View Full Version : Modern Oils Are Damaging New Flat Tappet Cams

10-22-2006, 07:59 PM
If you are thinking about getting a flat tappet cam (hydrolic or solid lifter) do yourself a favor, read the article about the problem being faced with such an installation in the June 06 Edition of Hot Rod Magazine. I didn't know of the problem until my new Lunati Voodoo Cam & Lifter set went "FLAT" during run-in (about 10 minutes into the "hardening" run). I'll try to summarize the article: Seems like the EPA has mandated that engine oils can no longer have sufficient quantities of Zinc & other elements that in the past prevented un-heat-treated cams from suffering failure from friction (roller-cam-lifter-sets don't have such problems). Some "off-road" engine oil, specifically Quaker State "Q-Racing" Oil, still has sufficent quantites of the elements but others are being reduced in 07. My suggestion is get a roller lifter conversion (Crane makes one for 289 with no machining required) and roller cam (I'm getting a B-303). Word to the wise - be careful if thinking of getting a flat-tappet cam!