View Full Version : Sublime is wrecked....

04-09-2006, 04:29 PM
Ok.. so here it is.. Last night around 720 or so, i was trying to turn left at the light... there is some construction going on there, which means ALOT of extra gravel in the road. Well i caught some and as soon as i did, it lost control, i coudnt do anything to stop, even the people i hit couldnt believe it happend wheni was going that slow.. its crazy. If the city could actually clean the roads once and a while, i dont know.. still sucks. Now i have no car and i wont know what is going to happend till next week.

I am ok.. i was sore.. but i just dont know how to fix my car



04-09-2006, 05:05 PM
Oh shit dude..... you have insurance right?

04-09-2006, 05:31 PM
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-09-2006, 05:34 PM
yea i do.. but i hit 2 cars.. its the citys fault.. there is construction everywhere.. they NEVER clean up the road.. my friend lives there and says that alot of people get into wrecks there.. i dont know..

04-09-2006, 06:14 PM
OMG Mike, this is horrible. But I m so glad you are not hurt bad

04-09-2006, 06:22 PM
Man that really blows.

04-09-2006, 06:47 PM
OMG Mike I am so glad you are not hurt, you can fix the Stang..So be Thankful it wasn't worse!!!

04-09-2006, 07:12 PM
Glad you're alright dude. The car looks totalled. Take pictures of the area under construction and see a lawyer about filing a suit against the city. It's easier than people think and much easier to win than people think.

04-09-2006, 07:35 PM
Dang man that sucks. hope you get it all taken care of soon.

04-09-2006, 07:54 PM

The reason you crashed = no GS stickers.

Good thing you didnt have any performance mods!

Glad yer ok.

04-09-2006, 08:11 PM
I just lost my best recruiter. Im gonna cry, lol.

04-09-2006, 08:18 PM
I just lost my best recruiter. Im gonna cry, lol.
lol sorry j.. i am still recruiting.. i have someone i am trying to get.. lol.. start a fundraiser for me.. YEsssssssssss.. the "sublimegt2" .. it will be way more badass.. and perf mods.. come on.. do it..

04-09-2006, 08:35 PM
I dont think its totalled mike....after talking to you on aim I think the car can be salvaged and will be fixed...its roughly 50-60% damaged and the way you talked the engine got off without being damaged

damage is concentrated on the bumper, hood, fenders, air bags and most likely suspension on the car....

I would highly recommend retaining a lawyer as well, get statements from the other drivers involved and any accident history on the area as a direct effect on the construction....either the city or construction company was negligent in keeping the area clear of debris

Black Stallion
04-09-2006, 09:03 PM
That sucks dude, I know how you feel man, I got rear ended in January, took alot of insurance to get that car fixed. How it works out.

04-09-2006, 09:24 PM
ow .. sorry to see that. hope everything comes out ok for you.

04-09-2006, 09:32 PM
Oh Mike, I'm soooo sorry man. It's good your not hurt, u need anything give me a holla.

04-09-2006, 09:41 PM
sorry to hear that shit......it was a bad ass car..but as long a your ok..thats all that matters....sorry about that bro...

04-09-2006, 09:59 PM
Thanks everyone.. but i worry more about the car than me.. it was everything i put my money into.. all of it for nothing.. i hope i can still get it fixed.. but will it ever be the same? i dont know.. i wish i had stayed home last night.. damn

04-09-2006, 10:08 PM
Don't worry, you'll get her fixed. Be glad that no one was seriously hurt, and be glad you didn't get my hood!!! Seriously though, you'll be able to get her back to normal, she looks bad but if she just needs fenders, hood, headlights, bumper, suspension stuff, they shouldn't total her. If they do, I think you can buy her back from the insurance company. Not sure how that works, but it's something to find out.

04-09-2006, 10:09 PM
That really sucks!!!!!!Glad you are ok.I hope you can fix it.
Take Crimsonblack's advice.
Make the city pay.

04-09-2006, 11:02 PM
Arggg...sorry I didnt get to talk to you more last night. :( guess the pics say it all, that does really suck. :( How about that shaker hood now??

04-10-2006, 12:03 AM
Sure am sorry! Kyle is right, get a lawyer who can get statements from area folks on streets not being cleaned even after construction & previous accident victims there! Insurance Companies always want to "total" a vehicle rather than pay for full repair, eventhough what they offer can no way buy a replacement of the same year!! If you can get a fair settlement and keep the car, look to aftermarket fenders, hood, facia, etc. as it is a LOT cheaper than FOMOCO stuff & looks cool as well! That's what we did when Tribalstang slid & hit a curb & tree (passenger's side fender, hood, facia & two wheels)! Once we started with mods it was like taking drugs...we couldn't stop! LOL GOOD LUCK on getting a good settlement!

04-10-2006, 12:31 AM
If they total the car you should be able to work a deal to purchase the car for back super cheap. Then dump the money back into the repair of the car.

When they total it they go through this bullshit process of getting parts and labor at outrageous prices, where you could easily get it done cheaper for the parts and the labor. For some of the prices they come up with for stock replacement you can do performance parts on your own and still save cash.

Good Luck.

04-10-2006, 12:43 AM
At Prestige Mustang (web address below) you could probably purchase the complete front clip (from the firewall forward) at a decent price. They are located in Atlanta Georgia.


04-10-2006, 02:02 AM
Did you air bags deploy? if so you can almost be guarranteed a total...careful about buying it back tho...if they try to give you a salvage title don't do it...in Fl if you get a salvage it has to be repaired and state inspected...it also lowers the value of your car by about 50%...and you are right it will never be the same. If you do get a total loss take off as much of your mods that you can...ins is not going to include that in the settlement unless you have purchased additional ins for the mods...good luck and I am glad to hear you are ok!

04-10-2006, 08:44 AM
That sucks Mike! Glad to see your OK!

04-10-2006, 10:00 AM
it looks totaled to me michael :(

DEFINITELY take pictures of the scene...you can get the city to fix it.

that's what happened with my fender that i had to fix, but it was cheaper to not bother insurance or get a lawyer to after the city....

04-10-2006, 10:44 AM
F*ck. Man I've been there done that. But I did look on the bright side. Good things came out of it. I got my car fixed and that's how I got all my aftermarket stuff for my '04. I know how you feel though. Your stomach just starts turning when you think about it. Keep us updated on what's going on.

04-10-2006, 01:40 PM
Michael...your passenger called me...i didnt know your air bags deployed...it's gonna be close sweetie. You can always just get a better mustang! lol

04-10-2006, 03:25 PM
Michael...your passenger called me...i didnt know your air bags deployed...it's gonna be close sweetie. You can always just get a better mustang! lol
lol yea..he helped me put the accufab tb and plenum on 10 min b4 the wreck.. dammit.. but yea.. i hope either i can fix it or get another sublime.. i want a mineral grey still.. im going to make it the same.. i might be able to get a nice bumper and badass hood out of this IF its not totalled. thanks for eveyrthing tho.. im just freaked out still.. my car is gone.. i have nothing.. it suckssssssssss

04-10-2006, 05:12 PM
lol yea..he helped me put the accufab tb and plenum on 10 min b4 the wreck.. dammit.. but yea.. i hope either i can fix it or get another sublime.. i want a mineral grey still.. im going to make it the same.. i might be able to get a nice bumper and badass hood out of this IF its not totalled. thanks for eveyrthing tho.. im just freaked out still.. my car is gone.. i have nothing.. it suckssssssssss

between the air bags and the way it looks like the frame may have bent/shifted (looking at the way the driver side bent in, and the passenger went up and outward)...it's quite possible it's gonna get totaled....sucks to think about... depending on how much you wanna spend for it... you could do like Amy did, and buy it back from the insurance company and fix it yourself... let us know, and we can keep our eyes peeled for mineral grey stangs for sale!

04-10-2006, 10:04 PM

04-10-2006, 10:16 PM

04-10-2006, 10:19 PM
OMG that makes me sick looking at your poor Stang!!

04-10-2006, 10:35 PM
Oh damn....

04-10-2006, 10:37 PM
Michael...your passenger called me...i didnt know your air bags deployed...it's gonna be close sweetie. You can always just get a better mustang! lol
yea, Michael, what she said. you can always get a black mustang.

04-10-2006, 10:46 PM
Sorry to that beautiful stang ruined. Looks like it will be totalled. Try to save as many parts as you can from it. That's what my friend did when he got into a wreck. Hope everything works out for you. Definitely upgrade to a better stang, hopefully in black. LOL.

04-11-2006, 01:07 AM
yeah, that's gotta be totalled, I bet the frame is bent, that with the airbags going off should pretty much do ya in.

Good luck if ya try going after the city.. a judge sees a man under 30 and a mustang and he's going to probably assume you were showboating.

04-11-2006, 02:18 AM
yeah, that's gotta be totalled, I bet the frame is bent, that with the airbags going off should pretty much do ya in.

Good luck if ya try going after the city.. a judge sees a man under 30 and a mustang and he's going to probably assume you were showboating.
very true man.. dammit ur right.. :censored: :censored: :censored: this is :gay: , i dont want to lose my sublime.. god .. :nailbite:

:fu: rocks in the road..

:fu: gravel

:fu: construction areas who dont cleanup their Shat :nutkick:

04-11-2006, 04:54 AM
Holy shit bro, I'm sorry to see your car in that form. I'm glad to hear your alright and be thankfull your hear with us to be able to rebuild again. If push comes to shove when they try to total it be very aware of what they are totaling and take off what isn't included in there appraisel of the car. I personaly would want to find another car and put all my stuff on the new one just to avoid the slavage title crap issues. If you didn't have the car appraised with all the add-ons included they may just baulk at giving you the real value of the car and in that case,start stripping her down and show them just what a totaled book value car trully looks like!

Good luck,Joey.

04-11-2006, 09:18 AM
Holy shit bro, I'm sorry to see your car in that form. I'm glad to hear your alright and be thankfull your hear with us to be able to rebuild again. If push comes to shove when they try to total it be very aware of what they are totaling and take off what isn't included in there appraisel of the car. I personaly would want to find another car and put all my stuff on the new one just to avoid the slavage title crap issues. If you didn't have the car appraised with all the add-ons included they may just baulk at giving you the real value of the car and in that case,start stripping her down and show them just what a totaled book value car trully looks like!

Good luck,Joey.

what he sed....it's totaled. I do this stuff all day.....it's automatic when the bags blow..lots of safety issues to replace them not to mention that they cost about 1k each...start getting your mods off asap....ins will not pay for them.

Stang Girl
04-11-2006, 02:45 PM
I am so sorry. It hurts all Mustang owners to see one of thier own like that. Let us know if we can do anything.

04-11-2006, 02:53 PM
manm.... that fucken sucks bro........ sad to see pictures of you stang injuried. anyhow hey if it's totalled, "hello" to the 4valve V8s:D I know how you feel...... spending all those money on the stang and in a flash, it's all gone. anyhow best of luck bro..... keep us posted

04-11-2006, 04:01 PM
well how do i get my new springs and struts off.. what about my new x pipe and mufflers, tailpipes.. wtf? how can i get all that off?

04-11-2006, 04:07 PM
Sawzall is your friend.

Just grab a box of tools and head out to where Sublime is resting and start dissassembling her.

Heck, let me know where it is and ill go out there and help, im not doing anything too important tomorrow afternoon.

04-11-2006, 04:23 PM
lol ok... i will let ya know

04-11-2006, 04:43 PM
Shit if I weren't going to Oklahoma this weekend I'd drive down there and help you disassemble her. Hell I just did almost all that to my car.

04-11-2006, 04:51 PM
I hate to say it Sublime, but after those pictures....I dont think there is going to be any salvaging on that car from the insurance company, they will want to total it and it might be the best thing, there are some serious stress issues with the body of that car and putting it back on the road could result in a safety issue...

I would try and get everything off that you can and look into either a used car or a new one...I myself dont like the new body style, I would be looking for a Cobra most likely if you can get insurance on one after the accident...

Hate to see it like that bro

04-11-2006, 06:12 PM
damn, that sucks man. I bet they will total it. I would get the deep dishes off and put the stock bullits back on. Get every thing you can, and then next thought Mach 1 or 03-04 cobra. Sorry to hear what happened. She was a beautiful car.

04-12-2006, 02:08 AM
yea.. i dont know how to get exhaust rims. springs, struts.. and all.. were newwwwwww, and my brand new throttle body too.. dammitttttttt

04-12-2006, 09:28 AM
yea.. i dont know how to get exhaust rims. springs, struts.. and all.. were newwwwwww, and my brand new throttle body too.. dammitttttttt

Just go get as much as you can....get those wheels if nothing else. Has the ins co looked at it yet? The only thing that will be set in stone when they total it is the way it will be sold. Salavage title or certificate of destruction...the CD means it can only be used for parts. Are you worried about getting in trouble for taking stuff off? When they come back to you with an offer tell them you want your mods...they may move it to a salvage yard after they are done with the appraisal so you need to hurry because a salvage yard will not let you near it and the ins co will not tell you b4 they move it......just take some tools and a jack and get as much as you can.....

04-12-2006, 09:36 AM
well everyone its gone.. its totalled.. i just got the call.. i MIGHT be able to get rims.. but nothing else.. i cant belive this.. 5k just lost.. in mods.. goneeeeee.......

04-12-2006, 09:38 AM
yea.. i dont know how to get exhaust rims. springs, struts.. and all.. were newwwwwww, and my brand new throttle body too.. dammitttttttt
Yeah man, I'm off Friday, if u need help taking stuff off by then, pm me.

04-12-2006, 03:04 PM
Hey, the last time a friend had his car totalled, he was able to buy it back (as salvage) from the insurance company, have you asked about that?
It would be a good way to get your parts back, and who knows, maybe you could find a six cylinder, or a theft recovery car to pt them all on.
Really sad to hear they called it a total!

04-12-2006, 05:48 PM
that sucks big time man...hopefully you can get all your stuff off. Get your heads off too if you can they are worth a lot of money.

04-12-2006, 06:24 PM
well everyone its gone.. its totalled.. i just got the call.. i MIGHT be able to get rims.. but nothing else.. i cant belive this.. 5k just lost.. in mods.. goneeeeee.......

