02-05-2006, 12:52 PM

02-05-2006, 02:22 PM
:lol: Go Steelers! :nya: :rofl:

02-05-2006, 02:24 PM
Can't wait to see the Seahawks win! It will be fun! :beerchug:

02-05-2006, 02:48 PM
go seahawks :devil:

02-05-2006, 03:14 PM
Stealers > Seahawks

02-05-2006, 09:13 PM
I predict that the Seahawks will lose...21-10.... :lol:

02-05-2006, 10:28 PM
:dance: dang man u were right

02-05-2006, 11:42 PM
looks at the time of Mustangfreaks post........:smacks him on the head:....:rofl:

anyone else think the reffing in that game was a little ridiculous....just curious on what everyone though cause DAMN that was messed up

02-05-2006, 11:51 PM
looks at the time of Mustangfreaks post........:smacks him on the head:....:rofl:

anyone else think the reffing in that game was a little ridiculous....just curious on what everyone though cause DAMN that was messed up

yeah, there were plenty of bad calls in that game, especially that reviewed Pittsburgh touchdown...im almost positive that the ball didnt break the endzone line :cussing: but it didnt matter all that much b/c Seattle made a lot of mistakes....

02-06-2006, 02:02 AM

yeah, there were plenty of bad calls in that game, especially that reviewed Pittsburgh touchdown...im almost positive that the ball didnt break the endzone line :cussing: but it didnt matter all that much b/c Seattle made a lot of mistakes....I agree with you... Seahawks didn't really play their best, but at the same time the outcome could've been much different if the calls wouldn't have been as lousy (or should we say, biased) as they were...

Oh, and I don't care what they said... We got the first touchdown of the game. :devil:

But hey... Steelers won, and the game was good (aside from the unfairness at times). :beerchug: to us all...

02-06-2006, 07:09 AM
I not being a big fan of either team, "Go Pats" so I was able to watch the game with no bias. I wanted to see Bettis and Cowher finally get one but I also wanted to see Hassleback (Boston College) and Tatupo (Mosi's Son (Great Patriot)) get the win too. So my take on the officiating was pretty fair across the board. Although the Offensive interference call on the Hawks touchdown was a bit bogus, that should have been a touchdown. I think that in itself would have been the game changer even with it being earlier in the game. Overall yeah there were mistakes the players on both sides of the ball and the ref's. The calling was no where near as bad as it had been throuhought the play-offs, that was some of the worst.

02-06-2006, 07:11 AM
I really found the game boring and without any excitement. Just my opinion. The commercials were better than the game and that isn't saying much.

02-06-2006, 07:28 AM
I really found the game boring and without any excitement. Just my opinion. The commercials were better than the game and that isn't saying much.

I agree, it really wasn't a game to remember. Oh well it was for the Steeler fans.

02-06-2006, 11:16 AM
Halftime and the National Anthem SUCKED.

02-06-2006, 11:16 AM
The commercials were the best part!
Two bad calls that changed the game:
The ball never broke the line, watch the video, he pulls it from under his stomach and pushes it past the line.
The offensive interference call:
WTF?? :smack:
Not that the Seahawks played the game they should have, it was a boring Superbowl.
Congrats Steelers!

02-06-2006, 03:39 PM
about an inch of the ball crossed the plane of the goal about a foot and a half off the ground and then back out of the endzone when he landed. There definitely wasn't any conclusive evidence to overturn the call on the field.

The push off may have been somewhat ticky tack, but it was obvious, he put his hand flat on the defender's chest and pushed off. Sorry but that's not legal and the penalty was the correct call.

the "low block" when hasselback tackled the defender was a horrible call but it was after a turnover anyway and didn't make much difference overall.

02-06-2006, 03:59 PM
about an inch of the ball crossed the plane of the goal about a foot and a half off the ground and then back out of the endzone when he landed. There definitely wasn't any conclusive evidence to overturn the call on the field.

The push off may have been somewhat ticky tack, but it was obvious, he put his hand flat on the defender's chest and pushed off. Sorry but that's not legal and the penalty was the correct call.

the "low block" when hasselback tackled the defender was a horrible call but it was after a turnover anyway and didn't make much difference overall.
On the first 2 calls you mention, I really don't mean to pick an arguement but I strongly disagree on your justifications. The ball CLEARLY landed behind the line and it wasn't until he was on the ground that he pulled it from under him and across the line. Check the ESPN message forums... This wasn't a biased observation from Seahawks fans... Even Steelers fans, as well as pretty much 90% of spectators from across the country feel the same way about this one. The other 10% seem to believe it was "not clear enough to overturn the call"... Come on now...!

The so call push off wasn't it at all. If you watched the replays, it didn't take much to determine they were both sort of touching back and forth trying to claim their position. The call was made for one reason, and one reason only...to debunk a TD.

