View Full Version : my car finally got nailed by theifs :(

09-07-2006, 08:34 PM
2 days ago I finally had a conflict with my car and theives.....

it seems that someone had been skoping out my house, car and garage and finally got the balls to break into my garage and go through my car and my girlfriends car...

windows were down on the car so luckily they didnt break the window in, they did set off the alarm and were unable to steal the car but got away with some stuff...

Broke in at night and I did not hear the alarm go off because I had just worked 14 hrs and crashed :(

They got:
radar detector, 2 10" MTX Subs and Q logic box, some burnt CD's, sunglasses, leatherman, they took my garage door opener, some smirnoff that was in the trunk (only took 1 bottle, left the 5 others in the 6 pack WTF?) and some cosmo magazines out of my gf's car (WTF)

It wasnt too bad and all was insured, just pisses me off that they would go through my garage and take my stuff...I now have my dogs back at my house since they were staying out at my moms but thought it would be a good deterance to any further burglaries....also have the 12 guage loaded and at the door in case they are stupid enough to come back...im sure some buckshot in the face would be a nice surprise for their nightly robbery...

Funniest part about the entire thing, they left my amp which was bolted to the back of the sub box? Its the most expensive thing they could have taken and they physically unscrewed it and left it in the trunk WTF?

they also took some hair ties that my girlfriend had in the car...crooks :rofl:

They also left me their maglight flashlight with their phone number and name on it :rofl: (police are looking in to see if they can make a case against anyone who broke in with the flashlight that they left behind since it was found outside the garage on the ground)

all in all they got about 1500 bucks worth of stuff.....but all was insured so just waiting for the insurance company to get back to me....just sucks that they broke into my garage :gay:

09-07-2006, 08:40 PM
Well that sucks... they took some stupid stuff too... what was that about? Some people!

88 fox Saleen
09-07-2006, 09:16 PM
this has happened to me twice w/ my Saleen SC repo. 1 st time they ripped the drivers door lock out (after a fresh repaint) & stole my autometer 5" tach w/ shift light, CDs & trashed my ignition switch trying to steal the car. 2nd time about 2 1/2 years later they smashed out my pass window on a really rainy night on April 1st. i will never forget it was april fools day! anyway they trashed the ignition switch again & when they couldnt steal the car the took my replacement autometer tach, every one of my speaker grills off & broke them while stealing all my speakers, amp, sub w/ box & everthing else they could find in the car. needless to say i dont park my car at my house anymore! it stay hidden :-) i feel for you brother. i hope you never have to feel that pain a second time over like me.

09-07-2006, 09:39 PM
Make sure you've got your 12 gauge loaded with 00 buck shot, better yet, a slug!

09-07-2006, 10:39 PM
LOL dude that sucks.. sorry to laugh.. but GD,, who broke in? worlds dumbest people? wtf? hair ties.. lol.. that is a crazy story lol.. hope u get your stuff back soon.. oh and tell your girl i am very sorry for her loss.. i know how they like thier hair products.. lol jk

09-08-2006, 08:08 AM
If they stole your garage door opener, I'd get the code changed immediately!

I'd also put a big barn door lock on the inside of your garage door and put really long screws in it.( There is one made that when closed you put a padlock on it so it can't be opened.)

If they broke in once, they know what you have and with the garage door opener, they will come back during the day, back into your garage, load up stuff from your house and leave, no one will notice as they have your garage door opener.

09-08-2006, 08:09 AM
Wow that sux I am sorry to hear that

09-08-2006, 12:36 PM
Phew, sorry to hear that. But definitely need to get the garage code changed, and locks on the garage also.

09-08-2006, 12:53 PM
changed the garage code the same day after speding 3 hrs on the phone with sears trying to figure it out....

also got a padlock for the garage door

and yes, the 12 guage is loaded with slugs...screw buckshot, im not shooting up my house :)

09-08-2006, 12:54 PM
left me their maglight flashlight with their phone number and name on it


09-08-2006, 01:06 PM
Man that blows chunks. Piss on the cops if you get their name and address. You can deal with it yourself. Bastards...

09-08-2006, 01:45 PM
wow stupid crazy crooks , i hate theives. we all work hard to buy our stuff and some lazy @#$% steals it. as for the shot gun , ahh unload it put it away and save the gun play for the cops. you don't want to sprend the rest of your life locked up for dumb split second desigon...

09-08-2006, 02:14 PM
Dang, sorry to hear that. I've had my car broken into twice. I've learned my lesson and never park in an unlighted area anymore. Keep everything locked up and well lit, with dogs. Hey, the second time I got broken into when the cops pulled into the driveway to fill out the report and I had a gun on me from when we almost caught them. They haven't been back. I hate theives!!!

09-08-2006, 08:31 PM
Yes, definitely bring the dogs back. Big, loud canines with sensitive hearing are a nice car's best friend. Just read today that a lady near me had her car broken into; lost a GPS, cell, etc. in her own driveway during the day while she was home. I'm sharpening my dogs' teeth and getting them shiny metal grills like Paul Wall. :)

09-08-2006, 11:18 PM
sux to hear that. dont unload the gun but dont shoot someone in the face either. better damn well make sure that your life is in danger also or youll be spending a ton of ime in the ole prison cell.

09-09-2006, 04:37 AM
I know the laws, im going to be a cop in about 2 years...more for scare factor unless they actually make entrance into the house, then all bets are off and mr trigger will get a squeeze

09-09-2006, 09:58 AM
..These things actually happen in WA?

Well, I'm glad they didn't screw your car over TOO much. Insurance is a lifesaver.

09-09-2006, 10:23 AM
Take that there shotgun shell and open up the end. Dump the pellets or slugs out and fill with the largest chunks of sea salt you can find. Then shoot em in the face when and if they return. No Death to deal with, but they'll wish they were dead

White Stang
09-09-2006, 11:19 AM
Flash light with there address and name is to much. :rofl: Well either they are the robbers or they were recently robbed by the same felon. If they were recently robbed there should be a report.

11-03-2006, 10:33 AM
HAHAHA. i love stupid people!! hope you get everything back man!

11-04-2006, 11:20 AM
sorry. that sucks.

but its kinda halarious that they left their phone numbers.

call them and be like "hey im the guy whos stuff you stole a few days ago...."

11-05-2006, 02:15 AM
update on the whole incident...nobody was arrested and the case was closed by the police department...

flashlight was traced back to my neighbors job and was loaned to him by the company...quite a coincidence...also the wed after my garage was broken into as well as the car someone opened the garage door at 1 am...I went outside with the 12 guage and saw my neighbor standing outside his house...I promptly told him about the problem at my house and anyone caught in my yard would end up with a slug 10 feet up their pecker :)

He has not come back on my yard since, not enough evidence to charge him or get a search warrant...I ended up replacing the speakers etc with some new MTX ones that hit harder than the old setup so Im happy :)