View Full Version : america is out of gas!
04-23-2006, 08:58 PM
think about it. if saddam remained in power sitting on the worlds largest oil reserve, he would have a choke hold on our economy.
oil companys are jacking us for no apearent reason....
they all know somthing we dont.
paranoid or insightful???? :wow:
Black Stallion
04-23-2006, 09:20 PM
I read an article in some science magazine at school a few weeks back. (I have senioritis and don't pay attention in Physics so I read magazines :thumbup:) Anyway it had a statement from a major oil company's rep (of course they won't say name they are paranoid). He said there is no shortage of gas nor is there any signs of a shortage, they are raising prices now before there actually is a shortage of gas so they can keep their profits up. Sucks doesn't it?
I filled up my tank on Saturday, it was like 42.00$
04-23-2006, 09:27 PM
I read an article in some science magazine at school a few weeks back. (I have senioritis and don't pay attention in Physics so I read magazines :thumbup:) Anyway it had a statement from a major oil company's rep (of course they won't say name they are paranoid). He said there is no shortage of gas nor is there any signs of a shortage, they are raising prices now before there actually is a shortage of gas so they can keep their profits up. Sucks doesn't it?
yeah... exactly my point! they are getting ready for the shortages thet they dont see comming.....
04-23-2006, 09:28 PM
I filled up my tank on Saturday, it was like 42.00$
how did that tune efect your milage?
04-23-2006, 09:47 PM
uhm, crazy dictator in iran ring a bell?
I will let you know. I know for sure im not shooting black smoke out the tile pipes anymore haaaaaaaa.
04-23-2006, 09:59 PM
yeah this whole gas thing is crazy....i think if we go to war with iran there will be shortages...
Blow-By Racing
04-23-2006, 10:00 PM
saddam owns a fraction of the worlds oil.
I beat there is something you don't know.
The Bush family has been one of the weathiest, most successful oil tycoons throughout the past 2 centuries. George Bush and his family are the reasons our gas prices are so high. He is tearing this world apart. He is trying to turn this country into a dictatorship! He must be stopped!
04-23-2006, 10:10 PM
saddam owns a fraction of the worlds oil.
I beat there is something you don't know.
The Bush family has been one of the weathiest, most successful oil tycoons throughout the past 2 centuries. George Bush and his family are the reasons our gas prices are so high. He is tearing this world apart. He is trying to turn this country into a dictatorship! He must be stopped!
i was strechin on the size of the oil over there. bush is already a dictator! and we should sick that guy in your avatar on him!!!
04-23-2006, 11:32 PM
Bush's Granddad sold crap to Hitler :nailbite:
04-23-2006, 11:44 PM
i would say how did he get elected but oh yeah. he cheeted his way into office!
04-24-2006, 12:18 PM
I'd hate 2 say it, but it's just good business on their part. Supply and demand, we can't live without the stuff and they have it all sitting under their noses. Also let's not forget our oh so honest oil companies in America are marking it up to make a profit.>owned<
I'm just glad I got a job and it's just a nuissance to pay.
04-24-2006, 12:27 PM
I'd hate 2 say it, but it's just good business on their part. Supply and demand, we can't live without the stuff and they have it all sitting under their noses. Also let's not forget our oh so honest oil companies in America are marking it up to make a profit.>owned<
I'm just glad I got a job and it's just a nuissance to pay.
you call that ownage? week! well see whos owned when your selling your stang to get on the bus :lol:
04-24-2006, 12:28 PM
oh yeah. since when is ripping ppl off to line your pockets just good business?
04-24-2006, 02:48 PM
Exon is expecting like 140 Billion in just profits alone this year....thats nuts
04-24-2006, 04:51 PM
Blame America. We are the ones who topped off our own oil wells in an attempt to hoard our own oil and use up the oil from other countries. There are tons of the shit in storage just like when we had the "SUPPOSED" oil shortage of the 70's. Our surplus of the crude is staggering. Money, money and more money. That's all it's about. Greed is an amazing thing.
