View Full Version : Ever Wonder
02-07-2006, 08:34 AM
I've gotten caught up in this too, but have you ever wondered why we are bitching more about the shitty calls at the Super Bowl, when we really should be bitching about how the horrific events of 9/11 have been forgotten. And how it's o.k. for the Major newspapers to print pictures of a crucifix getting dipped in urine, and showing pictures of Americans getting their heads chopped off, or how about Abu Ghrab, but god forbid they print cartoons that may offend some muslim. Oh fuckin No, wahhhhh. Can I ask what doesn't offend them. They have got to be the least civilized religion I can think of. Why are these F'n crazies being defended with "It's offensive to they're Religion" :bs: 4 Airliners being hijacked and and flown into buildings with thousands of inocent people dead is offensive. But we're evil to go after them, the liberals think it's a crime to make the scum pay for what they've done. We're fuckin doomed. But hey let's all bitch about the ref's instead.
02-07-2006, 09:08 AM
It's interesting how they get so offended about cartoons about islam but they can print anti-Semetic and anti-Christian cartoons. They have to be the most indoctrinated group of people on earth. Many of the arabs over there actually don't believe that the Holocaust happened...
02-07-2006, 09:47 AM
The problem is America is weak - In spirit, in body and in the mind. We want to forget, so please don't show it anymore. We've seen it enough. We won't forget. Shit! It's already forgotten. We shouldn't hurt people because it makes America look bad. We should feel pity for these people. What all a crock of shit from mindless Americans ready to give away our country for nothing more than some stupid song and dance routine by people like Barbara Streisand and Alec Baldwin.
We need to be reminded every day of what these religous fanatics attempted to do to our country. Americans should be fighting back and fighting as dirty as the enemy. All this take the high ground crap does nothing but prolong the battle against weaker forces. They cut the heads from people around the world and Amercans are concerned how we treat our prisoners. We should have cut off their nuts, stuffed them down their throats and send them packing to Islam. Whatever they do to another country we should do to them ten fold. Whatever horrors they rape on the world we do it back one hundred times stronger. It's an eye for an eye. You take one, we take them both. Our sadistic behavior towards our own troups and people has gone to far - yet we continute play kiss kiss with an enemy that would just as soon cut our throats and take what's ours while still repressing their own people. America no long stands for the home of the free and land of the brave. We are turning in to conglomerate of holier than thou cowards willing to let these gorilla war mongers from other countries dictate just how free we get to be. We aren't strong enough as a people anymore to stand tall and be tough. If you ever saw the film "Red Dawn", this is the direction our country is heading. Some third world country is going to come here and take what we have. Half our country would stand by and let them do it too wondering how this could happen. It's time to reach back and pull that backbone out of our asses. Time to punch the enemy in the mouth, stand over them, and spit square in their face. It's time to stand tall and be American. It's not about skin color, race, sex or creed. It about where you live, the freedom you enjoy. Supporting the country you live in - A country full of rich history surrounding men and women that stood proud, stood tall, and didn't take a lick a shit from no one.
Wow. Want a rant. Have a nice day. :)
02-07-2006, 12:37 PM
I've gotten caught up in this too, but have you ever wondered why we are bitching more about the shitty calls at the Super Bowl, when we really should be bitching about how the horrific events of 9/11 have been forgotten. And how it's o.k. for the Major newspapers to print pictures of a crucifix getting dipped in urine, and showing pictures of Americans getting their heads chopped off, or how about Abu Ghrab, but god forbid they print cartoons that may offend some muslim. Oh fuckin No, wahhhhh. Can I ask what doesn't offend them. They have got to be the least civilized religion I can think of. Why are these F'n crazies being defended with "It's offensive to they're Religion" :bs: 4 Airliners being hijacked and and flown into buildings with thousands of inocent people dead is offensive. But we're evil to go after them, the liberals think it's a crime to make the scum pay for what they've done. We're fuckin doomed. But hey let's all bitch about the ref's instead.
Now I know somebody is probably going to flame me for this but if you look at the facts and open your eyes these words are true.Sorry to say it man but it's not just the muslims that are fanatical. All religions have their idiots. Hell look at radical Christians. Don't just think I'm some punk kid spouting off at the mouth either. I have fromal training in this area and it is part of my daily job. Plus being active duty Air Force I have spent some time overseas and experienced other cultures and they view us. Sorry about the ranting, but it just pisses me off when people stereotype.
02-07-2006, 01:36 PM
Now I know somebody is probably going to flame me for this but if you look at the facts and open your eyes these words are true.Sorry to say it man but it's not just the muslims that are fanatical. All religions have their idiots. Hell look at radical Christians. Don't just think I'm some punk kid spouting off at the mouth either. I have fromal training in this area and it is part of my daily job. Plus being active duty Air Force I have spent some time overseas and experienced other cultures and they view us. Sorry about the ranting, but it just pisses me off when people stereotype.
No offense taken at all. I totally agree with you. But Who right now is the biggest problem? Who right now is in an uproar over some stupid cartoons? Who on 9/11 brought down 4 airliners and killed thousands of innocent people? The muslims. I didn't see any radical Christians boarding planes and flying into any Mosgue. You can say the Jews are radical for trying to protect there land from a bunch of crazys. You can say the palestinians are radical for trying to take back there land from the jews.
My point has nothing to do with religion or race at all, I didn't sterotype the Muslims or Arabs they did an excellant job of that on there own. My point is
we as a country are more concerned with whether or not Ben Rothlesiberger actually crossed the goal line with the ball (Like I said I'm quilty) then we are concerned with who we really are and what we need to stand for. On 9/12 I couldn't have been more proud to be an American, today it's almost an embarressment, because of the way our own country has turned their backs on eachother, on our troops, and have put more thought and care into an evil way.
05classic my Eyes are wide open, I see what the sally ass left is doing to this country. It's like the bully in High School dude, that kid will keep on pushing you around and beaten the shit outta you especially when you try to "talk" your way out. That bully well keep on coming at you because he knows he's got no chance of retaliation. That same bully gets it back once really good with all your might (No backing off) and that'll be it, he won't come back, he knows your for real and he's going to really have to fight.
And don't try and bring your military experience into this, I back you and every serviceman 150%, I'm a Marine, I'm American. Being Military and seeing "the other cultures" doesn't change where this country is headed. And it absolutely does not change the fact that it's o.k. to offend the Americans in America, but god forbid we say boo to any other country, religion, or culture. For me that's a sterotype.
I might sterotype and you can call me a racist because I sterotype the Muslims and Arabs and I'm more alert when an Arab is near me, I could give a shit, If you want to save this country then you for damn sure want me in the foxhole with you. If we are to survive it needs to be shoot twice and ask questions later.
I must say I do not have anything against the Muslim religion, well no more than I have against the Catholic religion, or Jewish, or well I've got something against organized religion all together. I'm sorry if there is only one God or Allah or Buddah or whatever then why would there be all of these different religions. I believe there is one almighty, and I believe religion is a man made conflict starter. How can all of the religions in the world be the right one? Don't force your shit on me and leave me alone and you'll be fine, you'll live to see tomorrow. Push it to far and we'll fight, and I won't feel bad when you only have a 5 inch stick and I have a lousiville slugger, Your gettin it full force just like anyone should who trys to come after us.
