View Full Version : Popularity Contests

06-29-2006, 10:34 AM
Ok, so first of all i would like to say that what is about to be addressed in this thread in no way reflects bitterness at the site or any other GS members. I just get tired of hearing people gripe about the original faceoffs and i wanted to put something out there. :ranting: THEY ARE BASICALLY POPULARITY CONTESTS PEOPLE!!! :smack: Now i know that there are some people including myself that go into the faceoffs and vote according to the actual merit of each car, and it also seems that there are people that just look at the avatar and vote for the car that looks coolest (which in some faceoffs is actualy what you are supposed to do i.e. best exterior). However, when i see the results of some of the faceoffs, there seems to be a pattern of members winning faceoffs that never should have even been close had all the mods and extra work been considered. Again I'm not complaining, i have turned my faceoffs off, and was actually pretty happy with the record that i racked up on there. If I was really concerned about getting a fair shake in a faceoff I would definitely recommend to people who feel that they are getting treated unfairly that they stay in the judged faceoffs, as the judges seem to be doin a great job keeping the playing field level (NICE WORK LADIES AND GENTELMEN :devil: ). Just wanted to throw that out there so that everyone knows what to expect when they dial up a faceoff. NOT HATIN ON ANYONE SO PLEASE NO HATE MAIL BACK, JUST MY .02 :beerchug: MACH ON! :guitarist

06-29-2006, 06:21 PM
I've haven't been here that long,but ,what I can see is just what you said, But, I myself look at each members site very close before I place a vote. I try to treat it as if it was a real car show and if I was the judge. :gso: :thumbup:

06-29-2006, 08:41 PM
I wish I got off my butt and voted on the face offs more often.....

06-29-2006, 08:51 PM
well I went away for awhile because I felt the same way as you do about the popularity contest.

i just challenged a stock sixer ( judged face off) with a website that needs serious work. not that mine is the greatest but I have more pics and stats and my exhaust clip on mine as well.

lets see who wins this time.

if I lose I might never return..
because I can't see what they see I guess?
not that Im a sore loser but gosh come on...

06-29-2006, 10:32 PM
well I went away for awhile because I felt the same way as you do about the popularity contest.

i just challenged a stock sixer ( judged face off) with a website that needs serious work. not that mine is the greatest but I have more pics and stats and my exhaust clip on mine as well.

lets see who wins this time.

if I lose I might never return..
because I can't see what they see I guess?
not that Im a sore loser but gosh come on...
The judged face offs should be a fair judging of the two stangs involved not a popularity contest. Good Luck. :thumpupn:

06-29-2006, 11:59 PM
if I lose I might never return..
because I can't see what they see I guess?
not that Im a sore loser but gosh come on...

Theres more to do on GS then just the face-offs. I would recommend turning off the faceoff option if you dont agree with what is going on.. instead of quiting the site all together... IMO

06-30-2006, 08:02 AM
Have to agree with you J. It's just like anything else where so many people are involved. Anything from class president to US president. People are going to help their friends out. Nothing anybody can do about it,on here or anywhere else. Just turn 'em off.

06-30-2006, 04:13 PM
Well I agree with you in a way,except I think members should vote on the stang! and not who owns it. Look at the members pictures real close and be honest and pick the stang that you truely fell is the winner! aslong as it's a equal match,and not a pick on someone just to collect points. Myself for one,I want to know what someone thinks of my car! So I'll have an idea of what to do to it next to make it better for future car shows. Plus to make friends that hopefully I'll get a chance to meet at any of the shows.

06-30-2006, 04:17 PM
yeah I need to work on

hunt pics..

maybe I should put on a thong bikini and take some pics all spread out on my stang..

bet I could win then huh?

ha ha ha :naughty:

06-30-2006, 04:46 PM
Baby girl! Now thats a good one! Well I can't do that! So I guess I'm just out of luck! Maybe I'll do alright in the JFO's.I'll be putting some new pictures up later this weekend,Doing a photoshoot in the morning.Babygirl I think you have a very nice stang! I wouldn't worry. :beerchug:

06-30-2006, 08:30 PM
ok, I'm just brainstorming....

would people still vote on face offs if you had to leave a quick comment on why you voted the way you did? The comment would still be annonomys, but would make people work a bit harder and more honest in the votes?

