12-13-2005, 08:15 PM
Well, thought I'd tell you all about my 1st speeding ticket in the stang that I'm going to totally contest (LONG STORY SORRY)...tell me what ya think:
I'm going home from work traveling down a 2 lane road that eventually merges into a one lane road. On the left lane are about 2-3 semis that are turning left to get onto the highway, they are all almost completely stopped cause you know how long it takes for semis to turn. So I punch it in 2nd and get into the right lane and pass them. Down the road a little bit I see the blue lights and pull over. The cop gets out and immediately starts saying, "Well you think you could just accelerate like that huh?" I didn't say anything, then he says, "You think you could just pass those trucks like that huh? HUH?" I said, "I was just passing the trucks sir."
So he takes my license/insurance and I'm sitting there and thinking "Well at least he won't get me for speeding cause my radar detector never went off"
The officer comes back with the ticket for me to sign and I see that he has written me down for 55 in a 25! Now I've been driving down this road for 2 years and nowhere does it say 25, and I know for a fact its 45; why would a 2 lane road on both sides be 25? So I said "Sir where is it posted that the speed limit is 25?" he says, "Uh oh well I don't know where its exactly posted, but this is a service road and you should know that a service road is 25mph" I then said, "Um how did you know how fast I was going?" "I clocked you with radar" he says. I said "Really? Cause my detector never went off!" Then he starts stuttering very badly and says "Oh uh well uh you kids, you get these radar detectors and they don't always work" I said "Ok well then can I see the reading?" He says, "Oh uh well its not in there anymore" OK BULLCRAP! I told the officer that I'm not trying to be a smartass with all the questions but I'm a Criminal Justice major and I know this is crap, he then interrupts me and was like "Well then you should know not to be driving like that then" I said "Sir, I wasn't aware that you could get a ticket for accelerating fastly" So I went back to the road today and right where I passed the trucks is the posted speed limit of 45!
I took pictures of it for when I go to court. Oh and on the ticket there is a slot for the cop to mark how he got your speed such as radar, pacing, other...and nothing was checked. Also he didn't mark on the ticket the location that all this happen..he left that blank also!
I know the cop was lying about using radar cause my detector never went off and I know it worked on my way home after this, and he said he clocked me at the waffle house which is about 50 yards from where I began to pass and has large trees and bushes in front of their parking lot, now my car is fast but I couldn't reach the speed that quick. Well thought I'd share my frustration. LATER
I'm going home from work traveling down a 2 lane road that eventually merges into a one lane road. On the left lane are about 2-3 semis that are turning left to get onto the highway, they are all almost completely stopped cause you know how long it takes for semis to turn. So I punch it in 2nd and get into the right lane and pass them. Down the road a little bit I see the blue lights and pull over. The cop gets out and immediately starts saying, "Well you think you could just accelerate like that huh?" I didn't say anything, then he says, "You think you could just pass those trucks like that huh? HUH?" I said, "I was just passing the trucks sir."
So he takes my license/insurance and I'm sitting there and thinking "Well at least he won't get me for speeding cause my radar detector never went off"
The officer comes back with the ticket for me to sign and I see that he has written me down for 55 in a 25! Now I've been driving down this road for 2 years and nowhere does it say 25, and I know for a fact its 45; why would a 2 lane road on both sides be 25? So I said "Sir where is it posted that the speed limit is 25?" he says, "Uh oh well I don't know where its exactly posted, but this is a service road and you should know that a service road is 25mph" I then said, "Um how did you know how fast I was going?" "I clocked you with radar" he says. I said "Really? Cause my detector never went off!" Then he starts stuttering very badly and says "Oh uh well uh you kids, you get these radar detectors and they don't always work" I said "Ok well then can I see the reading?" He says, "Oh uh well its not in there anymore" OK BULLCRAP! I told the officer that I'm not trying to be a smartass with all the questions but I'm a Criminal Justice major and I know this is crap, he then interrupts me and was like "Well then you should know not to be driving like that then" I said "Sir, I wasn't aware that you could get a ticket for accelerating fastly" So I went back to the road today and right where I passed the trucks is the posted speed limit of 45!
I took pictures of it for when I go to court. Oh and on the ticket there is a slot for the cop to mark how he got your speed such as radar, pacing, other...and nothing was checked. Also he didn't mark on the ticket the location that all this happen..he left that blank also!
I know the cop was lying about using radar cause my detector never went off and I know it worked on my way home after this, and he said he clocked me at the waffle house which is about 50 yards from where I began to pass and has large trees and bushes in front of their parking lot, now my car is fast but I couldn't reach the speed that quick. Well thought I'd share my frustration. LATER