View Full Version : Go easy on me....

Topless In Texas
11-18-2005, 11:43 PM
hello everyone. I know since I joined GS I have not been real active. I know ALOT of yall have ranked me, and I know ya'll expect the same back. I just have alot on my plate now, and I dont even have my computer hooked up. It has not been for 5 weeks. Im on Pauls laptop. I have about 600 emails unread. Ive just had soooooooooooooooo much going on in the last 5 weeks I hope ya'll understand my lack of acknowledgment and why I have not been 'on' to rank anyone. I am STILL trying to figure out this website! Been quite stressful!
Since my evacuation for RITA, I came home, got back together with my ex/bf. Sold all my stuff/ belongings, EVERYTHING, been packing/moving for the past 5 weeks. I had a moving sale 2 weekends ago. And, as of last Sunday, I have a contract on my house, and the appraisal happened today. My clutch went out drove Pauls Z06 all last week till I got my car back Wed. night. $655. Will get rid of it when I get the '06 Mustang GT Verte, in Jan. I have done nothing but pack/move/unpack/pack/move/pack/..... and I'm STILL not done. I am just wore out.
I am no ignoring anyone. I just want ya'll to know that I am going thru a major change right now in my life, and If I dont get on for a while, its not that i dont want to rank anyone. My computer used to be my life. Now....my LIFE is my life! and, Its BEEN GREAT!!!!! Just got ALOT going on. For you locals..... Me and Paul will be at chic filet tomorrow night. After we hit the house tomorrow and try to clean more out of it....
In the mean time, those of you whove ranked me, and expecting feedback, just PLEASE be patient.... I will get back. We are hoping to close on the sale of my house by the end of Nov. Keep your fingers crossed. Since Rita, EVERYTHING has fallen into place! This will be a great way to end a bad few years!~
Thanks for understanding!

11-19-2005, 12:56 AM
its all good!!! just take your time and do like 20 ranks a visit...lol...thats what I do. I have about 800 left to rank before everybody will be ranked on the site

Scott 01Cobra
11-19-2005, 06:32 PM
Hey sweety - I still think about you all the time! :):):)