side pictures if you just change the amount of rows and columns.