View Full Version : my gotstang sites fucked admins in here please

12-13-2005, 10:18 PM
For the past months my gotstang website doesnt load pics properly. Example I have 80 pics on my site already and when i upload a new one its telling me the new pic is #75 of 75 which doesnt let me put in the proper link code to my site for the pic to show. If an admin can reset my site so i can start it fresh please do so.

thank you

12-13-2005, 10:26 PM
Yeh mine wont add any either. Like if it put #30 in it gives me number 22 picture.

12-14-2005, 12:31 AM
Let me take a look.

12-14-2005, 12:40 AM
You guys are right, im fixing the problem right now :)

12-14-2005, 12:45 AM
Ahh shit I cant fix the thumbnail viewer right now, I do see the problem though. The source code is on my home computer and im on the road right now. It should be fixed early Friday morning.

12-14-2005, 07:31 AM

My Cobra
12-14-2005, 08:33 PM
mine has done this for a while. It will upload diffrent pictures than you want it to.

12-15-2005, 01:28 AM
Ahh shit I cant fix the thumbnail viewer right now, I do see the problem though. The source code is on my home computer and im on the road right now. It should be fixed early Friday morning.
thanx man, lemme know when your done

12-16-2005, 11:56 AM
I have fixed the code. The problem was the copy and paste img example wasnt showing the correct image number. If you were using the Insert button, the correct code was being inserted. Anyhow, its been fixed.

12-18-2005, 03:20 PM
still fucking up for me.
Says its picture 70 something but its really 90 so I have to play find the picture for about 20 mins before I get the right one.

Anyways Im probobly just going to close the site and put a link to my cardomain page. Getting too much greef with this site :(

12-18-2005, 03:54 PM
still fucking up for me.
Says its picture 70 something but its really 90 so I have to play find the picture for about 20 mins before I get the right one.

Anyways Im probobly just going to close the site and put a link to my cardomain page. Getting too much greef with this site :(
post a screen shot? Ive been really with RL stuff.. or this would have been fixed along time ago... I logged in as you and had no problems. The Image number at the top says the actual amount of pictures while the image number in between [IMG] tags shows 90 something. You might need to clear you cache of the old swf.

Tools -> Internet Options -> Delete Files.

12-19-2005, 12:33 AM
works now

appreciate it man