View Full Version : Not Politically Correct Joke

12-16-2004, 05:53 PM
My Mom Told me this a few years ago:

A cowboy is riding his horse in the desert when he come upon and Indian laying butt naked on the ground with his penis up in the air. The Cowboy stops and asks "Say ther partner, What ya doin"

The Indian looks up and says "Me tellum time" The Cowboy then says, "OK, What time is it?"

The Indian looks at the sun, then the shadow off his penis and says "It's 12 o clock" The Cowboy pulls out his trusty pocket watch and it reads 12 o'clock!

He puts his watch away and rides on for another hour or so and comes upon another Indian, naked, laying down in the sand with his penis up in the air.

He rides up to the Indian and asks, "Say there, what you doing?" The Indian say's "Me tellum time". The cowboy then asks what time it is. The Indian looks at the sun, the shadow off his penis, then looks again at each before saying, "It's 3:15 pm and 45 seconds"

The Cowboy looks at his watch again and it is exactly 3:15pm and 45 seconds. Astounded he rides along for a little while and come across another Indian, Butt naked in the sand, this time he is beating his meat.

The cowboy rides up to the masterbating Indian and asks, "Say there Partner, what ya doing"

The Indian looks at him unfazed and say's "Me windum watch"!!!!

12-16-2004, 05:55 PM
LOL, that ones definately not politically correct, but oh well!! :lol:

12-16-2004, 05:57 PM

12-16-2004, 09:23 PM