View Full Version : I'M FINISHED!!!!!!!
Black Stallion
11-27-2005, 10:10 PM
Finally, I am finished with my college applications, FINALLY!
Sorry, just had to get that out, I've been working on them forever.
Penn State, West Chester, Rowan, Rutger's, Rowan, Temple, Drexel, Lebanon Valley, & Widener University. Before you guys ask.
11-27-2005, 11:57 PM
sweet...congrats, I remember doing the same thing...hopefully you have the luck that I did and get accepted to every University you applied for....Hard work and dedication pays off in the end my friend...Good luck and let us know how it turns out with the apps :beerchug:
11-28-2005, 12:34 AM
Don't remind me. I have to get mine out in the near future.How long did it happen to take?
Black Stallion
11-28-2005, 02:52 PM
Don't remind me. I have to get mine out in the near future.How long did it happen to take?
1 1/2 months of procrastination, 9 hours of hard dedicated yelling, writing, talking and working.
11-28-2005, 03:06 PM
That's kinda funny. I remember starting applications, I hated my parents at the time (they were sooo dumb) so I wouldn't take a lick of advice or help from them. Did I mention I was also very lazy? Next thing I knew my head was shaved and I was in navy boot camp. Those recruiters are so quick to help with their applications. I think all I had to do was sign...
I can't complain, I make a lot more than any of my relatives that have college degrees. Congrats and kudos for not being lazy, well, good job on following through...
11-28-2005, 03:08 PM
Just out of curiosity, do people with good grades not get accepted to any particular universities? Ivy league stuff excluded of course.
Black Stallion
11-28-2005, 03:46 PM
Believe it or not Penn State is quite easy to get into, well for me. my SATs are 1450 and my GPA is 3.134, I more then meet the requirements.
11-28-2005, 04:41 PM
I graduated with a 3.85 GPA and scored 1080 on my SATS....lets just say I never studied for the SAT and took them without going to sleep and getting drunk the night before :rofl:
I got accepted to every univiversity I applied for and they gave me a full scholarship to the University of Washington, Central University, Western Washington University, Seattle Pacific University and Washington State University....of course I chose the University of Washington...Go Huskies :beerchug:
11-28-2005, 04:53 PM
I didn't know what I wanted to do when I graduated from college. Computers were still using fortran and cobal. No laughing dammit. So, I went into the military (USN) for a six year installment. Spent my first two-years in school (no elective crap in the military). Class were like college there. Sub School, Electronics A School, Missile Technician School, etc. Sure paid off in the civilian world. I have worked on Missle Launch systems, assembled satellite rocks, and worked on the electronics of several makes and models of Aircraft. Currently my company builds slot machines used around the world. We are the company that pays out those multi-mullion dollar gaming jackpots over twenty one years. One jackpot hit this weekend on Wheel of Fortune for $1.3million. I could use some of that.
When you consider college consider how much want you want to do pays before you make your choice, and how many of those jobs are out there. Everyone says you should do what you enjoy, but in the business world it's different.
I have college grads (masters, bachelors and associates a like) that are in hourly positions making well, well [U]under $14 per hour. There are no jobs open for what they got their degrees in. Alot of it's timing as well as selection.
I hope you get into the college of your choice. Like the military says... "Be all you can be".
Black Stallion
11-28-2005, 05:56 PM
I am thinking of getting a business management degree and an engineering degree and then go and try and get into the automotive or aeronautical business.
11-28-2005, 06:46 PM
Heck yeah, Embry Riddle was my first choice back when I was a junior, and I wanted to be a Gator really bad. I loved the prospect of working in that industry. My wife's cousin has a degree in robotics of some sort and can't get hired on at NASA, or anywhere for that matter.
My buddy at work has a son going to college here in town, he's on a free ride based on ACT scores alone. Imagine my dismay when I learned his score...I took the ACT during the summer before my junior year and scored four points higher than he did. I often wonder where I'd be today if I would have listened to my parents...
I ended up doing something like Crimsonblack, I learned a boatload about electronics and got to operate a nuke reactor to boot. I can get a job at just about any nuclear plant out there, but I hear the one I work at is the best ;). Not a bunch of opportunities out there to clear six figures with a HS diploma.
My Cobra
11-28-2005, 07:27 PM
i made a 1460 on the sat an had a 3.4 gpa. I never tired in school just went with the flow. as i look back on it now i did not do so bad. i went to a decent college got a nice job that pays more than all of my friends and some of them combined ha ha. congrats !!!
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