View Full Version : Judges are lazy!!!!!
08-22-2006, 10:59 PM
Judges.... if a person builds a site you are supposed to look at the whole site correct??? I didn't ask to be challenged but if I am going to be challenged then click the link.... like it tells you to at the top of the page.
You would then open up to 49 more pictures of everything you asked for.
Here is the link to my website.... check for yourself...
These are the comments left by the judges.....
Judge 1 Great match up here. I love the pics on FNSweetS3 site but there is not enough there for me to award best overall car. No pics of interior is one example. FNSweetS3 needs to take a look at ylwfevr's site and see a great example how the stang needs to be presented to compete in the cat of best overall car. Vote is for ylwfevr. Picked
Judge 2 This is a great JFO! Both stangs are awesome! Although I would have liked to see alot more of FNSweetS3 interior and trunk. ylwfevr has done a great job of putting the right pictures to judge the whole car ,nothing to guess. If FNSweetS3 would up-date his site with pictures of interior and trunk,maybe with some close-up pictures. this would have went pick is ylwfevr. Picked
Judge 3 Wow, impressive face-off. Both stangs look great. ylwfevr has the edge with the Kenne Bell and the amount of photos to show off all aspects of the stang. My vote for ylwfevr. Picked
08-23-2006, 01:54 PM
Just looking at your links there is nothing letting anyone know what page has the interior, trunk shots, motor shots on it. Random pix is not a very good title.
You have lots of beautiful exterior pix, but there are only three engine shots (no close-up of the specific engine parts, no interior photos at all, no pictures of your trunk or undercarriage. Without these shots it's hard to win a "Best Overall Car" competition.
Like judge one suggested, check out some other sites like Nicole3x3, DeJays Saleen, YSoffcr, Yellowshaker04, yllwfevr, and some others. You can create a page dedicated to each specific area of the car or break down each area of the car into seperate area on the main page. YS and HerNastyNotch are excellent for those type of sites. For face-offs the material needs to be easy for the judges to find without having to guess what page it might be on. "Random Pix" doesn't telling viewers anything.
08-23-2006, 04:17 PM
I have to agree with crimsonblack! For your information ,not all judges are lazy!
08-23-2006, 07:44 PM
Just looking at your links there is nothing letting anyone know what page has the interior, trunk shots, motor shots on it. Random pix is not a very good title.
You have lots of beautiful exterior pix, but there are only three engine shots (no close-up of the specific engine parts, no interior photos at all, no pictures of your trunk or undercarriage. Without these shots it's hard to win a "Best Overall Car" competition.
Like judge one suggested, check out some other sites like Nicole3x3, DeJays Saleen, YSoffcr, Yellowshaker04, yllwfevr, and some others. You can create a page dedicated to each specific area of the car or break down each area of the car into seperate area on the main page. YS and HerNastyNotch are excellent for those type of sites. For face-offs the material needs to be easy for the judges to find without having to guess what page it might be on. "Random Pix" doesn't telling viewers anything.
So what you are saying is that even though you saw the link to more pics... you didnt open the link and view the other 49 pictures, 7 engine shots as well as the detailed shots of the tool box.....
Thats ok... I will make sure the link is MORE NOTICABLE for all to see that there are 49 other pictures to view. :gay:
1hotpony... if your not one of the judges in question then disreguard
08-24-2006, 11:13 AM
Your right I didn't. Likely the judges didn't either. It's a gotstang face-off and likely just what you have posted here is what the judges used. I clicked on the picture and when it jumped to another website I closed the window. I wasn't interested in waiting for another website to download to see more pix of you car. When voting/wagering on a face-off it takes a while to look at every persons car, every page and looking at every picture without having to do the same thing on yet another site. Sorry.
08-24-2006, 11:27 AM
I might as well throw in my 2 cents. I think the safest thing to do fnsweets3 is to take the time and place those 49 pics on your got stang website. Yes it will take sometime, but it will cover your butt. If your not worryed about the faceoffs than don't bother. The judges are not going to be perfect but they try there best. I think the fair thing here is to offer you a rematch to you when your ready. Just let me know buddy. Next beer is on me!
