View Full Version : Gotstang should be called Gotfriends...

11-15-2005, 12:55 PM
Wow! I havent been on for a while so I figured I'd stop in and do a face-off! I just realized the reason why I stopped visiting this site. How is the face off section supposed to attract stang owners if it isnt voted on fairly? Whats the point? Its not about how your stang looks or how fast it is anymore... its about how many friends you can talk into voting for you and how many people you can send Private messages to telling them to check out there stang. I lost to a 6 cylinder hard top with no interior pics... no mod list....but hey it did have a body kit and some (gauky put on a chrysler 300) chrome rims... so yeah I can see how she should of won... :looney: I really could care less. It just sort of ticks me off because as I look at the face off results I see some hot stangs get beaten out by stock stangs. Dont get me wrong guys I have plenty of friends on here and its a fun website.... I just think people should vote accordingly to the car not the person... its just getting old. Take Care.


11-15-2005, 02:08 PM
Agreed... im looking into ways of stopping this...

11-15-2005, 02:25 PM
I thougt that's what the accept face-off option was for?? If ppl don't like losing to stangs that they think is "lesser" than theirs they should turn the accept option off.

11-15-2005, 02:27 PM
What hes saying is hes willing to lose to the lesser stang.. just not to a lesser car with more friends.lol

I agree with him.

11-15-2005, 02:41 PM
What hes saying is hes willing to lose to the lesser stang.. just not to a lesser car with more friends.lol

I agree with him.

I do 2...I have sed it b4 and I'll say it again...there is a buddy system. I don't think that any one here is going to deny that. I just don't think it will make or break the outcome...I belive it is the way a car is represented on the website. I did not win all my face-offs because of friends, I don't have that many... the face-offs used to be fun but after recent events and rumors many ppl are not willing to get involved...me,I'm ready for anyone and I won't be boohooing about losing in the forums but we are losing members and I think that is a shame because some ppl can't handle the fact that some ppl may actually like the car that won.... my .02.

11-15-2005, 02:47 PM
I totally understand what he's talking about. I turned the option off cause I know that there are certain colors that you do not go up against in here!!! Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with the colors it's just that I know that certain colors out number others and reguardless of the other cars site, work put into the car etc., if you go up against that car your going up against the color not the car! I love this site and the best way for me to stay out of this situation is to just turn off my option.

11-15-2005, 04:28 PM
I ask people to come vote for whichever car they like better when I'm in a face-off

11-15-2005, 04:40 PM
That's the way it should be and it is for the most part. When I vote it's not for the friend, color, location or there avitar. I go and look at every thing including how active they are. I've seen people in the face off's that hasn't updated there sites in months, many months. I try to take the car, the site and how much work they've put into there ride into consideration.

11-15-2005, 07:46 PM
i thought j fixed this problem already by the on off option.. now if someone still has problems, cant they just turn it off? i didnt read all the other posts up top, just my 2 cents

11-17-2005, 11:48 PM
wow that stinks. i guess ill be losing the one im in now, cuz i gots no friends. >owned< its not a big deal to me, i just play along. i guess ill shut that option off. (if i can find it) :P

11-18-2005, 04:57 AM
Agreed... im looking into ways of stopping this...
Are you going to stop this by eliminating peer judging? Or are you going to restict the voting to members not listed in the same group (BlackMustangClub, YMR, ect) as either of the face-off peeps. To be honest, that's the only way I see it can happening, the later still having the same problems as before because most peeps are members of more then just one site, or group... and it's quite easy to change your "club" affiliation - or just simply not list it to begin with ;)

In either event - good luck J... trying to stop the buddy system isn't going to be easy, or without it's own downside.

11-18-2005, 08:45 AM
the person who created this thread doesnt have a website? did they stop it cuz they got pissed? or, is that why he lost? idk.....lol

The Guardian
11-18-2005, 10:42 AM
I am an active member of the Black Mustang Club and that does not mean that I will win in a face-off. I have lost more face-offs then I have won. But you know I do them for fun. I vote for the best stang based on the title of the face-off. I try to look at all stangs in the face-off. I do not automatically vote Black. I even voted against my best friend on here, ask her she will tell you, cause I told her. I check out both stangs and vote based on the title of the faceoff. My option is on and I welcome face-offs.

11-18-2005, 10:58 AM
No for some reason on the forum Im titled as my fiance's name (Mrsqrk) where as on gotstang Im on Novadvr187 (Yellow 03 Gt Conv)....hmmm I probably just have to log in under my own name and create a password for the forum....

