View Full Version : Need info on Turbo's for a 2002 GT

05-23-2006, 01:41 PM
Anybody that can offer me any info on turboing a 2002 GT let me know. I'm considering purchasing a Holset H2D turbo from a friend that was going to use in on a 1996 GT but he's not the brightest crayon in the box. It's for my girlfriends (hottmustang) car and she already has a P-51 intake so it should work I'm just wanting to find out more about it. Thanks in advance for any info.

05-23-2006, 04:13 PM
You getting a full kit or just the turbo from him?

05-23-2006, 04:57 PM
Just the Turbo with the blow off valve. I'm not really all that familiar with turboing cars. This is going on my girfriends car so I don't want it to be maxed out on HP but would like to make it to where the psi is adjustable for when I take her car to the track.

05-23-2006, 06:04 PM
You will either have to find a company that makes a kit and uses that turbo, OR make the kit from scratch yourself. The first option is waaaaay easier and also waaaay more expensive. The turbo wont do you any good without all the plumbing for it. Take a look at www.turbochargedpower.com They use holset turbos, and probably will be able to sell you everything you will need for an install. Beware! That stuff is not cheap!

05-24-2006, 08:51 AM
Well we are planning on custom fabricating the stuff. I'm just wondering if it's worth the hassle and how much stuff we are going to have to change out on her car.

05-24-2006, 04:24 PM
You can use the stock engine with about 9 psi (correct me if im wrong guys, but I think 9 is safe for stock). Fabbing a kit is a pretty indepth ordeal, and the car will probably be down for quite awhile while you get everything measured up. Buying the stuff will be faster, but making the kit will be much cheaper. Its up to you what you think will be best for you. Good luck with the project, and make sure you take pics of the whole ordeal. Im sure we all wanna see what you come up with!

05-25-2006, 08:43 AM
The whole idea is to keep it cheap. I'm getting the turbo and blow off valve pretty cheap so.... There is a local guy that has already drawn up the plans for the plumbing for the turbo on another sn-95 so hopefully I can get those plans. Hopefully everything will work out and this thing will be an absolute beast.