...suppose people are willing to do this, maybe J could up the points for voting?

or maybe its a dumb idea and subject to more flaws?

06-30-2006, 09:13 PM
I think that's a great idea! Might make the judgeing a little more fair.

07-01-2006, 08:37 PM
I was just thinking the same thing about face offs. Ive only been in 2, won one, lost one.
I lost the last one 22 to 7 against a pretty stock Stage III Roush. Nothing against the car at all, its a very nice Stage III that the guy actually takes to the track, but it looks almost 100% stock.
Do we actually have a choise about the original face offs? I just get messages saying Ive been challenged to one. It doesnt ask me to accept, just click here to view it.
Can I cut off Originals and still do judged if I wanted to? nm, just answered this question by checking my account. Guess Ill cut those off and only do judged.
Guess I need to make more friends on this site, then Ill cut it back on lol.
Anyone want to be my friend :silly:


07-01-2006, 08:56 PM
Giggiddy Giggiddy yuck yuck LMAO. Ill Be yer friend if ya want me too.

07-01-2006, 09:45 PM
ok, I'm just brainstorming....

would people still vote on face offs if you had to leave a quick comment on why you voted the way you did? The comment would still be annonomys, but would make people work a bit harder and more honest in the votes?

...suppose people are willing to do this, maybe J could up the points for voting?

or maybe its a dumb idea and subject to more flaws?
i think that sounds like a good idea :thumpupn:

07-02-2006, 12:35 AM
Damn good idea

s3 roush
07-02-2006, 09:06 PM
Sure I'll be your friend and then we can face-off..lol

07-04-2006, 01:46 PM
I'm pretty sure that no matter what you alter, it'll still be a popularity contest. Even if you had to leave a comment, it could be something as stupid as "His wheels were cleaner", or.. "he asked me to vote for him."

I'm for the "if you don't like it, don't do it." method. Crying about it won't win anything, IMHO.

07-04-2006, 08:59 PM
What about if you were required to look at both peoples site before you were allowed to vote on the face off, like itd be blocked or something. I dont know if J can do that but it may help the whole popularity contest thing a little bit.

07-05-2006, 07:32 AM
Nicole that is a great Idea.

07-05-2006, 12:56 PM
The bottom line i say if you dont like what is going on dont play it, no matter what you do there will still be the ones that will, so if you get hot over it take it from me dont play it you will be better off.

07-05-2006, 12:57 PM
What about if you were required to look at both peoples site before you were allowed to vote on the face off, like itd be blocked or something. I dont know if J can do that but it may help the whole popularity contest thing a little bit.

Actually,That is what I do before I vote,just to get a better look at what the persons stang looks like! I look at each one very carefully before I vote.Sometimes I might look more than once. :beerchug:

07-05-2006, 02:51 PM
The bottom line i say if you dont like what is going on dont play it, no matter what you do there will still be the ones that will, so if you get hot over it take it from me dont play it you will be better off.
I have to agree with Q. Even if you did make it where you had to look at both,people would just click exit, click exit, then vote.Even with a comment they probably would just type in a bunch of letters and crap.

07-05-2006, 03:30 PM
Yea! I guess your right! Some people will vote on their friend no mather what. Some of the face -offs is getting redicculas, How do you justify going after someone with little or no pictures? Myself I have too much pride and respect for the other members to do that.

s3 roush
07-05-2006, 08:28 PM
I am new to the site,but I look at cars in my classification or cars I think are equal.Then I look at their sites and pics and determine if i want to face-off.I would rather go against something close or better than what i have and deal with the outcome..I have voted against friends in some cases due to the other car is so much nicer or their website is loaded with all kinds of pics..Some of your ideas of making this process better sound great but will it really work.There is always a way around the rules...