02-07-2006, 02:54 PM
No offense taken at all. I totally agree with you. But Who right now is the biggest problem? Who right now is in an uproar over some stupid cartoons? Who on 9/11 brought down 4 airliners and killed thousands of innocent people? The muslims. I didn't see any radical Christians boarding planes and flying into any Mosgue. You can say the Jews are radical for trying to protect there land from a bunch of crazys. You can say the palestinians are radical for trying to take back there land from the jews.
My point has nothing to do with religion or race at all, I didn't sterotype the Muslims or Arabs they did an excellant job of that on there own. My point is
we as a country are more concerned with whether or not Ben Rothlesiberger actually crossed the goal line with the ball (Like I said I'm quilty) then we are concerned with who we really are and what we need to stand for. On 9/12 I couldn't have been more proud to be an American, today it's almost an embarressment, because of the way our own country has turned their backs on eachother, on our troops, and have put more thought and care into an evil way.
05classic my Eyes are wide open, I see what the sally ass left is doing to this country. It's like the bully in High School dude, that kid will keep on pushing you around and beaten the shit outta you especially when you try to "talk" your way out. That bully well keep on coming at you because he knows he's got no chance of retaliation. That same bully gets it back once really good with all your might (No backing off) and that'll be it, he won't come back, he knows your for real and he's going to really have to fight.
And don't try and bring your military experience into this, I back you and every serviceman 150%, I'm a Marine, I'm American. Being Military and seeing "the other cultures" doesn't change where this country is headed. And it absolutely does not change the fact that it's o.k. to offend the Americans in America, but god forbid we say boo to any other country, religion, or culture. For me that's a sterotype.
I might sterotype and you can call me a racist because I sterotype the Muslims and Arabs and I'm more alert when an Arab is near me, I could give a shit, If you want to save this country then you for damn sure want me in the foxhole with you. If we are to survive it needs to be shoot twice and ask questions later.
I must say I do not have anything against the Muslim religion, well no more than I have against the Catholic religion, or Jewish, or well I've got something against organized religion all together. I'm sorry if there is only one God or Allah or Buddah or whatever then why would there be all of these different religions. I believe there is one almighty, and I believe religion is a man made conflict starter. How can all of the religions in the world be the right one? Don't force your shit on me and leave me alone and you'll be fine, you'll live to see tomorrow. Push it to far and we'll fight, and I won't feel bad when you only have a 5 inch stick and I have a lousiville slugger, Your gettin it full force just like anyone should who trys to come after us.
Wow what a response! It's good to see such a fired up American, but It would be better if you were positively fired up and not just pissed at the world because of it's imperfections. I wiil say though that regardless of your views I thank you for your military support and respect the fact that you feel so strongly about your views. And if someday I do end up in a fox hole with you I appreciate the fact that you wold fight for me as I would fight for you
Who on 9/11 brought down 4 airliners and killed thousands of innocent people? The muslims.
You just contridicted yourself. You are sterotyping muslims. The muslims did not bring down the towers...
02-07-2006, 03:11 PM
You just contridicted yourself. You are sterotyping muslims. The muslims did not bring down the towers...
If your read what I said I agreed I do sterotype.
Who then brought down the Towers J?
If your read what I said I agreed I do sterotype.
Who then brought down the Towers J?
My point has nothing to do with religion or race at all, I didn't sterotype the Muslims
It wasnt an entire muslim religion.
02-07-2006, 03:26 PM
Wow what a response! It's good to see such a fired up American, but It would be better if you were positively fired up and not just pissed at the world because of it's imperfections. I wiil say though that regardless of your views I thank you for your military support and respect the fact that you feel so strongly about your views. And if someday I do end up in a fox hole with you I appreciate the fact that you wold fight for me as I would fight for you
I am positively fired up. I am by no means pissed at the world because of it's imperfections, where did that come from? I am imperfect, my 10 year old neice who just died of MD was imperfect, this country is imperfect in many, many ways. I don't understand why because I do not want to stand for it being o.k. for Crazy bastards to shit on America and have sleazy media types not afraid to show that but god forbid we show the cartoon that's pissing of the faruk, and hemad, hakmad.
Am I negatively fired up because I don't want to be taken over by crazed islamic facists, or China, or Japan, or whoever decides that they know that they can attack without being attacked back. What will it take for all of you who are willing to stand up for crazy Islamists, Muslims, whatever the hell you want to call it, to see that this is dangerous for our country?
Please someone answer that, I want someone who is standing up for these pieces of shit to tell me what it would take for them to come to stand for the American instead of against him.
02-07-2006, 03:33 PM
It wasnt an entire muslim religion.
That didn't answer the question J, you skirted the question,
who brought down the towers J?
HAHAHA, you must be a journalist. I love it.
Below is my actual quote, your right leaving out what I really wrote helps you make your point. A typical journalist move
My point has nothing to do with religion or race at all, I didn't sterotype the Muslims or Arabs they did an excellant job of that on there own.
02-07-2006, 03:40 PM
I've gotten caught up in this too, but have you ever wondered why we are bitching more about the shitty calls at the Super Bowl, when we really should be bitching about how the horrific events of 9/11 have been forgotten. And how it's o.k. for the Major newspapers to print pictures of a crucifix getting dipped in urine, and showing pictures of Americans getting their heads chopped off, or how about Abu Ghrab, but god forbid they print cartoons that may offend some muslim. Oh fuckin No, wahhhhh. Can I ask what doesn't offend them. They have got to be the least civilized religion I can think of. Why are these F'n crazies being defended with "It's offensive to they're Religion" :bs: 4 Airliners being hijacked and and flown into buildings with thousands of inocent people dead is offensive. But we're evil to go after them, the liberals think it's a crime to make the scum pay for what they've done. We're fuckin doomed. But hey let's all bitch about the ref's instead.
This is the original post. Who is offended and killing and threating to kill people because of the Cartoon's? Am I not right that it's the muslims?
Is this a sterotype, If it is I'm quilty.
I'm 32, I like tits, a nice round ass and I drink Bud. I've gotta be a male right?
Typical sterotyped, can anything be thought of anyone without someone thinking of racism. That's why it's still so alive and strong.
This is the original post. Who is offended and killing and threating to kill people because of the Cartoon's? Am I not right that it's the muslims?
Is this a sterotype, If it is I'm quilty.
I'm 32, I like tits, a nice round ass and I drink Bud. I've gotta be a male right?
Typical sterotyped, can anything be thought of anyone without someone thinking of racism. That's why it's still so alive and strong.
Typical sterotyped, can anything be thought of anyone without someone thinking of racism. That's why it's still so alive and strong.
Once again you are contridicting yourself.
The point is... whatever stories we are told... have been twisted anyway.. so why even bitch about it?
