View Full Version : Cobra R bumper Vs. Raccoon

08-04-2006, 11:37 PM
I was driving about 45mph on a small, country road, on my way to meet up with some friends. A small dark dog-like figure runs out right in front of the stang. I didn't have time to swerve, stop, I just hit it dead on. I heard a crunch/thump beneath the car. I thought that it was someone's dog so I turn around to park in a driveway to check out the damage and tell the people I hit their dog. I walk around to the front of the stang and there is a huge smashed to bits area and a large piece missing, I'm pissed. I walk down the road to pick up the pieces and find the animal. I pick up the big missing chunk and some smaller pieces. I look around for the animal and see a still breathing, almost lifeless raccoon. I started bashing the :censored: with the broken pieces of my bumper and kicking the crap out of the raccoon. I know it was mean but I don't care, It wasn't a dog/pet or anything. It died. I am left with a damaged bumper and I have to leave for college in two weeks. :cussing:


08-05-2006, 07:59 AM
you're an ass.

you can get your car fixed.

08-05-2006, 07:42 PM
Yeah your completely right, I am an ass. I should have left the Raccoon there to suffer with its broken bones and internal bleeding, probably would have suffocated on its own blood, wait a couple of hours and came back later. The Raccoon was dead either way. Your way is better.

08-05-2006, 07:47 PM
to kill it swiftly to put it out of its misery is one thing.

but you acted like a petulant, unruly child and took your anger out on it ruthlessly.

you had me until that part.

08-05-2006, 08:03 PM
It died pretty quickly, it didn't suffer near as much as it would have. Next time I will try to act more composed and adult-like and leave the animal to gurgle blood. But I did end its life so you can be pissed at me for that. I'm just not that much of a Rabid Raccoon lover. I'm not going to say anything else about it, you can call me an ass or whatever I did what I did and I don't feel remorse.

08-10-2006, 12:40 AM
who cares it was a raccoon, I coon hunt in the late fall-it's pretty fun.