O.K. here’s the question why do liberals believe that it is best for America to rely on foreign countries to determine how America should do business?

And why do you always side for the criminals and the terrorists? Why does the Victim always loose the rights and the criminals and the terrorist gain all of theirs and more? Illegal Aliens ;“Crimaliens” or “Guest Aliens” as the PCr’s now want to call them gain all the rights of an American Citizen when they are arrested, Why. Can anyone explain this, and at least help me make sense out of it. Help me understand why American’s lives should be put at risk to so that we don’t hurt the feelings of other countries, or religions. It seems to me as of late the only religion that can be discriminated against is the Christian Religion. I don’t practice any specific religion, I have my own beliefs that tend towards the Christian faith but I do not agree 100% with all that is.

I don’t believe I’ll ever agree with any of it, but I would like to know why these thoughts and beliefs are out there. We broke away from England in the Revolutionary War, because we didn’t agree with their beliefs. Why now are some Americans trying to go back in time to enter into a union were other countries will have the right to tell America how to handle business. I’m scared of what the future holds, for me and my children. We could treat the Islamist’s like gold, and give them diamonds and money and we could let them do what they want when they want, where they want. They will still hate Americans. Does anyone one else see this. America pussy foots around because PCr’s are afraid of offending someone. We are America gad dammit, we support the world, without us there would be no islam, no Japan, no Germany, no France, no F’n Mexico, so why are we afraid of offending anyone? They all will still hate us, and they all will keep depending on us for our aid.