Does this mean I cannot bitch about someone on the road? I have to always bitch about more important issues? Get a grip.
02-07-2006, 06:04 PM
Once again you are contridicting yourself.
The point is... whatever stories we are told... have been twisted anyway.. so why even bitch about it?
Does this mean I cannot bitch about someone on the road? I have to always bitch about more important issues? Get a grip.
I was making a point J, I wasn't contradicting myself.
Why bitch? Are you for real. I def. won't be caught in a fox hole with you.
You have to always bitch about more important issues. More important than you losing your freedom to run this site? You'd hand over your keys to the bully wouldn't ya J.
I agree that whatever stories we're told are spun, But I don't want to stand for the spin, I unlike you want to know the truth. I want to see the cartoons in the Boston Herald, and on NBC news. Give me a break the pictures of the Profit Muhammod do not meet the high standards of the Editing Dept. of the Boston Globe. What the Fuck is that????? Oh but just ten days before that they didn't have a problem printing the cartoon of a US Serviceman with stumps for arms and legs and bein mocked by Rumsfield. You stand for this J, good for you. You and I may die, but I'll die fighting unlike you, just handing over you life, becasue you don't care.
Good luck
02-07-2006, 06:06 PM
And once again you skirted the question of who brought down the Towers?
Come on J tell me who it was if it wasn't the Muslims. Come on let's get the answer J
02-07-2006, 06:22 PM
sorry but saying that muslims brought down the towers is the same as saying christians blew up the Oklahoma City Federal building, or that all Germans are to blame for the Holocaust.....the actions of a few do not speak for a country, race or for the world....just because less than .01 percent of a population decided to be a bunch of dumbasses together doesnt mean that they speak for everyone....
Individuality is what made the United States of America great
I was making a point J, I wasn't contradicting myself.
Why bitch? Are you for real. I def. won't be caught in a fox hole with you.
You have to always bitch about more important issues. More important than you losing your freedom to run this site? You'd hand over your keys to the bully wouldn't ya J.
I agree that whatever stories we're told are spun, But I don't want to stand for the spin, I unlike you want to know the truth. I want to see the cartoons in the Boston Herald, and on NBC news. Give me a break the pictures of the Profit Muhammod do not meet the high standards of the Editing Dept. of the Boston Globe. What the Fuck is that????? Oh but just ten days before that they didn't have a problem printing the cartoon of a US Serviceman with stumps for arms and legs and bein mocked by Rumsfield. You stand for this J, good for you. You and I may die, but I'll die fighting unlike you, just handing over you life, becasue you don't care.
Good luck
Not all muslims support terrorism. Do you know anyone that is muslim?
Why are you getting personal?
02-07-2006, 07:01 PM
All i got to say is a small group and Osama brought down the towers...all puppets of other's plots to control america with fear.
that's all I got to say, and that's how I feel on the subject
02-07-2006, 07:52 PM
You know tommy ,at this rate we'll never know who brought them down because we are just to worried about being politicaly correct to have someone put there ass on the line with this shit.I will never go down to another country without a fight to say the least and as far as me being politicaly correct I would never be able to run for office lets put it that way!!
This country has gotten so yuppy styled living that we can't even have the old road runner cartoons on because of the violence content it supposedly contains...GIVE ME A FUCKEN BREAK!!! So with that being said where do you think we'll get with a war???? I also will add that it won't be because our men and women in the military won't defend us oh no it will be the right and left wing nuts that are affraid of being politicaly incorrect and anything else you can come up with and pulling back on the reins, so get used to "made in china" and tella tubies because that's what we have created a whole bunch of shit!!!!
May god have mercey on our souls because we'll need it.
Oh yeah and I will never forget the day when whoever did the unspeakable hainus acts against us on 9/11 because that will live with me forever. I do want to add that I think we also need to pay more attention to the men and women who have served overseas and to the families that have lost there loved ones. The endevers that these men and women have to face are sometimes forever long after the war is over so lets not forget them or the courage and bravory they have displayed to our country. I also have some litterature that will accompany this thread just nicely. I will add it once I find it.
This is just amazing shit but ya know we put them in there so like I said we have crated a whole buch of shit.....
Subject: NFL or NBA?
Is it the NFL or is it the NBA?
It Must Be the NBA, right?? ?
36 have been accused of spousal abuse
7 have been arrested for fraud
19 have been accused of writing bad checks
117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
3 have done time for assault
71, repeat 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
8 have been arrested for shoplifting
21 currently are defendants in lawsuits. and
84 have been arrested for drunk driving!
in the last year
Can you guess which organization this is?
Give up yet? . . . Scroll down, citizen!
It's the 535 members of the United States Congress.
The same group of Idiots that crank out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line.
Here is an e-mail that I received from my father who is linked to important people. This isn't top secret info but just something you won't here about in the news at 6:00pm anytime soon.
3 different views
Allah or Jesus?
By Rick Mathes
Last month I attended my annual training session that's
required for maintaining my state prison security clearance. During
the training session there was a presentation by three speakers
representing the roman Catholic, Protestant and Muslim faiths,
who explained each of their belief systems.
I was particularly interested in what the Islamic Imam had to
say. The Imam gave a great presentation of the basics of Islam,
complete with a video. After the presentations, time was provided
for questions and answers.
When it was my turn, I directed my question to the Imam
and asked: "Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand that
most Imams and clerics of Islam have declared a holy jihad
[Holy war] against the infidels of the world. And, that by killing
an infidel, which is a command to all Muslims, they are assured
of a place in heaven. If that's the case, can you give me the definition
of an infidel?"
There was no disagreement with my statements and, without
hesitation, he replied, "Non-believers!"
I responded, "So, let me make sure I have this straight. All
followers of Allah have been commanded to kill everyone who is not
of your faith so they can go to Heaven. Is that correct?"
The expression on his face changed from one of authority and
command to that of a little boy who had just gotten caught with his
hand in the cookie jar.
He sheepishly replied, "Yes."
I then stated, "Well, sir, I have a real problem trying to
imagine Pope John Paul commanding all Catholics to kill those of your
faith or Dr. Stanley ordering Protestants to do the same in order to go
to Heaven!"
The Imam was speechless.
I continued, "I also have problem with being your friend when
you and your brother clerics are telling your followers to kill me. Let me
ask you a question.
Would you rather have your Allah who tells you to kill me in
order to go to Heaven or my Jesus who tells me to love you because I
am going to Heaven and He wants you to be with me?"
You could have heard a pin drop as the Imam hung his head in
Needless to say, the organizers and/or promoters of the
'Diversification' training seminar were not happy with Rick's
way of dealing with the Islamic Imam and exposing the truth about the
Muslim's beliefs.
I think everyone in the US should be required to read this,
with the liberal justice system, liberal media, and the ACLU, there is no
way this will be widely publicized. Please pass this on to all your email
This is a true story and the author, Rick Mathes, is a well
known leader in prison ministry.
This is off the beaten path a little but it is just another part of how our system as a whole is just a little out of wack.
