View Full Version : I wrangled a bull with my mustang today!

01-15-2006, 06:20 PM
JAN. 15th 2005
So I get a call from a friend, Ash, about a steer being loose in the neighborhood (a castrated bull). . . So I grabbed a camera, my car keys and took off for the thing. I mean come on it sounds fun wrangling a bull. So I head off pick ash up and we go looking for it. We find it 1/8th of a mile up the rode. It was brown and pretty big for a steer with 2 huge Horns. Some grandma with her kids in an Altima was pissing it off by tailing it. I pulled up about 150ft ahead of it and started going in reverse with emergency lights and a magnetic security light I bought going. I see two custom choppers coming up and they didn’t know where it was. Well the bull charged one; the guy was a sick ass driver and avoided it by like 3 feet. The other guy waited for it to get parallel with him then he floored it to get the hell out of there. ... so its just back to me, a steer, and the Altima. . . well now I am going 5mph in reverse and I come up on a women walking her Chihuahua. I told her to get out of there before she gets killed. She left went inside. Now I am parked on the side with my lights going stopping traffic so no one gets hurt. I got the Lexus and suburban to leave on a side road, the Altima snuck by the thing on the shoulder now it was Me in the Stang with a steer staring me down. . . the Altima scared it so it started to trot towards me pretty fast. Ash screamed, so I put it back in reverse floored it out of this person’s lawn and got down the side road enough to let the bull pass the intersection and me to get behind it. . . with a summer’s hard work, xmas money, and considerable help from people getting the supercharger done I had a blow-off valve. So now I am trailing the bull at about 5 mph. . . well I thought it was time to get this thing out of the neighborhood. So, I put it in neutral and shot of the valve 3 times. . . the steer took off running away from my car. . . now I am going about 15 and so is the steer. I kept revving it and setting the valve off scaring the sh** out of this steer. He finally found his hole in the fence and left. I dropped Ash back off and came back to make sure it was gone. It was and so was about 150ft of missing fence. . . someone came out to fix it and never finished. . . Security shows up, I tell him what happened, he laughed at me. . . I screamed at him and told him about it charging the motorcycles. He shut up and went back to the security house grabbed a camera and took some pictures of the damaged fence for insurance. Said thanks and left. . . . well at this point Ash is leaving the neighborhood for church, she say the a squad car coming down the road called me for a heads up. So I wait for the deputies to arrive. The deputy and his partner asked if everyone was alright, I said I got the bull out and it is clear now. The deputy asked how, I said my car. . . he looked at me puzzled. I revved my engine I said. He then noticed the gauges and said whats under that hood? So he made me pop it and said “DAMN!, you used the wastegate right?”, “yes” I replied. Well that is one nice set up, you can win some shows with that. We then talked for a few more minutes about my car, they said “thanks for your help, you did a good job” and left. . . so now I would like to say my procharger was totally worth the money and stress. It is fast, furious, and is now a good device for cattle control. . . This pony got in a fight with a steer and won; it might have saved a life or someone’s trip to a hospital. That is the tale of Chris Pellecchia’s (stolenheron’s) 2005 V6 automatic mustang and the steer.


:j: BOW TO THE WASTE GATE!!! :j: it scared ricers and now bulls!

My Cobra
01-15-2006, 08:30 PM
Need cliff notes

01-15-2006, 08:31 PM
yeah yeah. . . i know its long. deal with it. I fricking played chicken with a bull, then played cat and mouse with it and my wastegate, better?

My Cobra
01-15-2006, 08:34 PM
lol that is good, He scares the steer with his blow off valve and gets it to go back in its cage

01-15-2006, 09:32 PM

01-15-2006, 09:44 PM
Good job Chris! That's something you will never forget!

01-15-2006, 11:23 PM
OMG!! :nailbite:
That is friggin' histerical!!
You should write the story and send it to ProCharger and tell them about their products newly found use....
Bet you never forget that!! :rofl:
We will call you 'Steer Whisperer' now! :rofl:

01-16-2006, 05:47 PM
Great job. In my experiences with bulls of any sort you took a huge risk. Bulls casterated or not will charge with little to no warning. Heck they charge a big belarus tractor all the time lol. Just be carefull. Job well done.