View Full Version : Peaceful Muslim Religion?

03-29-2006, 04:10 PM
A few weeks ago I was getting shit for calling out the "Muslim" religion as all being bad. I didn't actually quite mean it that way but some of you took it that way.

But now I have a question if the Muslim religion is all that great and peaceful and only the facists are bad, then tell me why they were going to kill a man for converting to christianity. That sounds peaceful. What a religion to defend.

03-29-2006, 04:18 PM
Where did you get this information. I would like to look into the situation to get a clear opinion of the matter.

03-29-2006, 06:30 PM
actually that is true and is in the Koran I believe....that a death of a Christian or "non believer" something to that extent is acceptable under their religious beliefs....now people interpret things differently and I know most people dont know every rule in the Bible nor do they follow all of them like is dictated.....

03-29-2006, 08:14 PM
Where did you get this information. I would like to look into the situation to get a clear opinion of the matter.

I'm talking in the literal since just last week they were going to kill a christian convert because he did no longer believe in the Muslim religion.


HAHAHA If you read the post it kinda says that all non-muslim must be mental

03-29-2006, 08:28 PM
There are always groups of any religion who will make that religion look bad... That doesnt mean the entire religion agrees with that group.

03-30-2006, 09:06 AM
I'm talking in the literal since just last week they were going to kill a christian convert because he did no longer believe in the Muslim religion.


HAHAHA If you read the post it kinda says that all non-muslim must be mental

I wish I could see your point, but you are looking at this completely one sided. Like J said every group has fanatics. Plus as we all know the media tend to put negative spins on things because that's what sells. And as for you claim of the article saying all muslims are crazy all I can say is wow that is a stretch.
Now I'm sure you will come back with something whitty and smart, but before you judge all muslims I encourage you to actually sit down and talk with one or maybe even crack open a Koran.

03-30-2006, 02:17 PM
Nope Nothing witty and smart.

Hello a group? It was a countrys government not a group. I totally understand that Not all muslims are bad, and again I have dealt with them and steal deal with them today.

So what are you saying that because there are some good muslims that it's a great peacful religion. That's like saying that not all Catholic Priests raped little boys so I'd leave my son with one, or that there are good groups of people in jail so they all shouldn't be in jail.

I know I pushing this a little but only for effect.

03-30-2006, 02:44 PM
Nope Nothing witty and smart.

Hello a group? It was a countrys government not a group. I totally understand that Not all muslims are bad, and again I have dealt with them and steal deal with them today.

So what are you saying that because there are some good muslims that it's a great peacful religion. That's like saying that not all Catholic Priests raped little boys so I'd leave my son with one, or that there are good groups of people in jail so they all shouldn't be in jail.

I know I pushing this a little but only for effect.

Dude read the article again. The clerics are the ones who condemned his release not the government.

03-30-2006, 03:17 PM
Dude read the article again. The clerics are the ones who condemned his release not the government.

To Qoute the INDY STAR [QOUTE=Indy Star] Rahman was put on trial last week for converting 16 years ago while he was a medical aid worker for an international Christian group helping Afghan refugees in Pakistan. He faced the death penalty under Afghanistan's Islamic laws.[/QUOTE]

I Mentioned nothing of condemning him, I mentioned facing the death penalty, which he did under Afganistan's Islamic Laws. That would would be the Government, Yes?

03-31-2006, 08:53 AM
No response? How did that happen?

03-31-2006, 09:10 AM
No response? How did that happen?
Sorry it took me so long to respond, but I have a little thing called a life. I will admit due to me misreading the article i do apologize for my government comment. Although this error of mine does change my look at this a little, still have to disagree with your constant attacks on the Muslim religion.

03-31-2006, 10:52 AM
Sorry it took me so long to respond, but I have a little thing called a life. I will admit due to me misreading the article i do apologize for my government comment. Although this error of mine does change my look at this a little, still have to disagree with your constant attacks on the Muslim religion.

Welcome to America where we can disagree and keep our heads on our shoulders.

You see it as attacking, I see it as calling it out. Like I said I'm not against the whole religion, I'm not even really against the religion, Believe in what you wish. But they struck us, (I know it wasn't the whole religion it was only a bad group within the religion). I see it this way.

There are two bee hives in my yard, they are both yellow jacket hives. One is in my front yard and every time I get out of my car a few of the bees come out and attack. The one in the back yard is off in the corner and leaves us alone. The hive in the front yard is unstable and they are yellow jackets, quess what, I'm getting rid of the hive and the bees, but I'm also going to get rid of the hive in the back yard just for the fact that they too are yellow jackets and they sting too, and if upset will attack.

A muslim extremist group attacked us on our soil, forgive me for being a bit skeptical of the muslim religion. I was a catholic, catholic priests did little boys and spoke the word of god and condemened people for lesser sins. Forgive me again for I have denounced my catholic faith and am skeptical of priests. Do I believe their is a God absolutely, do I beleive in any type of organized religion, Nope. But like I said I'm all for believing in what you want.

I know this analogy still won't help you see what I mean, but thats fine if you don't

03-31-2006, 06:28 PM
The Muslim religon defines a Jihad as a holy war. All the infidels killed are seen as their ticket into heaven. They are encouraged to kill Christians, Jews, anyone not a Muslim. They are encouraged to kill anyone who does not believe like they do. Now, I'm not saying all Muslims are extremists, but regardless of how many times they say that "Islam is a religon of peace", Fact of the matter is that its a religon of destruction, carnage, and murder.

I personally don't trust any Muslim farther than I could throw em, there are a couple of exceptions however. Until I know the person decently I keep that mindset. Is it closed minded ? Sure, is it judgemental ? of course. Is it in my best interests, I believe it is.

03-31-2006, 08:30 PM
i, myself, am a proud christian. but, why are you trying to say that the muslim people are bad? I wouldnt judge someone i dont know. People are People. A religion doesnt make someone good or bad. The person makes the person good or bad. I dont know if its just me, but this whole thread needs to just not be here. And this is coming from a 14 year old. sorry for the rant.

04-01-2006, 12:16 AM
I'm not saying that they are bad, im just saying that I don't trust them.

04-01-2006, 12:45 AM
why wouldnt you trust a muslim? i understand you saying you wouldnt trust a terrorist, but why not a muslim? what if a child was born into a muslim family, you wouldnt trust him because he was muslim?