View Full Version : Support Our Troops

05-29-2007, 07:36 PM
A website I am part of as an artist (mostly photography) is running a really great promo and I want to spread the word. They are working with the USO on a special project-they are offering a special selection of cards with supportive messages for the troops. These card are only .50 (the art/photographs are donated by the artists and the company is not making money on this) with no postage. You can personalize them, send as many as you want-they will be sent in bulk to the USO for distribution to soldiers overseas. I donated several cards, as have others. Please check out this page and spread the word-and please, this isn't looking for any political posturing. Here's the link-


You can also send them yourself, but the .50 promo doesn't apply when you don't send them through the USO program.

06-01-2007, 02:43 PM
Thanks for passing this on. Any support is greatly appreciated by the men and women downrange and those in support of them.

06-01-2007, 07:21 PM
Yeah, I just came back in Feb and will be heading back out in July. Every little thing we get over there helps a lot.