We run IRAQ and we are still paying these bozos for their oil. We should be getting as much as oil as we want/need for nothing.
04-24-2006, 05:01 PM
oh yeah. since when is ripping ppl off to line your pockets just good business?Wo, wo, Sic, stay cool, use that anger for the oil companies. Getting pissed at me will just give u an ulcer, it's not gonna change anything.:silly: Ripping off people is the American way if u hadn't noticed, look at the prices on Cigs, beer, clothes, oh yeah shoes, those $200 pair of Jordans u got in your closet, only cost $40 to make.
I'm just pointing out supply and demand, Bush's constituents are big business......they're making a they're happy, the rest of us have to deal with it, like driving my other car during the week, and pulling my baby girl out on the weekends. This time will pass, it's just the Summer driving season, so they rose the prices, that's all.
Oh, I c it now, the ownage was toward all of us being dependent on oil, not me saying I outdid u or anything, my bad on that man.
04-24-2006, 05:24 PM
well tell them also to quit saling every thing to japan ... They are growing and now every household over there has 2 cars so there going to need the fuel is what the news is saying ... I say thats not our fault they are growing we shouldnt have to pay for them ..... Maybe some one should suggest birth control :-?
04-24-2006, 05:39 PM
At least most of you can get gas, this past few days only a few stations got gas. Last week most of them ran out, then only had regular. The blame is on some local vaopizer for gas broke and won't be fixed until the end of the month.
04-24-2006, 05:53 PM
I did hear some areas are totally with out for now ... I just wonder if more of us are going to be with out ??????? Some of us wouldnt be able to make it .... Cause i know some areas there isnt even public transportation to go to work and back ... That would suck
Ill just work from home. :)
04-24-2006, 06:36 PM
Wo, wo, Sic, stay cool, use that anger for the oil companies. Getting pissed at me will just give u an ulcer, it's not gonna change anything.:silly: Ripping off people is the American way if u hadn't noticed, look at the prices on Cigs, beer, clothes, oh yeah shoes, those $200 pair of Jordans u got in your closet, only got $40 to make.
I'm just pointing out supply and demand, Bush's constituents are big business......they're making a they're happy, the rest of us have to deal with it, like driving my other car during the week, and pulling my baby girl out on the weekends. This time will pass, it's just the Summer driving season, so they rose the prices, that's all.
Oh, I c it now, the ownage was toward all of us being dependent on oil, not me saying I outdid u or anything, my bad on that man.
hehehe im such a dork sometimes... :rofl:
but seriously i think there is an end to fuel as we know it in the nere future.
04-24-2006, 06:41 PM
Ill just work from home. :)
yeah j i would be REALLY pissed if i actualy had to buy gas!!
04-24-2006, 09:15 PM
How are the oil company's raising the price of the oil they are buying to $75 a barrel?
04-24-2006, 09:25 PM
How are the oil company's raising the price of the oil they are buying to $75 a barrel?
that proves the oil producers are jackin us too... i dont know whats goin on around the contry but in cali gas has incresed 50% in 1 year. how dose that reflect the barrel price?
04-25-2006, 10:23 AM
I will agree with you that we are probably getting screwed from all over. But the oil companies have been screwing us for longer than just the last year. There was a time when Clinton was in office, and oil was $12 a barrell and we were paying about $1.10 a gallon of gas. Now the price of oil has gone up to $75.00 a barrell that is a 600% increase and the average price for a gallon of gas is $3.00. If the gallon was to follow the trend of the barrell we should be paying $6.60 a gallon. So if people want to blame it on presidents Clinton was screwing us too(in more ways than one). But, I do feel for you in Cali, you are paying unreasonable prices for gas.
04-25-2006, 10:41 AM
i heard bush say we will have to be "off of eastern oil in 10 to 20 years"
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