2008 Election Issue!!
This must be an issue in "2006 & 2008". Please! Keep it going.
(This is worth reading. It is short and to the point.)
Perhaps we are asking the wrong questions during election years.! !
Our Senators and Congresswomen do not pay into Social Security and, of course, they do not collect from it.
You see, Social Security benefits were not suitable for persons of their rare elevation in society.They felt they should have a special plan for themselves! So, many years ago they voted in their own
benefit plan.
In more recent years, no congressperson has felt the need to change it. After all, it is a great plan.
For all practical purposes their plan works like this:
When they retire, they continue to draw the same pay until they die.
Except it may increase from time to time for cost of living adjustments..
For example, former Senator Byrd and Congressman White and their wives may expect to draw $7,800,000.00 (that's Seven Million, Eight-Hundred Thousand Dollars), with their wives drawing $275,000.00 during the last years of their lives.
This is calculated on an average life span for each of those two Dignitaries.
Younger Dignitaries who retire at an early age, will receive much more during the rest of their lives.
Their cost for this excellent plan is $0.00. NADA....ZILCH....
This little perk they voted for themselves is free to them. You and I pick up the tab for this plan. The funds for this fine retirement plan come directly from the General Funds;
From our own Social Security Plan, which you and I pay (or have paid) into,-every payday until we retire (which amount is matched by our employer)-we can expect to get an average of $1,000 per month after retirement.
Or, in other words, we would have to collect our average of $1,000 monthly benefits for 68 years and one (1) month to equal Senator Bill Bradley's ! benefits!
Social Security could be very good if only one small change were made.
That change would be to:
Jerk the Golden Fleece Retirement Plan from under the Senators and Congressmen. Put them into the Social Security plan with the rest of us
then sit back.....
and watch how fast they would fix it.
If enough people receive this, maybe a seed of awareness will be planted and maybe good changes will evolve.
02-07-2006, 09:22 PM
Not all muslims support terrorism. Do you know anyone that is muslim?
Why are you getting personal?
I'm going to qoute a sterotypical radiotalk show host, some of you may know, Jay Severin "Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslim"
Do I believe this, well if I was an ignorant boob I would, But no I don't. I believe that anyone can be a terrorist.
As a matter of fact I do know muslims, I've coached a muslim child in soccer, and his parents do not believe in the Islama Facism.
I'm getting personal because you got personal.
My point behind this whole thing was that we as a nation are more worked up over a touchdown call and a damn stupid cartoon of Muhammod who as the Muslims say should not be portrayed in any manner.
Do a google search of images of the Prophet Muhammod there's something like 78,000 pages of shit related, many from Iran, why then why oh why aren't they blowin the hell out of Iran, well we could say it's like here in America where if I as a white person call a black person a "nigga", I'm racist but if a black person calls another black person a "nigga" it's perfectly fine.
Or let's talk about Mayor Ray Nagen saying he wants to make New Orleans a Chocolate City, Holy F'n Shit!!!! That's O.K.???? Are you shitting me.
But do you know that you can go to Washington D.C. to the Supreme Court Building and see a stone carving of the Prophet Muhammod holding the Quran, standing next to, do you know? do You? Moses. Muslims here aren't killing people and all upset about that, So why are they fighting over there, do they know, yes they know, just because and they are using this as an excuse to kill more people.
My point is why they fuck are we so concerned with Ref's and keeping stupid cartoons out of newspapers more than we're concerned with how are politicians are fucking us over, and 9/11, and keeping America ours.
I can't and will not speak chinese, japanese, hindu, arabic, spanish or any other fucking language other than that of Americas language English.
Personal I quess, pissy yes, I'm just really sick of the PC'rs making this country look really bad. If that makes me a bad person then I'm bad. We need to stand up for America, Stand up for what our forefathers have fought for.
I'll stand up against anyone who wants to fight me on it,
3 Burbank St.
Oxford, MA
02-07-2006, 09:50 PM
Ok I probally should not be responding to this thread because I have had a shitty week and am currently on drugs...but here goes. I belive everyone in this country should be required to watch those towers be attacked and fall at least once a month...the pacifist in this country have forgotted the way everyone felt that day...If I had been able I would have shot every SN that I saw that day and for weeks after. They are an emotional and crazy culture...Blown you sed it..I could never run for office because PC is bullshit. I don't care who's feelings get hurt. Tough Shit. Any man who would not allow his wife or sister or any female member of his family outside alone, access to a Dr. because they are men and not allow women to be doctors is a fucking fruitloop...they snatch boys of the age od seven out of there homes and give them guns to kill the americans that live free kinda screw up the little guys a bit...ya think? I could not really care less about going after Iraq..I agree that something needs to be done with the loons in the middle east but I think Osama should have been the first kill....I remember seeing a stupid old woman over there somewhere celebrating the towers falling..half od her teeth were missing and she had on a blue dress. If I seen her today I would kick her was not just afganastin that was pleased with the outcome of the mission it was the whole middle east with the exception of the women who were treated so bad. I say blast the whole region slap up some american flags and be done with it.....and please don't talk to me about how all the women and children would be killed, it's called colertal damage. Talk to the familys of the murdered ppl of 9-11 about that...that's what they were. Does everyone remember that a fucked up prince of Saudia Arabia gave Rudy G a check for 10 mil and told him that the attack happened because of our countrys views on the middle east?? Rudy gave that check back and told him to shove it....sorry 9-11 affected me pretty hard and it still pisses me off...BTW it is my husbands birthday....
02-08-2006, 12:30 AM
WOW, what a post.
i would agree to say that it wasn't muslims (a group of ppl) that hit the towers. that would be like saying, christians bombed the Fed building in Oaklahoma because of Timithy Mcvay (a common looking red blooded American), right? So one should be careful when using a term to describe a group of ppl. as much as i hate to say that.
To defend Tom, as Ive known him for many years. i think this is what he means about muslims.
1st a thought!
extreme thinking by "radical muslims" is almost the norm. radical muslims are not heavily ridiculed by the main stream Islamic religion. In other words, from our point of view, muslims "seem" to tolerate "radical-ISM". Thats why I get angry when i hear the word Muslim. thats my sterotype kicking in. I mean why do they "seem" to allow it. you dont see hundreds and thousands of radical catholics or radical buddhists. So why r there so MANY radical muslims? AND why doesn't the Islamic religion do anything about it? no answer please it was ment as statement.
here's that quote from a radio talk show host (who is great) here in boston again:
Not all muslims are terrorists, all terrorists are muslim.
this statement CANT be denied. I love this statement. but it needs to be modified. ......but most terrorists are radical muslims. damn i hate to correct that. But if i didnt, i would be sterotyping. i wouldn't be clear in my thinking.
So my point is. i think thats why it seems Tom was contridicting himself. cause he's smart enough to know its wasnt just muslims (a full group of ppl) but extremeist muslims (yet still muslims). So see how easy it is to simply say "muslims". it would be like saying whites or christians bombed Oklahoma.
Now why are some replys in this post splitting hairs? did that realy need to be done? it took this thread off topic. yes answer that one please.
I believe the topic was. why are american's concerned with football F ups instead of remembering 9-11. or why it seems americans have forgotten about 9-11 and why muslisms can riot about the most stupid shit!
i dont think many americans have forgotten. i think its unfortunate we lost that unification 9-11 gave to all of us. Where are all the flags that came out 9-12? I STILL have my big flag in my Verizon truck. but that doesnt mean we have forgotten.
As Americans we dont dwell (some do) on past events. We pick ourselves up, we move on. If bitching about football means moving on then well thats it. We wont let terrorism stop us from enjoying EVERY aspect of our american habbits and enjoyments.
Did Pearl Harbor stop us. hell no we picked ourselves up and moved on and won that war.
the events happening in the world are at such a serious level. but if we only focused on the negitive events in the world and didnt enjoy life, what kinda of life would that be? I wont feel guilty about enjoying and bitching about a football game.
As for what the media shows on thier 6 o'clock news, and how it seems muslism outcry can be defended, well they just LOVE To show how the middle east hates america or western ideals. all the news outlets skew the stories to promote anti-americaism. but poll any true american and one can get the real opinion.
They have got to be the least civilized religion I can think of. God I love this statement TOM. all I have seen in the news the last few days was THOUSANDS of Islamic muslisms chanting and jumping around like savages slapping themselves on the head and chest, shooting and killing ppl over what? ------------A FUCKIN CARTOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
civilzation has pasted them by and there is no way that group will catch up.
AND YES I KNOW A MUSLIM. at least he used to be. He has more letters in his last name than the amount of spelling mistakes i have in this post. and even he can see the craziness.
02-08-2006, 01:00 AM
Kill em all and let Allah sort them out, The ones that are terrorist that is. I am still highly pissed off at all Terrorist. I dont really think all Muslims are terrorist but Now A Days they have seemed to make themselves stand out and build that reputation up. If the shoe fits....... wear it if not You shouldnt have to be told twice to lay down your guns. I have lost friends in Iraq. Everytime I read a new edition of The Marine Corps Times I search through the names to see if anyone I knew died. I think enough is enough. Teach the the lesson that Japan learned the hard way. I dont usually get into these political squirmishes because there truly is no right answer. Everyone as an American is entitled to there own oppinion. As much as you might not like someones it is there view. Try not to fight amongst ourselves or we are no better than they are.
02-08-2006, 01:18 AM
Kill em all and let Allah sort them out. I am still highly pissed of at all Terrorist. I dont really think all Muslims are terrorist but Now A Days they have seemed to make themselves stand out and build that reputation up. If the shoe fits wear it if not You shouldnt have to be told twice to lay down your guns. I have lost friends in Iraq. Everytime I read a new edition of The Marine Corps Times I search through the names to see if anyone I knew died. I think enough is enough. Teach the the lesson that Japan learned the hard way. I dont usually get into these political squirmishes because there truly is no right answer. Everyone as an American is entitled to there own oppinion. As much as you might not like someones it is there view. Try not to fight amongst ourselves or we are no better than they are.HAHA except for your 1st sentence... well said!!!! mostly this one:
I dont really think all Muslims are terrorist but Now A Days they have seemed to make themselves stand out and build that reputation up. If the shoe fits wear it ..........this is all Tom (93ramvert) was trying to say.
02-08-2006, 07:38 AM
Sorry I was supposed to have a Ha Ha after that Kill em all statement. I wasnt meaning muslims, just terrorist that are muslim if that makes sense.
02-08-2006, 07:43 AM
I've gotten caught up in this too, but have you ever wondered why we are bitching more about the shitty calls at the Super Bowl, when we really should be bitching about how the horrific events of 9/11 have been forgotten. And how it's o.k. for the Major newspapers to print pictures of a crucifix getting dipped in urine, and showing pictures of Americans getting their heads chopped off, or how about Abu Ghrab, but god forbid they print cartoons that may offend some muslim. Oh fuckin No, wahhhhh. Can I ask what doesn't offend them. They have got to be the least civilized religion I can think of. Why are these F'n crazies being defended with "It's offensive to they're Religion" :bs: 4 Airliners being hijacked and and flown into buildings with thousands of inocent people dead is offensive. But we're evil to go after them, the liberals think it's a crime to make the scum pay for what they've done. We're fuckin doomed. But hey let's all bitch about the ref's instead.
I'll go back to my original Post. Where in this post did I sterotype the Muslims
but god forbid they print cartoons that may offend some muslim. Oh fuckin No, wahhhhh. If this is it, than your wrong, I am simple stating the truth, teh muslims are the ones protesting and killing people over these cartoons. Jews are not, Christians are not. So is this sterotyping. Oh I'm sorry it's not all muslims, is that it. Oh O.k. I don't understand that logic. Let me try though and figure it out.
When someone says "Firefighters" most people think "Hero" - WRONG!!!! You just sterotyped. Because why not all are heros
When someone says "Marine" people think "Stupid Grunt", "Crazy Fuck", "Stupid shit willing to get shut up". - WRONG!!! again you sterotyped. We are not all stupid grunts, We're not all crazy fucks, and not all of us are willing to get shut up.
What happened to the catholic religion after the Preists were charged with molesting little boys. OHHH Damn, I can't say that because not all of the priests did it, so I can't call them priests.
Do you see where I'm going with this.
So I'm supposed to say a group of people who believed in the Muslim Religion brought down the towers. If you believe that then you've def. been caught up in the Political Correctness. I'm not sorry for being politically incorrect. I won't be I refuse to be politcally correct. Did they believe in the Muslim religion?, Where they Muslim? Did they bring down the towers? Then fucking Muslims brought down the towers. I never said "The" Muslims or the "Muslim Religion" brought down the towers I said MUSLIMS. Whether the were radical, irradical, doesn't make a differance to me they were of the Muslim religion, MUSLIM!!!!! Know to set the record straight do I hate "Muslims" No I don't, do I become more aware when there is an Arab whether it be Iragi, Indian, Saudi, (God forbid I sterotype "Arab") around. Do I hate Arabs, no I don't.
What your doing is making an excuse for the crazy fucks of the world for doing what they do, blaming people like me for "Sterotyping"
I'm sorry there are bad Muslims, bad Jews, bad white people, bad spanish people, but because all of these "Types" have good people in them means I cannot use there "Type" without being called a racist. Give me a fucking break. If this is the case then we are in much worse of a case than I thought.
Get off your high horses, cuz I know that everyone of you have at some point felt something about some type, whether it be firefighters, police, welfare reciepiants, Illegal Immigrants, grocery store workers, Mcdonalds workers, walmart workers, people from Maine, people from West Virgina, Air Force, Navy, Handicapped, rich people, Christian, Jewish, Japanese, German, Black, White, Puerto Rican, Gay, Straight, Prostitute, Drug Addict, Single Mother, Homeless Person, T.V. Personality, Politician, Shall I fucking go on? Computer Programmers, Web Developers, Doctors, Porn Stars, Old People, Fat People, I know I could still go on.