As long as you have the factory parts to put back on you should be able get whatever you want off the car. I work for a bodyshope and have seen it done before.

04-12-2006, 06:36 PM
Yeah man, I'm off Friday, if u need help taking stuff off by then, pm me.
im off from school friday :devil:

sorry to hear about the totalled stang.

What are your plans now?

04-13-2006, 02:02 AM
im off from school friday :devil:

sorry to hear about the totalled stang.

What are your plans now?
NEW car/.. YESSSSSSSSS.... "sublimegt2" or possibly "sublimemach" who knows... :devil:

04-13-2006, 02:26 AM
hey....i told u, 4 valve V-8 comin....

04-13-2006, 06:20 AM
Sorry to hear they totalled Her Mike!!! Let me know if there is anything I can do.

04-13-2006, 07:28 AM
I'll cry for you.. :goodbye:

Scott 01Cobra
04-13-2006, 07:52 AM
Just saw this now ....

I'll reply later with more info. I went through this with my 96. I have a lot to fill you in on. Check back later!

04-13-2006, 07:53 AM
NEW car/.. YESSSSSSSSS.... "sublimegt2" or possibly "sublimemach" who knows... :devil:Black Right? cum on michael, tell me she's gunna be black.

04-13-2006, 09:39 AM
How bout a Roush

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ford-Mustang-ROUSH-2000-ROUSH-MUSTANG-GT-STAGE-1-LOWERED_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6236QQitemZ4629 308301QQrdZ1

04-13-2006, 04:40 PM
Ok.. so here it is.. Last night around 720 or so, i was trying to turn left at the light... there is some construction going on there, which means ALOT of extra gravel in the road. Well i caught some and as soon as i did, it lost control, i coudnt do anything to stop, even the people i hit couldnt believe it happend wheni was going that slow.. its crazy. If the city could actually clean the roads once and a while, i dont know.. still sucks. Now i have no car and i wont know what is going to happend till next week.

I am ok.. i was sore.. but i just dont know how to fix my car



Damn...I work my azz off for a few weeks and come back to this. Sorry to hear Sublimed...Hope it all got worked out.


04-13-2006, 10:27 PM
sorry about that dude time to find a diff stang

04-13-2006, 10:35 PM
I'll cry for you.. :goodbye:

and im trying to find another ride soon.. i need a car bad........ but i dont know

04-14-2006, 02:59 AM
that sucks bro, good luck in your hunt for a new car :(

04-14-2006, 06:08 AM
thanks.. there will be a happy ending to this post.. im trying

04-14-2006, 11:35 AM
There is a sonic blue 03 or 04 cobra up in here in Tulsa for $24,000

04-14-2006, 12:12 PM
There is a sonic blue 03 or 04 cobra up in here in Tulsa for $24,000
im only letting him buy black. :thumpupn:

04-14-2006, 10:52 PM
damn! i cant leave you kids alone for a week and look what happens! thats it! your grounded!!! cobra baby!! buy back and part it out!!!!

04-15-2006, 12:41 AM
too much to buy back.. 8,400 to buy back.. i didnt get much.. BUT.. i got a new car.. so guys and gals.. HERE is the happy ending to this thread everyone wanted.. i got a mustang again.. yesssssss.. i will unvail what the info on my ride saturday nigth after the car meets.. lol

04-15-2006, 12:51 AM
It better be out at Chick Filet tomorrow man..... lol.

Good to hear you got it all sorted out. Let the modding begin !.... again.

04-15-2006, 12:53 AM
Tell me what it is or i shall be forced to do something...lol

04-15-2006, 12:55 AM
Yeah, u better bring it 2 da show!

04-15-2006, 08:01 AM
thats awesome keep it up

04-15-2006, 02:17 PM
its a mustang.. thats the first hint

04-15-2006, 02:22 PM
Just tell me what color it is PLEASE

04-15-2006, 04:42 PM
wild guess... blue mach

04-15-2006, 07:22 PM
what did you get the suspense is killing us!?!

04-15-2006, 07:42 PM
well im sure we'll know tomorrow becuase the kemah show is tonight.

04-15-2006, 07:56 PM
Cmon Mike the suspense is killing us...I hope you got a Mach!!!

04-15-2006, 10:40 PM
Its a frickin sweet ride is what he got. Its a shame it has a roof or it'd be perfect.

04-16-2006, 12:57 AM
buy one of these!! http://www.wcfords.com/ubb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24649

04-16-2006, 01:02 AM
Its a frickin sweet ride is what he got. Its a shame it has a roof or it'd be perfect.
what is it? i wanted to come out tonight but i couldnt.

04-16-2006, 03:03 AM
its orange check the new post

04-16-2006, 09:58 PM
Congrats on the Mach dude. Awesome! Pictures dammit!