View Full Version : africans on airplane

09-03-2006, 03:51 PM
I would just like to point out that i enjoy laughing, and i am in no way a racist, or intend to offend anyone, a guy at work told me this.

One day a African guy and his son were on a plane when the pilot announced over the speakers that the plane is losing altitude quickly and needs to cut weight. So the pilot said they are going to have to throw off all cargo.

The pilot came on again and said the cargo didnt work so they are going to have to throw off some people. Its all safe he said, there are plenty of parachutes, and instructions of how to do it safely. He then announced that all people would exit the plane in alphabetical order starting with African Americans.

The son looked at his dad as if to go but the dad just sat there

Then the the pilot announced that all Black people are to exit the plane

Again the son looked at the father, but he continued to sit there

The pilot came on again and announced that all Colored people exit the plane

This time the son told the dad "Dad, i know we definetly fit all those descriptions, why are we still sitting here?" The dad then replied "Son, today we are niggers."