11-22-2005, 04:08 PM
I played the 360 last night for about 3 hrs since I had one going at my work and we were there all night as security for our game store etc....played Call of duty 2 all night and must say it was an awesome game and wouldnt mind having one.....
But, if your smart and purchased any of these units in bulk from walmart etc like a lot of people did....then put them on Ebay because they are selling for 1400-2000 bucks....one kid bought 7, all for roughly 600 and they are now all sold for 1400-1800 bucks....roughly a 7200 profit for a days work...not too shabby :thumpupn:
But, if your smart and purchased any of these units in bulk from walmart etc like a lot of people did....then put them on Ebay because they are selling for 1400-2000 bucks....one kid bought 7, all for roughly 600 and they are now all sold for 1400-1800 bucks....roughly a 7200 profit for a days work...not too shabby :thumpupn: