View Full Version : Just filled out my first accident report in the stang....

Stang Gurl
12-09-2004, 10:26 PM
Welll.... I was cruising down town with my friend Myeesha, doing about 32 mph... when all of the sudden I plowed over something...We both saw it seconds before I hit it so I had no time to react... It was a fucking car battery! ... it splattered battery acid all up the side of my car... you could hear it eating away at the street so I got pretty upset... I had to wait for the cops to get there so I would have a report in case of insurance BS... then went straight to the carwash... Its hard to tell in the dark so I wont know if there is any damage till morning but I could just cry... It was the same color as the street so I didnt see it until I was up on the damn thing... the story of my fuckin life... cant have nothin' nice. :ranting: :cussing: :censored:

12-09-2004, 10:39 PM
sucks, hope its not too expensive to fix

12-09-2004, 11:13 PM
that sucks kim, "new paint job"

12-09-2004, 11:27 PM
Welll.... I was cruising down town with my friend Myeesha, doing about 32 mph... when all of the sudden I plowed over something...We both saw it seconds before I hit it so I had no time to react... It was a fucking car battery! ... it splattered battery acid all up the side of my car... you could hear it eating away at the street so I got pretty upset... I had to wait for the cops to get there so I would have a report in case of insurance BS... then went straight to the carwash... Its hard to tell in the dark so I wont know if there is any damage till morning but I could just cry... It was the same color as the street so I didnt see it until I was up on the damn thing... the story of my fuckin life... cant have nothin' nice. :ranting: :cussing: :censored:
Hopfully the acid just ate your horrible stripes away lol jk babe im sorry!

12-10-2004, 12:14 AM
That really sucks. If it makes you feel any better I got semi sid swiped while I was at work tonight. Left a crease and a lot of white paint.

12-10-2004, 12:17 AM
Welll.... I was cruising down town with my friend Myeesha,
ROFL!!! I dunno but that sentence needs to stay alive for a very long time.

Sorry about your car :(

12-10-2004, 12:23 AM
if i makes you feel any better my jaloppi only has one tail light!

12-10-2004, 12:40 AM
Kim, i feel your pain, had the same thing happen to my truck that I painted in high school, it was not nice at all, I hope everything is ok cause your car is perdy!!!

12-10-2004, 03:08 AM
god damn it this is what you were trying to tell me on IM!!!!!!!!! GOD DAMN IT! I got on like 1 hr after you left......damn it Kim, I hope its all good. Let me know if you wanna talk about it..you know how to get a hold of me

12-10-2004, 05:11 AM
reminds me of my accedent, but mine never got reported, i was drving a buddy home, i heard him say "this is my exit" and next thing i know im slamming on the brakes doing over 70mph, i hop over the isnland divider and go into the freeway on ramp, i wanted to cry, i could not believe what happend to my car, i bent my K-mem an inch and half on the driverside, toatled two rims with 2 brand new tires, totalled the majority of my front sus, and this was a year ago, i havent fixed it cause i don't have an engine hoist to do it with, and i havent had time.

im by no means trying to one up ya, i just feel your pain

Joe Friday
12-10-2004, 05:30 AM
Pics? do you have full coverage?

12-10-2004, 06:44 AM
Welll.... I was cruising down town with my friend Myeesha, doing about 32 mph... when all of the sudden I plowed over something...We both saw it seconds before I hit it so I had no time to react... It was a fucking car battery! ... it splattered battery acid all up the side of my car... you could hear it eating away at the street so I got pretty upset... I had to wait for the cops to get there so I would have a report in case of insurance BS... then went straight to the carwash... Its hard to tell in the dark so I wont know if there is any damage till morning but I could just cry... It was the same color as the street so I didnt see it until I was up on the damn thing... the story of my fuckin life... cant have nothin' nice. :ranting: :cussing: :censored:

your lucky yours was just a car battery...mine was another car! and had all kinds of crap to put up with in court...reckless driving(which i got lowered to careless), so i have to pay a 375 dollar fine, i had to take a defensive driving class which i took last saturday...and now all i have to do is finish fines!

12-10-2004, 09:48 AM
Kim...Sorry to hear. Thats sucks what happen. I had a similar incident in the roush a few years bac but no damage to the car.

Hope your insurance covers it. Its not your fault so it should not go aginst you on your rayes.


Stang Gurl
12-10-2004, 10:32 AM
Thanks everybody for your posts.... good news awaited me this morning... there is just one very small spot on my passenger side scoop that has some damage from the acid... not even a half inch big and I think it only hit the clear coat before I took her to the carwash so I think all is well. I was so upset I was talking to my friend justin about it after it happened and just cried lol... I swear to budda if I ever see someone putting something like that in the middle of the street I will beat them unrecognizable... that was just senseless and I got off pretty lucky.

god damn it this is what you were trying to tell me on IM!!!!!!!!! GOD DAMN IT! I got on like 1 hr after you left......damn it Kim, I hope its all good. Let me know if you wanna talk about it..you know how to get a hold of me
Erick, Im sorry I didnt get a chance to talk to you last night... after Justin left I went to bed. Ill give you a buzz today if you will be around. :dance:

I do have full coverage but I dont think I am going to have to claim anything... my dad was pretty pissed tho but Im getting a new paint job in Feb anyway so all is kool for now lol...

Thanks again guys :gso:

12-10-2004, 11:23 AM
yeah kim get a hold of me if you want to. Its 9:25am here and I am going to pick up all my stuff from the door place and head back as fast as I can...but I wanna hear about it