View Full Version : Death Penalty

03-09-2006, 08:07 AM
So what do you think about the death penalty, is it unconstitutional or is it just.

Set aside the "what if you got the wrong person" scenario. The scenario is
100% quilty, no doubt about quilt Knife in hand, victims blood on suspect.

03-09-2006, 08:26 AM
fry the fucker... i seem to remember something about an eye... hmmmm... what was that now?

03-09-2006, 08:27 AM
I'm 100% for it!!! Yeah the whole sitting in prison watching cable tv, 3 meals a day and a roof over their head while they do nothing really burns me up anyway. But I do belive in the eye for an eye thing!! Just MOP.

03-09-2006, 08:58 AM
iam 100 % for it and they need to limit all of the appeals it is rediculas haveing them sit on death row for years costing us a small fortune.

03-09-2006, 09:16 AM
fry the fucker... i seem to remember something about an eye... hmmmm... what was that now?

03-09-2006, 09:19 AM
totally for it

03-09-2006, 09:26 AM
Definatly for it

03-09-2006, 09:51 AM
totally for it

Your from Texas though so that's a given :silly:

Oh, I'm for it too.

When the Bible says not to judge, it means that we are not to judge another person's soul. that it is God's job to decide who goes to Heaven and who doesn't. It doesn't say that we aren't suppose to punish people for crimes!

03-09-2006, 10:06 AM

03-09-2006, 10:15 AM
I Agree Fry the M-Fers and Sex Offenders should be Castrated then Fried!!!!

03-09-2006, 10:29 AM
none of that lethal injection bull shit...make it hurt. Fry the bastards!

03-09-2006, 11:16 AM
I am 100% for it. Having guys sitting for life on Death Row is crap. Tax payers are dumping over $65K per year to take car of each one of these scumbags.

Lightem' up baby!

03-09-2006, 11:33 AM
[QUOTE=crimsonblack]I am 100% for it. Having guys sitting for life on Death Row is crap. Tax payers are dumping over $65K per year to take car of each one of these scumbags.

Yea, this is the part that pisses me off too.
If there is no doubt of guilt, off 'em!
Forget trips to state paid hospitals for stupid shit, forget the 100 appeals, if there is no doubt, put them in the express line!

03-09-2006, 12:33 PM

03-09-2006, 01:34 PM
I Agree Fry the M-Fers and Sex Offenders should be Castrated then Fried!!!!


03-09-2006, 01:45 PM
I am 100% for it.....but I dont look at it as a form of punishment....rather a form of solitary for the person convicted....it is not to punish the person for the crime....but the ultimate way of protection for the public from that person...

03-09-2006, 02:21 PM
I am 100% for it.....but I dont look at it as a form of punishment....rather a form of solitary for the person convicted....it is not to punish the person for the crime....but the ultimate way of protection for the public from that person...

I like it. But they should be punished as well don't you think. Every person that is killed is related to someone Correct? So they should feel the pain that they have caused their victims family. The convicted should have to watch their loved one be tortured the same way the killed the victim. Let them live with the fact that they have basically killed their own loved one as well. Then give the the injection, with a dirty needle.

03-09-2006, 02:24 PM
Or I'd be willing to let them live for a year on death row, while they rot from being infected with ecoli, or the flesh eating disease or some other horrid debilatating disease.

03-09-2006, 03:24 PM
I like it. But they should be punished as well don't you think. Every person that is killed is related to someone Correct? So they should feel the pain that they have caused their victims family. The convicted should have to watch their loved one be tortured the same way the killed the victim. Let them live with the fact that they have basically killed their own loved one as well. Then give the the injection, with a dirty needle.

Now this I don't agree with-the scum probably wont care and you've become as bad as them for doing the same thing to an innocent person who had the misfortune of being related to a worm. Just fry them and get it done-then they cant repeat their crime and we arent paying for them to live.

03-09-2006, 04:14 PM
Now this I don't agree with-the scum probably wont care and you've become as bad as them for doing the same thing to an innocent person who had the misfortune of being related to a worm. Just fry them and get it done-then they cant repeat their crime and we arent paying for them to live.