On the third one, others have a better explanation of why it was not a fair call... I honestly didn't give that one as much importance as the other 2.

If it had been a fair loss, it wouldn't have been as painful because at least we would've left with the feeling that we tried our best and still lost to a great team, but truth be told we played a good game against the Steelers, and dispite the numerous mistakes we did make, there were plenty of plays to overcome and even give us a good comeback, but nufortunately they were all masked by the awful calls that are today's (and probably this whole week's) talk.

What can you do, though, right?

02-06-2006, 04:34 PM
I agree that the ball landed short of the line, but it didn't have to be across the line when it landed, it needed to be across the line anytime before that and if you look at the video the ball is just barely going over the line when it is between 1-2 feet from the ground.

if 1/64 of the ball is over the front edge of the line then it is a touchdown. It looked to me like about an inch of the ball crossed that plane. Even if I'm seeing it wrong then there is definitely not enough video evidence to overturn it as called on the field.

It was a close call and could have gone either way, if it had not been ruled a TD on the field then I doubt that would have been overturned either by the replay. It was just that close that the video could not overturn it either way.

The push off was weak but it was definitely there. As defined by the rules it was an infraction, it just usually isn't called. Yes they were both using their hands some but the final contact between them was the push off. when combined with the stop and go move like he used, it doesn't take much of a push off to create a lot of space. Heck, it looked like a push off to me at full speed right away and the replays just reinforced that for me.

Really, I don't care if other people see things differently or disagree. I've never been a fan of polls, I just see it how I see it based on the rules of the game.

02-06-2006, 04:46 PM
Let's not forget the phantom holding call when the Seahawks made it to the 1ish yard line giving us a 15 yard penalty. Which, unfortunately lead to the only interception pass by Hasselbeck (and of course another bad penalty for "low blocking", he was making a tackle for christ sake). Had that penalty never been called it woud've been 1st and goal, the hawks surely would've scored another 7 points right there.

I hate to say this, because it sounds like I'm whining, but the game was officiated very poorly. It's unfortunate that the game turned out the way it did. The Seahawks won the game, but the Steelers won the trophy.

If you truly think that the game was called fairly, perhaps you should visit the optometrist. Here's a website dedicated to the controversy over SuperBowl XL:


And, here's thread from ESPN's message forum over the way the game was officiated. It currently has a little over 1100 posts from fans all around the league, not just Seattle, in fact, the thread was created by a non Seahawks fan.

02-06-2006, 05:09 PM
Well I'm glad the steelers won but I will also add that it should have been played out differently with the officials calls. I was with a group of people that basicly was split down the center as far as who they were a fan of and even the steelers fans were not agreeing with some of the calls against seahawks or in favor of the steelers so you could say that we were all disappointed in one way or another. My family are pats fans but we didn't care about that so we just went with who we wanted to win and as stated b4 the commercials were the highlight of the 2 hours spent watching the boob tube. I don't know what mcjagger was thinking but he should have atleast change the pants he's been wearing for the past 35 years to something new and start thinking of doing benifit concerts to the senior citizens because he knows they can't hear a word he's saying and how bad it sounds either!!! >owned<

Mvp should have gone to the officials on this one. :weakestli

02-06-2006, 07:38 PM
Let's not forget the phantom holding call when the Seahawks made it to the 1ish yard line giving us a 15 yard penalty. Which, unfortunately lead to the only interception pass by Hasselbeck (and of course another bad penalty for "low blocking", he was making a tackle for christ sake). Had that penalty never been called it woud've been 1st and goal, the hawks surely would've scored another 7 points right there.

I hate to say this, because it sounds like I'm whining, but the game was officiated very poorly. It's unfortunate that the game turned out the way it did. The Seahawks won the game, but the Steelers won the trophy.

If you truly think that the game was called fairly, perhaps you should visit the optometrist. Here's a website dedicated to the controversy over SuperBowl XL:


And, here's thread from ESPN's message forum over the way the game was officiated. It currently has a little over 1100 posts from fans all around the league, not just Seattle, in fact, the thread was created by a non Seahawks fan.

If you wanna go there, let's go back to the Patriots-Broncos game. Pats got schooled by the Ref's. Ultimately I believe they won that game My .02.

As for the Hawks, they did not perform well during the two minute drill. If it's true that Hasselback ignored Holmgren, then now wonder they looked like they were playing pre-season football. I do believe that Rothlesboooger was in for the touch down, the ball crossed the plane before he got hit. If it was the other way around the hawks would be saying the same thing. The pass interfrence thing, was a B.S. call that should't have been called. I've had more contact then that with a 90 year old. Gimme a break.

And to prove the hawks couldn't get it done, the blundered around at the end of the second half as well. They were def. not out played for sure, they were out confidenced "If there is such a thing"

I know Iknw shut up