View Full Version : Hey My Cobra

12-19-2004, 11:51 AM
Was wondering how much it cost you total to paint the Cobra.

I have done a great deal of research on the Chromalusion paints by DuPont (Far best of the shifters)

12-19-2004, 11:52 AM
Im guessing 10 Gs

12-19-2004, 11:58 AM
Lets see

Paint is around 400 a pint. 3 Pints for the car

Undercoat for the paint runs about 25 a pint

Then Clearcoat, speacially applied

My guess if all parts were removed 4293.97 including tax


My Cobra
12-19-2004, 12:36 PM
that is a close guess but mine was 7 even. labor is what kills ya. i had them take every piece off and paint each peace. took them about 3 weeks. i am very happy with it but you can forget touch up paint. ha ha ha. But i got 3 layers of clear on top.

12-19-2004, 12:37 PM
I would have teken it apart myself for the most part

My Cobra
12-19-2004, 12:40 PM
I probley got ripped but i went with a place that had a real good painter. Also if i want to i can go back and get flames underneeth and it will not set me back that much. I guess you are paying a lot of the paint but the way i see it is i paid a about 2 crand for supplies about 3 grand on labor and about 2 grand on custom work. A lot of shops will stop and only paint the outside pannels not the trunk not under the hood not behind the engine things like that.

My Cobra
12-19-2004, 12:40 PM
yep. they droped the engine and the tranny everything was off of it.

My Cobra
12-19-2004, 12:41 PM
don't even think about taking each piece of and getting it done as you have the money to pay for it. you will end up getting screwed in the long run i have seen people do that. lol

12-19-2004, 12:43 PM
I am just saying that I would have removed everything I could then carted it to the shop. Was looking at doing the same thing. I have a friend who paints, have access to the bases painting booth and storage.

We were going to do it ourselves, with a total cost of 4200.00 Hence my guess.

Great looking car too.

My Cobra
12-19-2004, 12:46 PM
dang i woudl jump all over it. if he paints he might be able to get ya a deal on the paint also?

12-19-2004, 01:19 PM
why cart panels and stuff to the place? that means carting painted parts back. it doesnt take long to strip a car of its panels...so you arent saving yourself much. the most labor is in stripping the old paint and all the sanding involved. leave it to the body shop to take care of everything. that way if anything goes wrong its them to blame rather than trying to blame you on something. as far as paint...i spent 6k on my car.

oh, and color shift paint is a dead fad...go with some house of kolors candy color

My Cobra
12-19-2004, 02:12 PM
house of kolors = wal-mart paint.

12-19-2004, 03:23 PM
wow...with that 7g's u could have slapped on a nice SC set up and be pushen 450+

My Cobra
12-19-2004, 03:35 PM
yea could have but i got the car for 11 grand the guy sold it to me while it was in the shop being painted. needed money to put down on a house told him i woudl give him 11 grand for it he said alright an di picked it up when it was done being painted :)

12-19-2004, 03:40 PM
I have like 500 bucks in paint on my car. Basecoat with clear.

My Cobra
12-19-2004, 03:42 PM
I did not spend the money painting my car lol the guy paid 7 grand to have it painted then while it was in the shop he needed 11 grand to put down on his new house. So i told him i woudl give him 11 grand if he handed me thekeys and title he said alright. lol

12-19-2004, 04:06 PM
house of kolors = wal-mart paint.
what are you retarded? learn more about paint before you decide to call HOK wal-mart paint. HOK is almost as much as your played out flip flop paint

My Cobra
12-19-2004, 04:18 PM
They sell house of Kolors at wal-mart it is in the automotive section they have Kameleion or some crap like that.

12-19-2004, 04:26 PM

12-19-2004, 05:34 PM
what are you retarded? learn more about paint before you decide to call HOK wal-mart paint. HOK is almost as much as your played out flip flop paint
i like dupont

My Cobra
12-19-2004, 06:27 PM
you are tellin me i do not know my paint? thats like bart telling homer what kinda beer is the best. no personal slams please lets keep this nice. If you do not have somethign decent to say or can make it at least sound nice then why bother? We are here to have a good time not make wise cracks at everybody

12-19-2004, 06:51 PM
you are tellin me i do not know my paint? thats like bart telling homer what kinda beer is the best. no personal slams please lets keep this nice. If you do not have somethign decent to say or can make it at least sound nice then why bother? We are here to have a good time not make wise cracks at everybody
it is because house of color is good paint and you call it crap, not as good as ppg or dupont but its good

My Cobra
12-19-2004, 07:18 PM
I did not say it was a bad paint i just said that you can get it at walmart in a spray can i did not say it was bad i just would not use the stuff on my car if it comes in a spray can at wal-mart

12-19-2004, 07:32 PM
I did not say it was a bad paint i just said that you can get it at walmart in a spray can i did not say it was bad i just would not use the stuff on my car if it comes in a spray can at wal-mart
punctuation is your friend

12-19-2004, 07:33 PM
Jesus Christ is this the Bama Mafia Website? All I asked for was cost>

12-19-2004, 07:46 PM
Jesus Christ is this the Bama Mafia Website? All I asked for was cost>
i gave you an estimate...go to a body shop and ask for one. if you want it done right its going to be 5k or more. tell them you are paying cash and they'll give you a little break, maybe on tax or something

12-19-2004, 07:54 PM
yea could have but i got the car for 11 grand the guy sold it to me while it was in the shop being painted. needed money to put down on a house told him i woudl give him 11 grand for it he said alright an di picked it up when it was done being painted :)
you've contradicted yourself in this thread, by claiming you had the body man do this, and do that...but it turns out you bought the car after it was painted, or so you claim when bruntzy slammed you for paying 7k for paint.

just something to consider...get your story straight before you post. i'm one that likes to point out BS, so dont take it personally. and another thing, house of kolors is what is used on basically every show car out there, because their colors are true and eye popping. PPG and Dupont are factory spec'd paint, where tints are used to get the desired color. house of kolors is targetted more towards custom paints and are more of a "true" color out of the bucket. it is so far from a junk paint as you've pointed out. so what if house of kolors is sold at wal-mart...i guess they saw a demand for their paint in a rattle can and stocked up the castle of ricer mobiles. nothing wrong with that. i've seen dupont and ppg paints in rattle cans as well...whats your point?

again, this is not a personal attack, just presenting the facts as i normally would do.

12-19-2004, 08:01 PM
the rattle cans they sell at walmart cant be compared with what you mix up and spray witha gun. hok tends to be more of a true color like you said but ppg and dupont tend to last longer imo

12-19-2004, 08:08 PM
the rattle cans they sell at walmart cant be compared with what you mix up and spray witha gun. hok tends to be more of a true color like you said but ppg and dupont tend to last longer imo
every paint lasts as long as the clearcoat is still adhered to the paint. clearcoat is what protects the paint from fading, etc. as far as rattle cans inferiority compared to spray guns, thats an obvious and doesnt have to be pointed out :thumpupn:

Joe Friday
12-20-2004, 02:11 AM
PM's are your friend :D

My Cobra
12-20-2004, 09:13 AM
I did have it painted. I was there everyday while it was being painted. I just did not pay for it the guy that sold the car did.