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View Full Version : Tons of new mods

12-21-2005, 09:26 AM
Ok well maybe only a couple. I got my 03 Mach 1 rims on this weekend, and on friday i'm going to the local muffler shop and getting mu dual exhaust put on to go with my GT bumper. I can't wait. I'll get pics up as soon as I have some time to clean the stang. Stay tuned.......

12-21-2005, 09:48 AM

12-21-2005, 10:24 AM
Ok you asked for it. Here are a few quick pics of the dirty stang.
http://www.gotstang.com/0605/05Classic/Dirty stang.JPG
http://www.gotstang.com/0605/05Classic/Dirty stang2.JPG
http://www.gotstang.com/0605/05Classic/Dirty stang3.JPG

12-21-2005, 12:01 PM
u should lower it

12-21-2005, 01:35 PM
Looks good! What made you go with the mach 1 rims? just asking, cause thats the first 05 I've seen with them on. It looks good!!

12-21-2005, 01:45 PM
U goin with the 06 fog lamps?

12-21-2005, 01:47 PM
Looks great! :thumpupn:

12-21-2005, 02:02 PM
u should lower it
That is gonna be my birthday present to myself. It should be lowered by the end of January.

Looks good! What made you go with the mach 1 rims? just asking, cause thats the first 05 I've seen with them on. It looks good!!
My dad has a 69 fastback with Magnum 500's. I figured they looked good on there so I kept with the classic theme on my stang and went wit 03 mach rims. I couldn't be happier with the outcome.

U goin with the 06 fog lamps?
No, not really a big fan of the fogs in the grill. I'm debating weather or not to mount some in the lower grill, but I'm not sure. More than likely I'll just go without fogs.