View Full Version : pit bull

12-21-2005, 02:16 PM
A geezer wakes up one morn to find a big ass gorilla on his roof. He
looks in the Yellow Pages & sure enough, there is an ad "Gorilla
Removers." When the gorilla remover arrives, he gets outta his

van with a ladder, a baseball bat, a shotgun & the meanest Pit Bull
you've ever seen.

The gorilla remover informs the geezer that he is gonna go up da roof &
whack the gorilla with the baseball bat & when he lands on the ground
the Pit Bull will grab him by the testicles with a death grip. The
gorilla will then be subdued & placed in a cage.

The geezer asks, "But what is da shotgun for?"

"If the gorilla knocks me off da roof, shoot da dog!"

12-21-2005, 02:18 PM

12-22-2005, 02:29 AM

12-22-2005, 02:10 PM

Black Stallion
12-22-2005, 02:56 PM