04-28-2006, 02:18 PM
Might be a repost but oh well....
And indian and cowboy cross paths out on the plains and as they approach each other on their horses the cowboy notices the indian has a Sheep and a Dog next to him.
The cowboy says, "Hey is this your dog?"
The indian nods his head.
The cowboys says, "Mind if I talk to him?"
The indian replies, "Dog no talk"
So the cowboy says, "Hey dog, hows it going?" and the dog says, "Ahh not too bad? (THE INDIAN IS SHOCKED!!) The cowboy says, how does your owner treat you? and the dog says, "He treats me good, he takes me down to the river to play in the water, we play fetch and he pets me a lot"
The cowboy says to the indian, "This your horse"
The indian Nods his head
The cowboy says, "Mind if I talk to him?"
The Indian says, "Horse no talk"
So the cowboy says, "Hey horse, hows it going?" and the horse replies "Pretty good and you?" (INDIAN SHOCKED AGAIN!!!) The cowboy says, "So how does your owner treat you?" and the horse says, "Oh he treats me good, he brushes me down, takes me to the river to drink and puts me in a stable at night out of the cold"
The cowboy says to the indian, "This your sheep?"
And the indian replies........
"Sheep liar"
Might be a repost but oh well....
And indian and cowboy cross paths out on the plains and as they approach each other on their horses the cowboy notices the indian has a Sheep and a Dog next to him.
The cowboy says, "Hey is this your dog?"
The indian nods his head.
The cowboys says, "Mind if I talk to him?"
The indian replies, "Dog no talk"
So the cowboy says, "Hey dog, hows it going?" and the dog says, "Ahh not too bad? (THE INDIAN IS SHOCKED!!) The cowboy says, how does your owner treat you? and the dog says, "He treats me good, he takes me down to the river to play in the water, we play fetch and he pets me a lot"
The cowboy says to the indian, "This your horse"
The indian Nods his head
The cowboy says, "Mind if I talk to him?"
The Indian says, "Horse no talk"
So the cowboy says, "Hey horse, hows it going?" and the horse replies "Pretty good and you?" (INDIAN SHOCKED AGAIN!!!) The cowboy says, "So how does your owner treat you?" and the horse says, "Oh he treats me good, he brushes me down, takes me to the river to drink and puts me in a stable at night out of the cold"
The cowboy says to the indian, "This your sheep?"
And the indian replies........
"Sheep liar"