View Full Version : Is anyone else sick of this Illegal Immigrant crap?
03-27-2006, 10:04 AM
WTF is wrong with us, why is Hillary trying to make it so that it's o.k. to be here illegally. And if your fight is we need them here because there doing work americans won't do, that's BS, thats costing you and me money too. It's been made easier for an illegal immigrant to get freebies than for a legimate family who just can't make ends meet. When will people realize this country is in serious trouble because of shit like this. Politicians are selling us out, it's getting to the point where you can't even be drunk in a bar anymore. What next? If Clinton gets her way citizenship means nothing, and what I and every military person fought for will all be for not. Why is that when America trys to do things other countries are doing are we bad?
03-27-2006, 11:05 AM
Put them on the boat they came on and ship them back. The other thing that happens is they get over here and want to act like they aren't being treated fairly....uh cause they're not wanted here.
03-27-2006, 01:06 PM
The whole thing about illegal immigrants are that they are ILLEGAL. If they come here the right way, jump through the right hoops or whatever, that's great. But I don't see what the big deal is... if they're illegal, they're illegal right??? What are laws for anyway?
03-27-2006, 03:39 PM
The whole thing about illegal immigrants are that they are ILLEGAL. If they come here the right way, jump through the right hoops or whatever, that's great. But I don't see what the big deal is... if they're illegal, they're illegal right??? What are laws for anyway?
The laws will be to allow them to stay here, collecting off of you and me.
The big deal is why do we need to be citizens, why should any of pay taxes, if they are just going to allow pieces of shit come in with no strings attached.
03-27-2006, 04:51 PM
With the way things are going, this country will be in a whole lot of trouble very soon. I work on an ambulance, so I see this kind of crap day in and day out. I am always picking up people who are not here legally, don't work, and mooch off of our government. They hand you their medicare/medicaid coupons when we walk in the door before I can even ask what's going on. Our borders are pretty much wide open to anyone. What border protection we have is disabled. Our border patrol is strethced thin, and they can't stop it. We needs motes on the border filled with sharks with lasers on their heads. And if they happen to get through the mote. Than a mine field awaits you.
03-27-2006, 05:32 PM
I say give all the red necks of the world permission to unit once again and have an open season......... no bag limit.......... the one with the most confirmed kills wins.
03-27-2006, 06:23 PM
The laws will be to allow them to stay here, collecting off of you and me.
The big deal is why do we need to be citizens, why should any of pay taxes, if they are just going to allow pieces of shit come in with no strings attached.
Don't get me started on the taxes thing. I think we spend more on aid for other countries and illegals than we do here for people who need it.
03-27-2006, 07:20 PM
Put'em on the boats, take them out to the deep sea and sink the friggin' thing. Otherwise they'll be back with friends. Hillary is a Demo-crap, what do you expect. They want to give everything away and make the middle class pay for it all.
Hey... where's my wallet?
03-27-2006, 09:43 PM
my solution.....destroy all walmarts in the USA and wallah, problem solved :rofl:
I agree, unless there are circumstances involved such as a mother father being here illegaly then the people need to be deported back to their country......More illegal immigrants get money for housing, food, medical then the Americans who paid for it through taxes their entire life, its ridiculous
03-27-2006, 10:20 PM
03-27-2006, 10:58 PM
Thank you to 50 years of the New Deal experiment....
we went from a nation of rugged people who would not accept a freebie to a nation of lazy people who aren't willing to work for their money.
Yeah, lets take money away from people who work hard to earn it and give it to those who are unwilling to do so. You would be suprised how many people would become hard workers if you took away their welfare.
03-28-2006, 01:29 AM
I think welfare, food stamps, unemployment etc should have caps on 3 months unless certain circumstances apply...IMO, if you cant get out and get a job in that amount of time to support yourself, well then natural selection takes place and you are a member of the weak portion of society.....Laziness is rewarded too easy and too often in our country....If you cant get a job in 3 months, then its not my fault you are going to starve to death
03-28-2006, 04:41 AM
I say give all the red necks of the world permission to unit once again and have an open season......... no bag limit.......... the one with the most confirmed kills wins.
LMAO...Long Beach and Compton ALONE can take out half this country out... open season...lmao you crack me up
03-28-2006, 04:45 AM
I can tell you guys are from the south....or out of do know were not in the 19's anymore right? lmao..I bet you anything Illegals make more money than your broke asses...your made cuz you dont have a job? Then get your ass up and go find out..stop bitching about it
Hispanics alone are 79% of the hard labor in Cali...take your heads out your asses..They do the job you pieces of shits arntwilling to do for cheap....
03-28-2006, 09:05 AM
Lets keep this civil guys :thumpupn:
03-28-2006, 10:15 AM
humm, hot subject. i do not want to see them become felons , our prisons are over flowing all ready. how ever they are illegal so ship them back. if they want in our country they can register and pay taxes like everyone else.
03-28-2006, 11:12 AM
:ranting: my biggest beef with the whole illegal immigrant thing is that, not only can they get welfare, food stamps, go to public schools and get free lunches there....they also dont pay taxes!!! another reason i hate illegals, is that i know of several incidents in my state where these SOBs have killed people while drunk driving and there isnt shit that can be done about it.....and mustang50ho think before you speak, if you love them so much we can send every damn one of them to cali...its gonna fall into the ocean pretty soon anyway....its not just the cheapo yard work menial labor they take..they take jobs from construction workers, restaurant workers, and other real and respectable jobs...i dont give a shit if they want to work and stay here (in fact i cant blame them..this is the best country in the damn world) just do it doesnt cost a penny to become a citizen of these great united states, these :censored: border jumpers just dont want to be part of the system (e.g. make your money, pay your taxes and keep the happy circle of capitalism rolling) not paying taxes they are raising prices in our stores and upping our tax rates (i.e. costing you and me money)!!!!!!!!!!! they are ,pure and simple, a drain on society!! :ranting:
03-28-2006, 12:55 PM
I can tell you guys are from the south....or out of do know were not in the 19's anymore right? lmao..I bet you anything Illegals make more money than your broke asses...your made cuz you dont have a job? Then get your ass up and go find out..stop bitching about it
Hispanics alone are 79% of the hard labor in Cali...take your heads out your asses..They do the job you pieces of shits arntwilling to do for cheap....