07-05-2006, 11:04 PM
yes...there's always a way around it
that's what J said too :(

07-06-2006, 11:27 AM
yeah I need to work on

hunt pics..

maybe I should put on a thong bikini and take some pics all spread out on my stang..

bet I could win then huh?

ha ha ha :naughty:

I won't vote for your car in a face-off because your spread eagle on your car. I might hang out at your site for a few hours enjoying the veiw, but...

I always look at the how the cars are presented on the website. I don't car who has the most pictures, but the most quality pictures the show off the car. Doesn't matter what you tell me your car has it unless you have pictures to prove it. I will vote for a stocker over a heavily modified car in a face off if the website presents the car the best of the two. Even if the modified car is actually a much nicer car. The reason is that person didn't do enough to show their car off the best. Regardless of what people think or feel a gotstang.com face-off is an ON-LINE car show. You show off your car with excellent quality images presented in a pleasing manner (website design- see Nicole3x3 or DeJay Saleen's sites for what I am talking about) which shows ALL areas of the car - exterior, interior, and engine are the most important. There is also the stereo feature and the undercarriage of the car, brakes, etc.

If the cars are dead even still - I'll cast my vote the person who actually participates the most on the website. THAT, is my tie-breaker. There are currently a couple of thousand of members on this site but only maybe 100 hundred of them are regular contributors and of those 100 - 50 are here three or four times a week.

07-06-2006, 11:30 AM
ok, I'm just brainstorming....

would people still vote on face offs if you had to leave a quick comment on why you voted the way you did? The comment would still be annonomys, but would make people work a bit harder and more honest in the votes?

...suppose people are willing to do this, maybe J could up the points for voting?

or maybe its a dumb idea and subject to more flaws?

Sounds good. I enjoy leaving comments. How are people going to know what areas might need improving on their site to make them do better on the voting. Just ask the folks who have written me some real carrying commentary over the hunt comments. Whew!

07-06-2006, 11:41 AM
I am new to the site,but I look at cars in my classification or cars I think are equal.Then I look at their sites and pics and determine if i want to face-off.I would rather go against something close or better than what i have and deal with the outcome..I have voted against friends in some cases due to the other car is so much nicer or their website is loaded with all kinds of pics..Some of your ideas of making this process better sound great but will it really work.There is always a way around the rules...

If the people doing the classifications were dumb enough to put someone in any catagory without enough pix to justify it that's to bad. You have the right to challenge anyone that is in your classification regardless of how shitty their website is. Some people have been giving DeJay's Saleen shit about some of the challenges against people he's classified with. That is crap. The classifications need to be done better.

If voting for your friends in a face-off is really that bad, how come no one gets on the idiot who's posting in the face-off forum asking for people to vote for them because they are up against a better car? I get messages sent to me with requests to vote for them in a face-off. The problem is no one cares if enough of their friends are voting for them when they win. But when they lose it's a different story about how other peoples friends are voting for them and my car is so much better. This is a place to hang out and have a great time, talk mustangs, shoot the shit with some buds and participate is some friendly competition. Nothing to take serious when you don't win or your hunt pictures are voted fake. :w00t:

07-06-2006, 08:32 PM
maybe J can allow annoymous comments as an option
it WON'T solve the popularity contests, but maybe some feedback will help the face off partipants understand the results...maybe?

at a miniumum the feedback would be nice to have from fellow gs'rs not a formal judge in the judged face offs.

...and crimson, on the judged face offs; the ultimate responsibility lays with the member, most of which are ASKING to be classified to allow them to participate in the judged face offs, so if their site is lacking enough to make the judges happy, they need to
A.) get more on their site -or
B.) request manually (for now) to be de-classified until they have enough pics
but this is for discussion on the other thread...

07-10-2006, 11:37 PM
Speaking of popularity..


I wish he had done it to my new Stang.. :(