Whether you've thought good or bad about any "group" of these people than your a hypocrite if you believe that what I've done is sterotyping.
I know that people here have done it, Camaro drivers suck, Ricers this Ricers, that. So now what?
I stand by what I said, I don't need anyone trying to explain something for me
(No offense Bro). I said what I said because I mean it. Don't try to fuckin sugar coat what 4-5 guys who were muslim (Better) who got on a plane and flew them into national trade marks.
Don't try and sugar coat why it's o.k. to ignore the fact that the Boston Globe is to high class to print a cartoon depicting Muhammod, but just shows to be so low class as to print pictures of Nick Berg getting ready to lose his head, or to show the cartoon of a U.S. Military man with bloody stumps with Rumsfield Mocking him.
I fucking hate people like this, Oh wait maybe there not all people. I'll rethink that and figure out what I need to say.
02-08-2006, 07:46 AM
I wasnt meaning muslims, just terrorist that are muslim if that makes sense.
Just what if not all terrorists are terrorists? Than what. You must make yourself very very very very very (never enough very's) clear here.
Nobody has ever said they havent sterotyped people. This all started from a quote that said you didnt sterotype the muslims. I was just pointing out that you did.
I will not say/and have never said something so ignorant as 'the muslims brought down the towers'
02-08-2006, 08:35 AM
I think Taliban is the term you guys are looking for as far as who brought down the towers or who orchestrated it. I may be wrong. It is nice to know that I'm not the only one hear who feels the way most of you feel.
02-08-2006, 09:22 AM
Sorry I was supposed to have a Ha Ha after that Kill em all statement. I wasnt meaning muslims, just terrorist that are muslim if that makes sense.:lol: I know, i figured that, too fuuny tho
Just when I thought, the Islamic religion turned the other cheek when it came to them acting like savages, I am proven wrong with AMAZMENT!
02-08-2006, 11:02 AM
Nobody has ever said they havent sterotyped people. This all started from a quote that said you didnt sterotype the muslims. I was just pointing out that you did.
I will not say/and have never said something so ignorant as 'the muslims brought down the towers'
Whatever, but you are so ignorant to leave out what I really said just to make your point.
Finish the statement I wrote about my not sterotyping muslims, and you will get what I was saying. Or are you willing to admit that you keep choosing to leave that out to benefit yourself.
If saying that Muslims brought down the towers makes me ignorant than so be it. It certainly wasn't christians, I know you know what I'm trying to say, you are just choosing to be an ass about it.
Why are you so defensive? lol get your panties out of the twist.
02-08-2006, 11:36 AM
Kill em all and let Allah sort them out, The ones that are terrorist that is. I am still highly pissed off at all Terrorist. I dont really think all Muslims are terrorist but Now A Days they have seemed to make themselves stand out and build that reputation up. If the shoe fits....... wear it if not You shouldnt have to be told twice to lay down your guns. I have lost friends in Iraq. Everytime I read a new edition of The Marine Corps Times I search through the names to see if anyone I knew died. I think enough is enough. Teach the the lesson that Japan learned the hard way. I dont usually get into these political squirmishes because there truly is no right answer. Everyone as an American is entitled to there own oppinion. As much as you might not like someones it is there view. Try not to fight amongst ourselves or we are no better than they are.
well said :thumpupn:
02-08-2006, 12:38 PM
Why are you so defensive? lol get your panties out of the twist.
I'm so defensive because you keep skirting my questions, and your twisting (leaving shit out of what I actually typed) to make me look like an ass.
I'm ignorant because I'm not afraid to say that the ARABS that brought down the towers were FUCKING MUSLIM. That makes me ignorant. You splitting hairs over my saying "Muslims" (who brought down the tower) and the Muslim Religion is ignorant.
I quess the Nanzis weren't bad people right J? Because of course not all the nazis killed Jews oh and least not forget that not all those that were killed were Jews.
I'll get my panties out of the twist as soon as you pull your head out of your ass.
Keep tip toeing around the tulips
02-08-2006, 12:55 PM
93 I am sorry, I am a fellow devil dog and trust me I hate rag heads, towel heads, dot heads, whatever the hell you want to call them, just as much as you. BUT on the other hand we cant hate them all. Have you ever seen the ones that havent shot at us? Have you ever had grown men come up and beg your forgiveness? Have you ever had them throw themselves at your feet and tell you how happy they are that you are there freeing their sorry asses, and I mean that in a good way, from the thresh holds of a mad man. I have, and as much as I watch my back for any god damned Habib, when I get on a plane, I keep it in the back of my mind that not all MUSLIMS are bad. But bet your ass if he or she looks like trouble I wont think twice to snap every bone that makes them live if the situation deems necassary. I hate any and all that threaten the American way of life. I will fight and die to protect those freedoms no matter who, what, when, where, or why. We as Marine must keep to the CODE on this and you have got to keep it that way.
02-08-2006, 01:07 PM
93 I am sorry, I am a fellow devil dog and trust me I hate rag heads, towel heads, dot heads, whatever the hell you want to call them, just as much as you. BUT on the other hand we cant hate them all. Have you ever seen the ones that havent shot at us? Have you ever had grown men come up and beg your forgiveness? Have you ever had them throw themselves at your feet and tell you how happy they are that you are there freeing their sorry asses, and I mean that in a good way, from the thresh holds of a mad man. I have, and as much as I watch my back for any god damned Habib, when I get on a plane, I keep it in the back of my mind that not all MUSLIMS are bad. But bet your ass if he or she looks like trouble I wont think twice to snap every bone that makes them live if the situation deems necassary. I hate any and all that threaten the American way of life. I will fight and die to protect those freedoms no matter who, what, when, where, or why. We as Marine must keep to the CODE on this and you have got to keep it that way.
:devil: :beerchug:
02-08-2006, 01:13 PM
Oh and by the way who cares about the DAMNED super bowl......... THE ASSKICKINGIST BEST DAMNED TEAM WON. GO STEELERS ................SHITTY REFS OR NOT LOL
02-08-2006, 01:23 PM
93 I am sorry, I am a fellow devil dog and trust me I hate rag heads, towel heads, dot heads, whatever the hell you want to call them, just as much as you. BUT on the other hand we cant hate them all. Have you ever seen the ones that havent shot at us? Have you ever had grown men come up and beg your forgiveness? Have you ever had them throw themselves at your feet and tell you how happy they are that you are there freeing their sorry asses, and I mean that in a good way, from the thresh holds of a mad man. I have, and as much as I watch my back for any god damned Habib, when I get on a plane, I keep it in the back of my mind that not all MUSLIMS are bad. But bet your ass if he or she looks like trouble I wont think twice to snap every bone that makes them live if the situation deems necassary. I hate any and all that threaten the American way of life. I will fight and die to protect those freedoms no matter who, what, when, where, or why. We as Marine must keep to the CODE on this and you have got to keep it that way.
