View Full Version : haggerty insurance

02-17-2006, 05:40 PM
ok for all you standbangers:here's the latest from collector insurance.my 2000gt is valued at 15k agreed amount, full coverage all year unlimited mileage per year along with 1973 mustang valued at 8k is 419.00 per year.now for younger people it's slightly higher.the key is this car can be any year to get collector car insurance who is to say which cars will be worth something later.so i saved a bunch of money by switching away from geico!!!!! was 740.00 every six months now 2 cars 419.00.my suggestion to everyone get this save some money buy other toys.im now going to sell my gt and buy a cobra now i can afford :thumpupn: :woohoo: insurance on a cobra.required 4 pictures front/back/side/engine bay.everything can be done through the mail!1 last thing you must have a primary vehicle other than the stang with insurance,sorry but get a beater and still save.leave me a message and i'll reply with contact person. contact person is ktodd@neo.rr.com give them a day or so they will respond!

02-18-2006, 05:05 PM
Thanx for the info!

02-18-2006, 08:05 PM
Last year Hagerty wouldn't take my 02 with my 70 so I switched to Grundy, glad to see they changed their rules. It saves a bunch of money doing it this way, saved me about 650.00 a year. I'm happy with Grundy but will check Hagerty this year when I renew, I was with Hagerty for 15 yers with the Mach only.

02-18-2006, 08:14 PM
I never knew Hagarty would insure newer vehicles! Right now I have my 66 GT Vert & my wife's 64 Studebaker Wagonair with them and it costs $336 a year. I wonder what they would charge for my Roush as well? May have to give 'em a call!

02-19-2006, 09:57 AM
they wouldn't take my 99 last time i tryed , they said it had to be part of a collection.

02-19-2006, 07:59 PM
you tell them it is your collection,they don't determine was cars will be collectors,so stick it to them!

02-21-2006, 07:12 AM
They wouldn't take my 00 when I tried a few years ago either-but they did tell me they review it every year. When they wouldn't accept the 00, it wasn't exactly a model year issue according to the rep I spoke to-she said it was due to insurance claims for the model/year and that they review each year. Then I figured out what I pay with State Farm isn't too bad, so until we both have a DD, I'll have to stick with them (I put the car on "winter suspension" for 6 months, which takes the insurance down to @ $20/month). I do like the idea of an "agreed value" policy though, since the blue book value doesn't do my car justice. You don't find too many 00's with 30,000 miles on them! I even tried to convince them to insure the 00 along with our 73, but it was no dice. The 73 was (is) in resto anyway, so it was going to be hard to get an agreed value policy on it anyway, since so much $$ is tied up in the car and it still doesn't look "pretty".

02-21-2006, 12:04 PM
pooop, i can't, gotta have 5 years driving experience, and i, obviously, don't...

03-11-2006, 06:00 PM
Gonna check it out....