08-24-2006, 11:44 AM
Your right I didn't. Likely the judges didn't either. It's a gotstang face-off and likely just what you have posted here is what the judges used. I clicked on the picture and when it jumped to another website I closed the window. I wasn't interested in waiting for another website to download to see more pix of you car. When voting/wagering on a face-off it takes a while to look at every persons car, every page and looking at every picture without having to do the same thing on yet another site. Sorry.
I have to agree with crimson. Best move would be put your pics on the GS site. Ylwfvr would be tough to beat though. Like to see the rematch myself. Good faceoff.
08-24-2006, 12:05 PM
Your logic is as flawed as the judging on this face off.... there is no difference between clicking page 6 on got stang and waiting for it to load than it is for you to click the link and wait for the same amount of pictures to load. In fact it would save you time .... it is all on one link with all the pictures on on page... all you have to do is scroll.
Judging means nothing to me... so I have turned off that feature. No big deal!
Have a happy day!
Come on, Snoopy.. You're holdin' up like 3 faceoffs.. :(
The Guardian
09-08-2006, 04:47 PM
I have tried to put pics of everything on my front page so nobody has to go looking elsewhere. I lay it all out on the first page. One judge on one of my mine JFOs made a comment about having to sort threw misc pics. Don't see it, it was all on the first page, engine, truck, interior, exterior, undercarriage, mods with mod list. One stop shopping. Now I will be redesigning my pages to go into more depth on the judging areas but for now everything is on page one.
09-08-2006, 05:36 PM
I have all of the pics of the greeen one on page one also. Eleanor, the clubs and the Dd have thier own pages, so if someone is interested they can click and take a look. I just reorganized a bit into sections on the page, but kept it all there-I find I usually just look at people's first page anyway I guess I'm lazy not clicking onto other pages. If you look at page views though, you'll see that that's typical, because usually people's first page has the most views-so others aren't clicking into other pages either...
Hey! Snoopy judged someone else who started a face off AFTER me, but not me! What gives!
I'd really like to get going on more JFOs, but there's been a hold up of quite a few days now...
09-10-2006, 11:23 PM
I turned the JFO off a while ago when I lost to a car that even other GS members thought I should win. The judges were not judging my car fairly because I "bought" my car done. I guess jealousy overrules all.
I also have my website here set-up with all the pictures for all areas on page 1. To me this is the best. I hate going to page 2, 3, 4 on ANY site. It just takes too long and serves no purpose. The way I see it page one is for the car, I have extra photos on page 2 just in case people want to look. Other pages are for other things, like my pet, or my friends car, or things like that. I think I am in the minority here on that though.
09-11-2006, 04:37 AM
I agree that ALL car related pics should be posted on page 1 for the judges to see in one shot. Paging through a persons website to find out about a car is a burden to the judges. I have both websites set up with exterior, interior, engine, and undercarriage all on page 1.
You know, as my website grows with the many, many, MANY pictures of my car. I think that if you're going to set up your website, you should have each different section on a CLEARLY marked page. Such as:
1: Exterior
2: Interior
3: Engine/Undercarriage
4: Mods
and so forth. That way, the judges don't HAVE to go hunting for your pictures. If they're clearly laid out and THEN they complain, you can say that it was all properly labeled and right there in front of them.
09-11-2006, 12:26 PM
i have a differing opinion that means nothing to no one but me.
i personally dislike having all the pictures on one page. i have a problem with my attention span being really short. having to scroll down... and down... and down... and down... and down... i get tired of scrolling and would rather click to go to the specific area of interest. if i want to see mods, i click on the page labeled mods.
and while we are having a bitch session... OMG! what is with having 15 million pictures on the first page of your car in the same position/angle in different settings with no rhyme or reason for their presentation? it looks like a dumping ground for any and all pictures ever taken of your car. it's also the quickest way to make me leave your site. tip: take no more than 8-10 pictures of your car (choose the ones you think best represent your beauty) and post them on the front page... put the rest on another page as extra stuff to look at (pics of your club decals on your quarter window are not first page material).
all just my stoopid opinion... take it for what its worth. i'll shut up now.
09-11-2006, 01:15 PM
You go Wendy!
09-11-2006, 10:06 PM
I agree with Wendy, I have ADD and get overwhelmed with all the pics on one page.
09-11-2006, 10:54 PM
I to agree with YS and Wendy
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