The Hispanic Community and the Illegal Immigrant community are not the same thing....I have nothing against anyone in this country who is here legally and is the same as every other American....I have more respect for them because they had to fight to be here and continued a hard uphill battle to get citizenship....
I have problems with ILLEGAL immigrants, and not all of them are Hispanic like you make it out to sound.....they are from everywhere and its just like SuperSnake problem is not with the people, its with the fact that we give them free food stamps, welfare, housing etc and they dont pay taxes....I would rather have my money I pay in taxes going to someone who is an American.....I also hate Lazy people too, and there are plenty of Americans who are lazy, which is why there should be a time limit on welfare, government housing, food stamps etc.....if you cant get a job in 3 months, then tough shit your outta luck
03-28-2006, 01:24 PM
This whole topic doesn't have any thing to do with illegals at all . It has to do with votes and kissing ass for more of the hispanic vote in 2008 for Hillary Clinton . She couldn't give a shit about whether they can stay or not .
03-28-2006, 03:29 PM
I can tell you guys are from the south....or out of do know were not in the 19's anymore right? lmao..I bet you anything Illegals make more money than your broke asses...your made cuz you dont have a job? Then get your ass up and go find out..stop bitching about it
Hispanics alone are 79% of the hard labor in Cali...take your heads out your asses..They do the job you pieces of shits arntwilling to do for cheap....
what percentage of them are collecting welfare and government handouts? Or clogging up the healthcare system? How much of our tax dollars go to support them? Especially in a sociallist state like Commifornia!!! Take the taxes that businesses pay and give it back to them and they will be able to afford to pay hard labor more money.
There's nothing wrong with someone here legally. Why is it ok to break some laws but not others?
03-28-2006, 08:12 PM
The whole thing about illegal immigrants are that they are ILLEGAL. If they come here the right way, jump through the right hoops or whatever, that's great. But I don't see what the big deal is... if they're illegal, they're illegal right??? What are laws for anyway?
Ditto that
03-28-2006, 11:49 PM
Wow I guess I offended some people but guess what I really could not give two shits. I was not calling out any certain race riddick and no I sure in the hell dont need a hood. I was only talking about people that enter the country that I am presently defending without the proper rights of passage. If you can not understand this then I personally feel there is more to it than what needs to be. I work with every damned type of AMERICAN you could think of and racism is the farthest from my mind. I have many friends of all racxes so before you go calling me the next Klu Klux Klan head master ya might want to get to know me first.
03-29-2006, 08:41 AM
Im taking a wild guess,that there isnt a damn thing anybody's going to do about any of it.So I'm not even going to bother
03-29-2006, 11:03 AM
Im taking a wild guess,that there isnt a damn thing anybody's going to do about any of it.So I'm not even going to bother
AMEN!!!!& Ditto
03-29-2006, 01:07 PM
welll looky here... MSNBC wants to know what you think about illegal immigrants...
go tell somebody who cares. lol
03-29-2006, 02:25 PM
Im taking a wild guess,that there isnt a damn thing anybody's going to do about any of it.So I'm not even going to bother
It's this mentality that fucks the rest of us. I hope you can speak spic
03-29-2006, 03:27 PM
There's a radio talk show host here who went to an illegal immigrant rally here in MA. He went with a hand held recorder. When he tried to get in to this public event the Illegals (Illegal!!!!) asked him for I.D. He showed them his Media I.D. but they would not let him enter saying it was not good enough, you could hear them fighting with him about his I.D. Then out of nowhere he gets jumped by the illegal imigrants and you can hear on the recorder the sounds of the scuffle. During the scuffle someone yells police! police!, and he figures good I'll be safe now. Not!!! to his surprise he is dragged off brutalized by the police and detained. When he asked why the police said because they "The Police" were here to protect them "The Illegal Immigrants" from people like you "Legal Citizens".
WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't of heard it with my own ears. So tax paying citizens, paying taxes to be protected by the police who are to enforce the law, are at this place protecting lawbreakers and detaining the citizens. We are in serious trouble and as long as Tax paying Voter pussy foot around and back down we are screwed. Tax paying,Voting, Hard working " Real American Citizens will be a very sad minority wondering what the hell happened.
I've been doing it all week, I'm sure mine are pissed at me by now.
03-29-2006, 03:29 PM
Don't get me started on the taxes thing. I think we spend more on aid for other countries and illegals than we do here for people who need it.
That's the point Brat, that's why it matters. That's why we need to care and stand up
03-29-2006, 03:55 PM
Thank you to 50 years of the New Deal experiment....
we went from a nation of rugged people who would not accept a freebie to a nation of lazy people who aren't willing to work for their money.
Yeah, lets take money away from people who work hard to earn it and give it to those who are unwilling to do so. You would be suprised how many people would become hard workers if you took away their welfare.
This is because of all the Mothers of America, and Political Correctness. How dare you slap your kid for doing something wrong, and you can't tell them to get out side and do work because it's cruel and unusual punishment. That's why teenagers are the way they are, because parents get punished for scolding and other parents are afraid to scold because they don't want to be punished. Panzy State, we are F'd
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