11-18-2005, 11:00 AM
I am an active member of the Black Mustang Club and that does not mean that I will win in a face-off. I have lost more face-offs then I have won. But you know I do them for fun. I vote for the best stang based on the title of the face-off. I try to look at all stangs in the face-off. I do not automatically vote Black. I even voted against my best friend on here, ask her she will tell you, cause I told her. I check out both stangs and vote based on the title of the faceoff. My option is on and I welcome face-offs.

yer she did vote for the other car.....it's ok tho, I make her buy me stuff now :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The Guardian
11-18-2005, 11:19 AM
Hey I did what I was suppose to do I voted for the best car sorry.:beerchug: I still love your car though. It does good burnouts and leaves me in the dust. :dance:That is why I need to make sure I have directions before we leave to go anywhere. :rofl:
yer she did vote for the other car.....it's ok tho, I make her buy me stuff now :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

11-18-2005, 12:32 PM
well the way i see it is make some friends, go around begging for votes, or just shut it off. i know a few people on here. i will not ask anyone to vote for me, so i just shut it off.

Scott 01Cobra
11-18-2005, 06:15 PM
J, I think you need a special forum just for the posts complaining about this problem... lol

Folks .... friends vote for friends .... PERIOD. Get over it. No disrespect intended.

You can all see how many faceoffs I've entered. :D:D:D

I'm here for the fact that this site offers a TON more than face offs. I've already met good people, one in particular in my area who I hope to develope a very good friendship with.

That's what it's about.

11-18-2005, 07:39 PM
nicely said scott....

Who cares whether or not you beat someone in a face off....did you build your car for you or for them?

This site is for friends and if you simply came here to show off and gloat then you are at the wrong forum....

losing isnt everything and if you can't handle the heat then dont make the fire ;)

11-18-2005, 09:17 PM
What does it matter if you lose anyway? You only lose points if you are the challenger and you lose so whats the big deal. Its dont matter what othere think about. I always pic the car in the face off that I would perfer to own .

11-29-2005, 10:41 AM
J, I think you need a special forum just for the posts complaining about this problem... lol

Folks .... friends vote for friends .... PERIOD. Get over it. No disrespect intended.

You can all see how many faceoffs I've entered. :D:D:D

I'm here for the fact that this site offers a TON more than face offs. I've already met good people, one in particular in my area who I hope to develope a very good friendship with.

That's what it's about.
i agree totally, who cares!! its a fricken face off...i got mad once and then just figured WTF...i was beat by some total stock stangs.
no disrespect to this car but a v6 with a body kit and NO engine mods??!??
give me a break!!
i have not won a fo in like 7 tries(and have no friends on this site!)
i have actually seen people pimping their face off's on other sites!!
people get over it. no big deal.
just my .02!

12-07-2005, 10:13 PM
Wow - Dejavu!

Keep in mind, I don't yet know how this site works since I'm a noob, but I'm gonna throw this out there real quick.

The 3 year old site I helped administrate has the same trouble. Eventually, the peeps gave up and accepted the fact that it's a popularity contest so the site owners chose to follow that path. I guess there are two options. Make changes to help even the playing field for the non popular peeps / newbies or solve the problem.

If you choose to go with allowing it to remain a popularity contest, you can help alleviate the problem by introducing a spread system where the two contestants agree on a spread ( handicap ) to help one member. This is the route the site I came from chose. It does create a bit of drama over peeps negotiating spreads, but for the most part, it works. They also introduced an autospread system that would recommend a spread, but it was never refined and the calculations were pretty inaccurate.

The more DIFFICULT path is to come up with a way to minimize the popularity contest. I've thought of a few possibilities, but none have been tested. One is to have a "jury duty" style voting system where the server requests random members to vote on the battle. Another possibility is to give additional points to those who choose the better ride ( winner ) correctly - kinda like a "side bet". This would motivate people to pick who they feel has the better ride since they'd have a better chance of gaining additional points. Now, this method could still work with an autospread system since it would base the "side bet" on votes excluding the autospread. These are ideas I've kicked around, but haven't hashed out all the side effects yet. That's where ya'll would come in. ;)

One other issue. Without a method to control cheating via multiple accounts, you're looking at a problem since there are those who are willing to cheat for "internet points or wins". Believe it - it happens and it sucks. :( WITH a method to eliminate or reduce multiple accounts, you can get a pretty decent playing field. I'm not sure if that's a problem here since I've just now become active, but it's something to think about.

