View Full Version : Got in a car accident..

12-31-2005, 02:41 PM
I think I'm about done with this stupid car.

I blew out my tire and put a 10 inch gash along the bottom of my door panel.

On the navy base, there are two brick barriers that make it so you take two tight S curves to get out of the gate. There was quite a bit of gravel on the turns, and guess what! My car decided it would be SO SWELL to slide into it.

We heard a huge pop that sounded like a dent, and felt the car jerk the other way, as if it did put a dent in the back. However, this wasn't the case.

I continued to get on the freeway in order to get to work, thinking that I'll just figure out what to do when I get there, until my car started rumbling. Turns out that one of the MASSIVE BRICKS completely slashed my tire open. I was riding on rim for a fourth of a mile, when I pulled over off to the off ramp, and we got out.

The sound of the "dent" wasn't a dent at all. Infact, it was the tire EXPLODING. There's only a big gash on the bottom panel, which won't cost too much to replace, says mom. We can't have it covered by an insurance claim because I'm on deferred ticket status from my ticket in April, so we're hoping that our deductible will take care of it. So, we're buying a new set of tires tomorrow for sure, and getting some body estimates done.

It's amazing how much that one brick tore my tire up. Mom wasn't mad at all, so I was surprised. She says that when I called her [and I was completley hysterical and starting to hyperventilate..] I made it sound like I totalled the side of it. Thankfully, that wasn't the case at all. So.. Yeah.

Nay's 2005 Big Blowout Event!


We already got new tires, and we're getting a body estimate done soon. Our insurance deductible should cover the fix.

12-31-2005, 02:45 PM
LOL, you should always get out of yer car if you hear a noice such as that.. oh well :(

At least nothing happened to the car!!

12-31-2005, 02:48 PM
Well yes, something did happen to the car. I have that MASSIVE GASH on the side. But, unless it's parked, you wouldn't have any idea where to look, thank god.

12-31-2005, 02:49 PM
WOW you really Went into 2006 with a Bang, glad you didn't mess up the Stang or Yourself!!! Anytime you hit something you should get out and check for any damage, getting on the freeway could of really been bad news!!!!

12-31-2005, 03:59 PM
That sucks...I have my stock rims and tires, 60% tread life left and would be happy to sell them to you 200 bucks and they are yours...exactly the same as the ones you have right now...they are 2002 V6 Premium wheels....just let me know

12-31-2005, 05:41 PM
Thanks for the offer. We ended up buying all new ones [snow/mud tires] yesterday. Or rather, my mom did.

Apparently they don't make 16'' studded tires?

12-31-2005, 09:11 PM
They make studded 16" tires but, there are a lot of really good winter tires out there that don't need studs.
The last winter I drove my Mustang I used Blizzak tires and had really good luck with them! In fact, I still have a couple 16" Blizzaks in the shed!
Good luck, and sorry to see that damage!

01-01-2006, 12:29 AM
I think the kind of tires we got are called Icebear? Let me look 'em up.

Oh, and 02BlueStang, My mom told me to keep you in mind for those tires come spring. We're going to need to take these ones off, so.. I might just take you up on that deal.


01-01-2006, 03:29 AM
let me know if you want them, they are just sitting in the garage waiting for someone to take them away...

01-01-2006, 07:39 PM
sorry to hear about the damage... glad your mom was understanding!! I drive through those turns during my reserves at the navy base too...I hate them!! but I don't drive the mustang there anymore...

01-02-2006, 11:14 AM
Now that you have your new tires,now maybe it's time to slow down and pay attention to your driving on loose gravel so you don't do it again,Just a thought.