View Full Version : They can't bear the balls...

02-26-2007, 08:54 AM

Notice something odd swinging from beneath the bumper of that pickup? Annapolis, MD lawmakers are trying to prevent vehicle owners from inciting such curiosity. They'd like to ban references to unseemly body parts, such as the dangling plastic appendages which often adorn extra-manly vehicles. The classic truckers' mudflap silhouette has come under fire as well, ostensibly to forestall the questions of passing children.

I say they're missing a fabulous opportunity. The best time to address the "facts o' life" is during a long family road trip. At what other juncture do people have the undivided attention of their squabbling brats, held captive and eager for diversion?

The article mentions that the proposal would ban drivers from displaying even the Venus de Milo on their cars. As a resident of Nashville, Tennessee, home of the controversial nekkid dancer statues, I've seen the damage caused by exposure to the arts. We now have a multimillion dollar symphony hall and museum full of references to salacious historical tales.

What with the hanging gonads, sexy mudflaps and violins gone wild, it's a wonder anything gets done here. The car morality cops can't point the finger at me though. My Mustang wears a bra, known in sanitized-for-your-protection terminology as a bumper protection shield.

02-26-2007, 10:31 AM
I think it's great these law makers, political poops and court jesters have nothing better to do than worry about mudflaps and dangling plastic balls.

We must have solved the problems on the road of people running stop lights, speeding, illegal lane changes, robberies, muggings, drive by fruitings and the like.

What if the kids see it? What if they do? What happen to "you're to young for that." or "Shut-up and play your video game." All the kid coddling (sp) is making me wanna puke. Time out, time out... Kids are out of control today because there's no discipline in the family anymore and as a society today we are worried about the violence in cartoons and swingin' balls from a pick-up truck. Jeezus.

02-26-2007, 09:38 PM
You have no idea how strongly I agree with you, Crimsonblack!! :D When I was in school, we'd purposely seek out music with Parental Advisory stickers because everyone knew "that was the good stuff." LOL. Despite the debauchery to which we were exposed, we managed to stay clean, graduate and get jobs; isn't it amazing? I bet it had something to do with a quaint notion called "personal responsibility," to which we'd been introduced by our parents many eons beforehand. ;> If a decoration on a car can cause that much damage, must be a pretty shaky foundation to start with.

02-26-2007, 10:03 PM
If they are banning those items, how about the "My kid is an honor student at Whatever School." I'm tired of seeing this crap too. I also would like to see it against the law for people to write all over their windows for school activities, it's far more dangerous.

As far as the plastic bull nuts, pointing at the owner and laughing is punishment enough for those idiots.

02-27-2007, 01:34 PM
well as horribly tacky as i think they are , i do still fully support your right to display them.this country continues to get so damm restrictive . we are all going to have to sail across the ocean and start a new country to avoid prosecution. oh wait thats what we all ready did with this one.

time to think about over throwing the goverment........ :cussing:

02-27-2007, 09:19 PM
I have a sticker that says, "My German Shepherd is Smarter Than Your Honor Student." To really compete, though, I'd have to fan several across the back window, as that's the going thing around here... blocking the whole rear window with a collection of 5-6 pennant-shaped stickers forming a huge peacock tail of braggadocio. ;>

03-01-2007, 07:40 AM
When you see those hanging from a truck,and you know what they are. Chances are you've seen balls before anyway.

03-01-2007, 07:45 AM
The measure was filed in the General Assembly on Monday by Delegate LeRoy E. Myers Jr., who says children shouldn't be exposed to giant plastic gonads dangling from pickup truck trailer hitches.


Whats next ? I nice pink vagina on the back of my stang? Get real, ban them.

03-07-2007, 06:57 AM
Whats next ? I nice pink vagina on the back of my stang?

Instead of in the pants of the driver? :rofl:

But seriously, I first saw these on a truck yesterday afternoon...If I hadnt have heard about these before, I wouldnt have known what they were. These were silver, sorta blended in with the rest of the truck.

03-08-2007, 05:38 PM
We have them around here also. We can get them at western tack shops.