Does anyone read the posts? Go back sam, I don't hate them all, I've even coached them on my soccer team, J has twisted what I said to make it look like I have sterotyped Muslims when in fact what I had typed was the I didn't sterotype muslims they did a great job at it themselves.
Cobra94 just hit it on the head for me, J isn't going to admit what he did, nor will he answer any of my questions. As a matter of fact he'll probably cut and paste parts of this very post and use it to his advantage once again.
He may even slam you, who knows not all muslims wear rags, not all rag heads are muslim.
Cobra94 is right I'll back out of this because J, won't admit what he did. Which is fine, I know where he stands.
Yeah I'm looking like a crazy pissed off person, it's not because I hate muslims, but because this country feel it's o.k. to spit in the face of fellow americans, but put other countries, religions, cultures on a pedastal. J proved this point. So I'm done
02-08-2006, 01:31 PM
Trust me Devil Dog I know exactly how you feel and what you are trying to say. I dont let others manipulate things. Remeber we are trained in that area. I just dont want ya to go off the deep end over a stupid damned POST. No offense J but ya have had to serve to apprecaite what he is trying to say. Either way I say its time to drop the big allah fearing BBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM
02-08-2006, 01:32 PM
....................So I'm done
good idea Bro.
great post tho. i had fun LOL. haha sorry
The reason you look like an ass is this.
I miss quoted you... so you bitch about how ALL muslims brought down the towers... and then yell cuz I miss quoted you on how you DONT stereo type Muslims. LOL
02-08-2006, 01:36 PM
Nobody has ever said they havent sterotyped people. I do it all the time
I only listen to people who have boobs
I can do it too :nutkick:
02-08-2006, 01:37 PM
Is there any truth to this? I've been reading and following this thread but haven't posted until today when someone sent me this. Anyone heard anything about this?
CANBERRA AUSTRALIA: Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia, as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks. A day after a group of mainstream Muslim leaders pledged loyalty to Australia at a special meeting with Prime Minister John Howard, he and his ministers made it clear that extremists would face a crackdown. Treasurer Peter Costello, seen as heir apparent to Howard, hinted that some radical clerics could be asked to leave the country if they did not accept that Australia was a secular state and its laws were made by parliament. "If those are not your values, if you want a country which has Sharia law or a theocratic state, then Australia is not for you,"
he said on national television. "I'd be saying to clerics who are teaching that there are two laws governing people in Australia, one the Australian law and another the Islamic law, that is false.
If you can't agree with parliamentary law, independent courts, democracy, and would prefer Sharia law and have the opportunity to go to another country which practices it, perhaps, then, that's a better option," Costello said. Asked whether he meant radical clerics would be forced to leave, he said those with dual citizenship could possibly be asked to move to the other country.
Education Minister Brendan Nelson later told reporters that Muslims who did not want to accept local values should "clear off". "Basically, people who don't want to be Australians, and they don't want to live by Australian values and understand them, well then they can basically clear off," he said. Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques.
02-08-2006, 01:41 PM
The reason you look like an ass is this.
I miss quoted you... so you bitch about how ALL muslims brought down the towers... and then yell cuz I miss quoted you on how you DONT stereo type Muslims. LOL
See I can't let this go. Point it the fuck out J. Where did I say ALL Musilims brought down the Towers. That's the way your small mind chooses to see it. It wasn't a mis -Quote, it was blatent. you left out the most important part.
The only way you will be able to point out that I said ALL is if you fuck with my posts, they way you certainly seem to have the capability to do.
I'm the ass J. Keep telling yourself that to make yourself feel better.
02-08-2006, 01:47 PM
Is there any truth to this? I've been reading and following this thread but haven't posted until today when someone sent me this. Anyone heard anything about this?
Steelfalcon could you please define American, J has a real problem
02-08-2006, 01:48 PM
slap slap. what did i explain you......
02-08-2006, 01:52 PM
slap slap. what did i explain you......
I know I know I know. Don't play with the Gay kids.
02-08-2006, 01:58 PM
The reason I look like an ass is this.
I miss quoted you... I miss quoted you on how you stereo type Muslims.
I like being a New York Times Journalist.
02-08-2006, 02:01 PM
I like it in the ass
Oh this is really fun J, Now I understand. Cheers :beerchug:
02-08-2006, 02:04 PM
Yup, You?
02-08-2006, 02:09 PM
02-08-2006, 02:10 PM
Peace... Im out for the next few hours but I am SURE this will go on.
02-08-2006, 02:19 PM
ah thats better. holy shit thats funny
02-08-2006, 02:33 PM
Breaking NEWS, Well o.k. not breaking news, New York Times News,
Tom your so funny, I'm such an ass, I'm glad we can laugh about this now.
No Problem J I'm glad we see eye to eye now. No Hard feelings
Nope we're all good
Ohh god good I'm happy, I know how you guy's up in N.H. can be. OOOPS, Sorry what an ass.
Ohh stop I'm going to piss myself
Oh shit now that would be funny
02-08-2006, 03:16 PM
You know tommy ,at this rate we'll never know who brought them down because we are just to worried about being politicaly correct to have someone put there ass on the line with this shit.I
"Political Correctness" Come on. This really only applies to white males in America. Anyone else can say what they want, about who they want to anyone they want and it doesn't matter. It isn't going to cost them their livelyhood or reputation. White guy says it and he's looking for a new job. You see it everyday, particularlly in the sports arena.
02-08-2006, 07:16 PM
USA ( UNITED STATES OF THE AFFENDED) thats what it is today. your right about that. the christianity this country was built on. JESUS CHRIST AND THE HOLY BIBLE we are suppose to let them shove christ out of here. If we dont stand up and fight for it, soon we want be able to worship christ, because we will have to worship every other religion other than christ. but first we got to get up off our a-- and get this freekin government of ours back under control. those polititions up there are more concerned about there pockets than the people who run this country like you and I. one way to stop it is to unit together. one thing the gov't dont like is group of united people that is organized and united. think about it. why start a fued about the confederate flag? to keep people from getting to close that might UNIT together. thats just my appenion. that country is headed for a big downfall if the govt dont start thinkin about the real people. have a great day. remember its UNITED STATES OF THE AFFENDED!
02-08-2006, 07:39 PM
sorry guys....this is getting a little to serious for me...i think we should look for some of these losers closer to home....i found one on our own site..RIDDICK...LMFAO
02-08-2006, 08:12 PM
sorry guys....this is getting a little to serious for me...i think we should look for some of these losers closer to home....i found one on our own site..RIDDICK...LMFAO
:rofl: look a muslim
02-08-2006, 09:00 PM
look a muslim
Thats just funny i dont care who you are
02-08-2006, 09:09 PM
Thats just funny i dont care who you are
LMFAO!!!! :rofl:
LOL!!!!!! GS LOVE!!!!!!!!!
02-08-2006, 10:08 PM
02-08-2006, 10:16 PM
GET ON THE BOAT................