O.k. your right a bit much, but at least go to the second one where they would die a slow agonizing death. And hell just chain them to a tree somewhere in North Dakota

03-09-2006, 06:33 PM
if you take a life, your life shall be taken :)

03-09-2006, 08:13 PM
if you take a life, your life shall be taken :)

:fu: killers... lol

03-09-2006, 09:59 PM
I like it. But they should be punished as well don't you think. Every person that is killed is related to someone Correct? So they should feel the pain that they have caused their victims family. The convicted should have to watch their loved one be tortured the same way the killed the victim. Let them live with the fact that they have basically killed their own loved one as well. Then give the the injection, with a dirty needle.

I agree that they should be punished.....However I think God himself can deliver the worst punishment to any person than any society can......Dont get me wrong, if I were in a room with someone who had murdered someone in cold blood you would find my foot up their ass and I wouldnt feel bad about it......

and to those who murder children, molest children, inflict pain upon women or murder in cold blood then by all means, they should suffer such a punishment that they beg for death.....I have no remorse for people who choose to kill others especially when it comes to children and women...there is no excuse for it

03-09-2006, 10:15 PM
Kill them all... I liked the argument about leathal injection awhile back... "It causes pain before death" Therefor its unconsititutional or some shit... If they are being killed.. who cares if it hurts...

I think vehicular manslaughter is under different terms though...

03-09-2006, 11:05 PM
Or I'd be willing to let them live for a year on death row, while they rot from being infected with ecoli, or the flesh eating disease or some other horrid debilatating disease.

next best thing to cookin em... :beerchug:

03-10-2006, 02:21 PM
Kill them all... I liked the argument about leathal injection awhile back... "It causes pain before death" Therefor its unconsititutional or some shit... If they are being killed.. who cares if it hurts...

I think vehicular manslaughter is under different terms though...

I totally agree here. I hate when someone is treated like a criminal because of an accident. I mean it's one thing if it's negligent, but I've seen a case here in MA where the woman just didn't see this car coming and she pulled out and the smashed, killing the other driver. She was charged with Vehicular Manslaughter and was facing like 20 years in prison, beside her life being ruined do to the fact she had been charged , tried and convicted. She filed an appeal and thankfully because of support from the public as well as from the family of the woman she killed the conviction was overturned. I did not know this lady, but god I felt for her. I could put my self in her shoes a number of times where you just didn't see someone and pulled out narrowly escaping a horrible tragedy. I just don't see the point of ruining two lives because of an accident. If you have a heart and it truly was just an accident the knowledge that your mistake took a life is punishment enough.

03-10-2006, 02:38 PM
I agree that they should be punished.....However I think God himself can deliver the worst punishment to any person than any society can......Dont get me wrong, if I were in a room with someone who had murdered someone in cold blood you would find my foot up their ass and I wouldnt feel bad about it......

and to those who murder children, molest children, inflict pain upon women or murder in cold blood then by all means, they should suffer such a punishment that they beg for death.....I have no remorse for people who choose to kill others especially when it comes to children and women...there is no excuse for it

I don't believe this (My Thoughts anyway) I'll explain.

I truly believe that God will forgive any one of us for anything we have ever done. I think it's up to each and every one of us to decide if we will turn to him in the end and be accepted back into the light. If the soul itself is truly afraid of facing our maker for fear of punishment than he/she will be condemned to darkness. Therefore it is not God who hands out the punishment it is ourselves. God does not know evil, anger, or darkness. It is an earthly emotion.

Does this mean to me that a person should be forgiven here on earth for an ungodly act. I believe that the person must face punishment here on earth. If a person needlessly takes anothers life than that person also deserves to be removed from the life. Which is why I believe that person should die a slow agonizing death. I believe that if a person is just put to death it will be simple for them to cross to the other side if they choose, "If they accept god, he will forgive", but if that same person here on earth is subject to a slow morbid death than it will take all of that time to die and pass over. And if all that person has to look forward to is pain and death he/she may not be able to turn to God, and may indeed be stuck in the Darkness.

I have a lot more thought, but I'm sure I've already not made much sense to people. But that's my belief. And before anyone asks, no I do not have a "Religious Affliation" I believe in God that's it.