View Full Version : Why is it o.k. to Fly the Mexican Flag
03-31-2006, 09:22 AM
Why is it o.k. for a High School to fly the Mexican Flag with the American Flag upside down underneath it? Why isn't there uproar over this?
I find this way more offensive then the Rebal Flag of the Southern States could ever be. The rebal flag is part of our history, are we to erase history because it offends people.
But this is ridiculus. Anyone around this school in Texas should be all over this Piece of shit Principal for even thinking of allowing this to happen.
If it's so F'ng important for the Illegals to become American Citizens, then they should be praising our flag. This just shows that they shouldn't be allowed here.
Where are the Rallys for America, Does anyone even care that we are going to be taken over by any country because we are just leaving our borders wide open.
Mexico's President is going to the U.N. to have the U.S. stop the fence (OHHH big deal) from being raised. I bet the U.N. Denounces the U.S. border control faster then they denounce the Nuclear programs of Iran and Korea.
Patriots load your weapons!!!!!
03-31-2006, 11:01 AM
You read it wrong, He did not place the American Flag upside down. It was just placed underneath the Mexican Flag.
There are alot of people in the United States that are American Citizens due to the fact that our ancestors, great great grandparents,etc. were immigrants or illegals.
Don't take this wrong but are you racist? :ugh2:
03-31-2006, 11:22 AM
Hmmm I was reading the one in Houston, didn't know that happened in California also :ugh2:
03-31-2006, 12:25 PM
It is not OK! The US flag is to be on top of all other flags and higher than any other flags on different poles. Look up the US flag codes, I believe the Boy Scouts website has it their website. If the flag is being flown on US soil then it is to be the highest at all times, even if being flown half-staff. If I ever see another country's flag being flown higher than our own anywhere in the US I will be pissed, and make a stink over it. I'm all for the new round of our attempt to slow the inflow of illegal immigrants. And no, I'm not racist! I just see our country going down the drain thanks to illegals. If you wan to come here legally, work, and be productive, than GREAT!!!! But how many of them are not, they are burdens on our systems, like healthcare. How many of them end up in our jails and prisons. To be paid by who? You and me of course.
03-31-2006, 12:55 PM
You read it wrong, He did not place the American Flag upside down. It was just placed underneath the Mexican Flag.
There are alot of people in the United States that are American Citizens due to the fact that our ancestors, great great grandparents,etc. were immigrants or illegals.
Don't take this wrong but are you racist? :ugh2:
No Rage I'm American, and we are in America where the American flag is on top of any other flag flown. And if you don't like it "Get the F out" comes to mind.
And I did'nt read it wrong, go to the Message received link from my original post and you will see this picture below with an explanation.
This is not only underneath but UPSIDE DOWN. If as a black, white, japanese, whatever race AMERICAN this should fire you up. If it doesn't then maybe you ought to move too. I joined the military for this country to Fly the American Flag, not the Mexican flag.
03-31-2006, 01:26 PM
I was doing some reading on different webs and it says that all flags should be flown at the same height.
Then again the ones that did that were kids at least that is what I read. What kids don't make dum mistakes,kids are always making mistakes.
I can understand about the ones that come to the US and do wrong but then again they are not only illegals, there are Americans who are also killing,kidnapping,hurting our children etc.
My father served for this country in the Marines and he wasn't even a citizen yet but he did it because he loves this country and for his children.There are alot of Mexican's children that fight for this country also. Not all of them are bad they are trying to make a better living for there children,if they are given the chance to pay there Taxes,etc. they will do what they should legally and stop coming here illegally. I do get mad at the bad Mexicans that make them all look bad.
I have never been against any race only against the bad people that make all races look bad by doing things they shouldn't and making there race look bad.
Then again guys I am not trying to offend you in anyway just my opinion.
03-31-2006, 01:41 PM
Mexicans, Cubans, German, Chinese, Japenese, as long as they do it legally I don't care if they become citizens. I'm against those who are here illegally, right now, and who are fighting to become citizens of America but are chanting MEXICO clap... clap... clap, MEXICO clap... clap... clap, and raising their flag in place of ours. I don't care if they were teenagers or adults, as a young child I knew that the American Flag could not be burned, and could not touch the ground. Don't tell me this was a mistake. This was done intentionally, and all of the illegals should be forced out, and if they want to come back, DO IT LEGALLY.
03-31-2006, 01:45 PM
Oh and by the way here is the rule for flying the U.S. Flag with that of another Nation.
I quess Mexico is at War with the U.S.
When flags of two or more nations are displayed, they are to be flown from separate staffs of the same height. The flags should be of approximately equal size. International usage forbids the display of the flag of one nation above that of another nation in time of peace. The order of precedence for flags generally is National flags (US first, then others in alphabetical order in English), State (host state first, then others in the order of admission) and territories (Washington DC, Puerto Rico, etc.), Military (in order of establishment: Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard), then other.
03-31-2006, 01:46 PM
Yeap, thats what I read
03-31-2006, 06:19 PM
Only flag besides other countries that can fly at the same height as the American flag is the Texas flag.
Flying the "Federali" (been watching too much blue streak lol) flag higher than the US flag would piss me off. No they should not be allowed to do that to any extint.
I personally favor the fence idea, but I don't think its enough.
03-31-2006, 08:51 PM
they put our flag on backwards how there they
03-31-2006, 09:24 PM
Only flag besides other countries that can fly at the same height as the American flag is the Texas flag.