02-08-2006, 11:05 PM
OMG. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
02-09-2006, 12:59 AM
Wow... :hmmm:
02-09-2006, 02:48 AM
religion is the worst thing to happen to the human race.
Crusades: religion
Holocaust: religion
9/11: religion
02-09-2006, 09:38 AM
sorry guys....this is getting a little to serious for me...i think we should look for some of these losers closer to home....i found one on our own site..RIDDICK...LMFAO
LMAO :rofl:
02-09-2006, 10:34 AM
LMAO. Damn. thats about all I can say.
02-09-2006, 11:57 AM
I would just like to say Big Ups to 93ramvert for creating this topic. Although we may not all agree one way or the other this thread has proved why America is so great. Quite frankly you can describe this country with one word. FREEDOM. Freedom to say, think, or belive whatever you want. That's why I love this country.
02-09-2006, 02:39 PM
Considering any portrayal of their prophet as blasphemous, angry Muslims have demonstrated around the world over the cartoons, first published in Denmark, then Norway and several other countries in Europe and elsewhere.
Where have they been for thousands of years"Any Portrayal", as I said uesterday the Supreme Court in D.C., Art by Van Gogh, many thousands of others. Why now? and why 4 months after the cartoons were actually published
Mullah Krekar, the alleged leader of the Islamist group Ansar al-Islam who has been living in Norway as a refugee since 1991, said that the publication of the Muhammad cartoons was a declaration of war. “The war has begun,” he told Norwegian journalists. Mr Krekar said Muslims in Norway are preparing to fight. “It does not matter if the governments of Norway and Denmark apologize, the war is on.”
Can someone define "Muslims" here, this douche is an alleged leader, why hasn't he been blasted for saying that the "whole" muslim religion is at war. Or is it O.k.for these Muslim Leaders to say Muslim when he really means the radical muslims, ya know just using the word in general cuz he's muslim, like yo yo nigga if you were to be say Black.
“Today, we are defending the dignity of our prophet with a word, a demonstration but let George Bush and the arrogant world know that if we have to ... we will defend our prophet with our blood, not our voices,” Nasrallah added.
In the words of my Favorite Actors "Go Ahead Make My Day"
Or just three words for the Arab nation............. Glass Parking Lot
The New York Press is a small alternative publication with a history of needling authority. Last year it came under fire for making light of the failing health of John Paul in a column headlined “The 52 Funniest Things About the Upcoming Death of the Pope.”
Uhhhhhmmmm!!! Yea cuz I remember all the killing and protests and threats of beheadings there.
And this Fucking paper won't print the cartoons.
Three words for the Offices of The New York Press....... Glass Parking Lot
In an article on the New York Observer’s Web site on Wednesday, Harry Siegel said that he and three colleagues on the editorial board of the New York Press resigned after being ordered not to print the cartoons in an issue dedicated to the controversy.
Congratifuckinlations.... good for you for standing up for America.
And Three words for.... ahhhh you get the picture
Azeen Khan of the New York-based Islamic Circle of North America said his organization is "absolutely outraged" over caricatures meant, he said, "to defame Islam on the world stage."
His group is organizing supporters in New York and the District, he said, to protest as early as today.
I guess Glass Parking lot is out of the question here. They're here in America, I can handle that they want to protest. Fine no issue, I just don't get how and why it's o.k. to have portrayal's of the Prophet around the world including this Nations capital, and now all of a sudden they've gone rabid.
what was said earlier about the Muslim Religion being so un-civilized?
Some time ago, a Muslim woman brought suit in Florida because she did not want to have her face displayed on her driver’s license without a veil. The case was straightforward, morally and legally defensible from a Judeo-Christian American point of view. She needed to abide by our laws if she wants to live here. If she does not want a police officer looking at her unveiled face, then she should do what she can not to break our traffic laws when she drives.
Of the Florida driver’s license incident— yet another example of cultural double standards. After all, in a country following strict Koranic law, the woman would never have been permitted to drive a car in the first place. Therefore, she wanted to violate her religious standards in one area while insisting they be honored in another, while all the time simply wanting to test how far Americans might want to compromise their own security in the name of cultural sensitivity.
I know I know, maybe not all Muslims have rules as strict when it comes to the women. But I think you'd be hard pressed to find it.
"More conservative strains of Sunni Islam prohibit idolatry in any form, including, in some cases, prohibitions of showing the human form at all."
Again just another statement I found backing up the No protrayal thing
Lost in the furor over cartoons of the prophet Muhammad is the fact that his likeness has long been portrayed in the collections of some of the world's greatest museums and libraries without exciting alarm or comment.
While rare in the 1,400 years of Islamic art, depictions of Muhammad are found in the collections of such institutions as New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Bibliotheque Nationale de France in Paris and the Edinburgh University library.
Muhammad has been portrayed in the work of revered Muslim artists and of such Western figures as William Blake, Auguste Rodin and Salvador Dali -- as well as the creators of the cable-TV cartoon series "South Park."
None of those depictions aroused the anger seen in reaction to a set of satirical cartoons that appeared in Danish and other European newspapers -- a violent response that continued to roil the Muslim world yesterday.
Double Standard??????????
Egypt's government demanded that Denmark intervene in the cartoon controversy - but Egypt has brushed aside similar calls from the international community over anti-Semitism in the Egyptian news media, citing, of all things, freedom of expression.
Most of the Muslim countries whose leaders have let the world know their outrage have been competing to see who can outdo the others in "Muslimness."
Perhaps the ultimate double standard, though, is the repeated calls from Muslim dictators that the freedom of expression must be exercised with responsibility. Why isn't anyone telling them that an equally healthy dose of responsibility must accompany the enormous power they wield?
I am a Muslim who fully supports Jyllands-Posten's right to publish the cartoons of Prophet Mohammed, as I defend the rights of Muslims to be offended. But I find the daily human rights violations by our dictators to be more offensive to the memory of the prophet's life than a few cartoons ever could be.
And let's be really honest here, haven't some Muslims been all too willing to confirm the stereotype of violent Islam with their calls to behead the cartoonists and to sever their hands?
This is for J, this my friend is coming from a Muslim, this single paragraph backs up what I was saying about the Muslims (I don't give a Flying Fuck about the Whole or half or .01% or 10%) Sterotyping themselves.
This is not a clash of civilizations but a battle between the extremists - Muslims and non-Muslims alike - and the rest of us who refuse to allow them to speak for us.
(Mona Eltahawy is an Egyptian commentator.)
Quote "and the rest of us who refuse to allow them to speak for us."
I choose to be one of the us who refuse.
02-09-2006, 02:42 PM
I would just like to say Big Ups to 93ramvert for creating this topic. Although we may not all agree one way or the other this thread has proved why America is so great. Quite frankly you can describe this country with one word. FREEDOM. Freedom to say, think, or belive whatever you want. That's why I love this country.
By the way thanks 05Classic, I know you don't necessarily see eye to eye, but I think you got what I meant without splitting any hairs.
Thanks. and like I said any time you need me in the Fox Hole, I'll be happy to come and "Get Some".
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