12-07-2005, 10:19 PM
The more DIFFICULT path is to come up with a way to minimize the popularity contest. I've thought of a few possibilities, but none have been tested. One is to have a "jury duty" style voting system where the server requests random members to vote on the battle. Another possibility is to give additional points to those who choose the better ride ( winner ) correctly - kinda like a "side bet". This would motivate people to pick who they feel has the better ride since they'd have a better chance of gaining additional points. Now, this method could still work with an autospread system since it would base the "side bet" on votes excluding the autospread. These are ideas I've kicked around, but haven't hashed out all the side effects yet. That's where ya'll would come in.

Im liking this alot.

12-07-2005, 10:54 PM
i got an idea. get some friends.....

12-08-2005, 09:15 AM
I like the side bet option but the jury...not a good idea. ppl will them say that the jury members were not fair and that would cause more post like this...my.02 :beerchug:

12-08-2005, 09:23 AM
a seperate show judged buy a pannel of "experts" is how its done.

12-08-2005, 10:24 AM
a seperate show judged buy a pannel of "experts" is how its done.
sorry...maybe I got off track are we talking about the face-offs or the car show??? Either way if you use a select few to decide who's ride is better it takes the member participation out of the face-offs...side bets sounds like more fun to me :beerchug:

12-08-2005, 10:57 AM
I like the side bet option but the jury...not a good idea. ppl will them say that the jury members were not fair and that would cause more post like this...my.02 :beerchug:

Well, it'd be anonymous who voted for that faceoff, but as someone already stated, it takes the fun out if it since you can't participate in all faceoffs.

12-08-2005, 04:37 PM
The more DIFFICULT path is to come up with a way to minimize the popularity contest. I've thought of a few possibilities, but none have been tested. One is to have a "jury duty" style voting system where the server requests random members to vote on the battle. Another possibility is to give additional points to those who choose the better ride ( winner ) correctly - kinda like a "side bet". This would motivate people to pick who they feel has the better ride since they'd have a better chance of gaining additional points. Now, this method could still work with an autospread system since it would base the "side bet" on votes excluding the autospread. These are ideas I've kicked around, but haven't hashed out all the side effects yet. That's where ya'll would come in.
Well, why stop there? I mean - if you truely want "fairness" then you need to make a separate catagory for cars that have sponsorship. People who get stuff for free or at a sizeable discount really have a huge unfair advantage over those who pay retail - like most of us. I just find it odd people are more then willing to shout foul against a popularity contest, yet think it's OK for their sponsored ride to compete with us normal folk. Or should we just change the name to "GotSponsors?"

12-08-2005, 05:05 PM
"GotSponsors?" thats funny :rofl: :rofl: either way there are ppl who are gonna bitch when they lose...no way around that. If you use the jury system it's no fun for those who don't get picked to vote and with the betting system ppl are still going to vote for which ever car they want...I think at this point the option to turn off face-offs is working well...there have been no fights in the face-offs since J implemented that. I say lets do the betting for points but let the ppl choose if they want to do a side bet.... :beerchug:

12-08-2005, 05:39 PM
i got an idea. get some friends.....
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I think this horse is dead, and been beat enough. My 2 cents.

12-08-2005, 05:56 PM
I think at this point the option to turn off face-offs is working well...there have been no fights in the face-offs since J implemented that.

Now that I'm 1 day less of a noob :lol: I've noticed that there are VERY few faceoffs. If a spread system was introduced, then peeps may be more likely to join since they'd have a better chance. Now, that's only useful if you'd like to see a ton of faceoffs running each day.

Side note - the former site I was on had a separate page for each "faceoff" and some advertisements on each page. Since everyone voted on all "faceoffs" and constantly checked the scores, the site made some good bank off the "faceoffs". ;)

12-14-2005, 05:29 AM
"GotSponsors?" thats funny :rofl: :rofl:
I just wanted to point out that there are a lot of things that "fairness" encompasses. I do know J will do his level best in making the best decisions possible to address everyone's concerns. It certainly won't be easy... but from what I've seen, that's just the type of thing J excells at. Good luck buddy - you have my support :thumpupn:

12-15-2005, 06:22 PM
i like to look threw there pages and compare the cars then i vote on what is best i rarely vote for request and only once *today* have i ever asked for a vote.. i usualy dont except challanges from cars that look beter then mine pretty much because i dont think most people on here even look at the profiles or very far past page one