Flying the "Federali" (been watching too much blue streak lol) flag higher than the US flag would piss me off. No they should not be allowed to do that to any extint.
I personally favor the fence idea, but I don't think its enough.
The Texas thing is a myth, any State flag can fly at the same height. check out the rules and requlations of the u.s flag.
04-01-2006, 12:14 AM
I've never seen another states as high as the American. Not saying your wrong, but just speaking from experience.
04-01-2006, 09:43 AM
no sorry no other flags , no bilingual signs , you come here speak english.
04-01-2006, 10:42 AM
04-01-2006, 11:00 AM
let's see..wasn't the US founded by immigrants? Did they ask permission of the native americans to come over? No, they just ILLEGALLY came over hopes of freedom.....for a better place to live
04-01-2006, 11:07 AM
^ Yeah but we're allowed to cause we're just "soo much better than everyone else" / end sarcasm.
America has done alot of screwy/hypocritical things but no one seems to care, and they just let us get away with it. Is it right ?, of course not. But who is going to step in and try and boss around a nuclear nation with a trigger happy president ?.
04-01-2006, 06:22 PM
let's see..wasn't the US founded by immigrants? Did they ask permission of the native americans to come over? No, they just ILLEGALLY came over hopes of freedom.....for a better place to live
You tell me what other country right now that is allowing immigrants to just walk in and become citizens?
So your answer to this is to say Fuck It and allow anyone in the world to come here at any time and become Citizens of the U.S. and take money from our tax dollars?
If that is your answer then you must A. Not be American, and B. Ready to not call this a country anymore.
04-01-2006, 06:25 PM
^ Yeah but we're allowed to cause we're just "soo much better than everyone else" / end sarcasm.
America has done alot of screwy/hypocritical things but no one seems to care, and they just let us get away with it. Is it right ?, of course not. But who is going to step in and try and boss around a nuclear nation with a trigger happy president ?.
I'll just leave this comment alone.
When we become a country, we had to fight for it. I'm sure some of your ancestors may have even.
What the F is wrong with this country, are we supposed to just let everyone walk all over us?
04-01-2006, 06:58 PM
You tell me what other country right now that is allowing immigrants to just walk in and become citizens?
So your answer to this is to say Fuck It and allow anyone in the world to come here at any time and become Citizens of the U.S. and take money from our tax dollars?
If that is your answer then you must A. Not be American, and B. Ready to not call this a country anymore.
If they were given the opportunity to become Citizens of the U.S. and get paid correctly for there hard worked labor, they wouldn't be taking our tax dollars.
I am Mexican/American or Chicana. However you want to say it. :thumpupn:
04-01-2006, 07:28 PM
im with what you said earlier, "if you are an immigrant and you dont like america, then get out"
why wont you just let all of this crap go and stop making such a big deal about it. let the government worry about it. you arent an immigrant, so dont worry about it.
04-01-2006, 08:09 PM
I am not making a big deal of it. I am not even mad,haven't even said one bad word.
Just stating my opinion in a civilized manner. :thumpupn:
I wonder what would we be saying if we reversed everything and we were in poverty and trying to make a better life for our children. :hmmm:
04-01-2006, 08:41 PM
Hey Fierce..dont' even worry about it girl....not even worth the effort
04-02-2006, 07:45 AM
It might be time to drop this subject :thumpupn:
04-02-2006, 08:13 AM
yea lets talk about real stuff like "What are you listening to?" Now thats a good one. Or "J's nipples" even better
Why am I worried about it. A. Because I pay taxes, B. We are the government, C. If we don't shit like this will happen all the time. (like losing your right to smoke in public).
Fierce god forbid we actually help American's who are actually willing to do a little something for themselves. Dems like help those who like to rely on others to take care of thier problems.
And the reason they just shouldn't be allowed to become citizens is because they are here illegally. Think about all people who have come here legally in just say the past 20 years, and have put forth the effort to becoming citizens. I quess we just say screw them. And as far as laws go we'd be saying do anything illegal, we will reward you for it.
What a fucked up Bunch
04-02-2006, 08:26 AM
yea lets talk about real stuff like "What are you listening to?" Now thats a good one. Or "J's nipples" even better
Why am I worried about it. A. Because I pay taxes, B. We are the government, C. If we don't shit like this will happen all the time. (like losing your right to smoke in public).
Fierce god forbid we actually help American's who are actually willing to do a little something for themselves. Dems like help those who like to rely on others to take care of thier problems.
And the reason they just shouldn't be allowed to become citizens is because they are here illegally. Think about all people who have come here legally in just say the past 20 years, and have put forth the effort to becoming citizens. I quess we just say screw them. And as far as laws go we'd be saying do anything illegal, we will reward you for it.
What a fucked up Bunch
I am just saying for the sake of some members here this is a touchy subject and can get out of hand and even offend some if it has not already.
04-02-2006, 10:36 AM
Yeah Tweety your right :thumpupn:
04-02-2006, 11:21 AM
Punchin Out!!!!!
04-02-2006, 11:37 AM
It might be time to drop this subject :thumpupn:Listen to her
04-02-2006, 11:38 AM
Yeah Tweety your right :thumpupn::)
by the way whenever you said that you werent making a big deal of it, i didnt mean you :) i ment ramvert. lol.
04-02-2006, 05:55 PM
This is now closed. Gone on far to long :closed:
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