View Full Version : ok, so what's up with this?

11-10-2005, 10:16 PM
Ok, I have 16 people who ranked my car under 5. Now I don't want to come across as cocky but seriously, my car is nicer then that. What's up with this? People ranking it low just to say they ranked ya but so ya don't do as well?

11-10-2005, 10:38 PM
How do ya find out what they ranked ya.

11-10-2005, 10:38 PM
Your way better than a 5.

11-10-2005, 11:10 PM
that is silly. i have a few under 5. i dont know. it could have just been people who signed up to mess with everyone here. you know, the people who dont like stangs but want to mess with everyone that does. that is what i figured, when i saw mine. just a thought.

11-10-2005, 11:14 PM
nobody on this thread is a 5 you are all 10 :thumpupn:

11-10-2005, 11:41 PM
the vast majority of the rankings I give out are from 6-9

It's hard to get a 9 from me and it's very hard to get a 10. I'll give a low ranking to someone with no pictures but I'll leave a note that says I'll happily re-rank them if they let me know about any pictures.

I wouldn't give myself a 10, either 8 or 9. If I had a built motor, some deep dish wheels, tint, and the paint work that I have planned done then I'd say my car would be a 10.

11-10-2005, 11:41 PM
Even i'm a 10:D.... hey MachGT, i gave u the 5:lol: j/k ur is a well deserved 10

11-11-2005, 04:29 AM
This info your refering to, is that the stats on your car recieving those ranks or what you gave out because I'm curious as well. I don't think I gave out 9 ranks of 5 or less to anyone if I'm not mistaken. If this is what my car recieved than it's true what I have been told about people.... they are haters which =jealousy so :thanks: :nutkick: and than of coarse :fu:

11-11-2005, 08:32 AM
This info your refering to, is that the stats on your car recieving those ranks or what you gave out because I'm curious as well. I don't think I gave out 9 ranks of 5 or less to anyone if I'm not mistaken. If this is what my car recieved than it's true what I have been told about people.... they are haters which =jealousy so :thanks: :nutkick: and than of coarse :fu:
What your car received.

11-11-2005, 08:52 AM
I agree they are haters. All stangs rock :devil:

11-11-2005, 08:52 AM
I'm just annoyed by people hurting my average, :lol:

11-11-2005, 09:06 AM
Ok, I have 16 people who ranked my car under 5. Now I don't want to come across as cocky but seriously, my car is nicer then that. What's up with this? People ranking it low just to say they ranked ya but so ya don't do as well?

I win!! I have 29 5 and under...I don't really care tho, a rank is a rank. Better than nothing at all :beerchug:

11-11-2005, 09:15 AM
I win!! I have 29 5 and under...I don't really care tho, a rank is a rank. Better than nothing at all :beerchug:
I have 21 ranks that were 5 or under and I am with you at least they ranked me, but I know I am alittle better than a 5 in fact we all are!!! :beerchug:

The Guardian
11-11-2005, 09:20 AM
I just checked my ranks and I have been ranked 610 times and I have 61 under 5 rankings. That is silly. The strange thing is is that that the more money I spend to improve my stang the more 5 and belows I get. The number is increasing instead of decreading. I have spent so much money on my mustang recently and should not be getting below a 6, she is looking pretty good. But at least my stang is getting ranked.

The Guardian
11-11-2005, 09:20 AM
I agree they are haters. All stangs rock :devil:Well said Tweety.:clap: :beerchug:

11-11-2005, 09:22 AM
All stock stangs get a 5 from me. Any mods I like get more.

Any mods done I dont like get lower.

I dont think ive given out anything below a 5.

Only cars I give 10s to are the ones that you dont see everyday.

11-11-2005, 09:28 AM
Obviously ratings of 5 or less come from people who lack KNOWLEDGE,APPRECIATION
or JUST PLAIN RESPECT of what another person can do with their cars!!!!
Don't let it get ya down MachGT!!! You know what you have regardless!!!!!

11-11-2005, 09:36 AM
I just think that voting 10s for every car defeats the purpose of the ranks.

Why even have the ranks then? I look at the ranks as the amount of time put into the cars. The 'love' if you will. Anyone can go to the dealership and get a stang. Of course its a stang, I give you props for that. But a stock car gets a 5 from me. Its not because they are any less then the others but its because they havent put any work into their car (in mods). But then comes the point to which someone not liking the work put into the cars (bad body kit) shitty paint, etc. Its still work.

Maybe I need to develop a new ranking system. Its just pointless to give someone a 10 just because they have a stang. lol

Black Stallion
11-11-2005, 10:36 AM
My average rank per vote is 7.78191489362

Don't feel bad.

The Guardian
11-11-2005, 10:47 AM
Maybe different areas of the stang can be ranked: interior, exterior, audio/visual, etc. I don't know just a though about what you said. I know I have put alot of work into my stang and alot of money that should have gone to my house remolding project but I love my stang to much to have it sit there stock. You are doing a wonderful job with this site J and I love it.

11-11-2005, 11:16 AM
Yep, I definitely like to rank people based on the work they put into their cars. Granted, I will actually dock a point or 2 for excessive tacky or silly mods. (i.e. big aluminum wings, lime green paint, mismatched body panels, unpainted body panels, huge gawdy graphics)

I probably annoy some people with my comments cuz I don't like to just say "great stang" on everyone. If I don't like something I'll mention it but try and be tactful about it. Everyone has different taste but I will give my opinion.

I liked the post that J made a while back about "what a 10 rank is" To me a 10 is the ultimate stang, a car that has had quality modifications in every area. Or a pristine classic would get that from me as well.

Black Stallion
11-11-2005, 02:35 PM
Yep, I definitely like to rank people based on the work they put into their cars. Granted, I will actually dock a point or 2 for excessive tacky or silly mods. (i.e. big aluminum wings, lime green paint, mismatched body panels, unpainted body panels, huge gawdy graphics)

I probably annoy some people with my comments cuz I don't like to just say "great stang" on everyone. If I don't like something I'll mention it but try and be tactful about it. Everyone has different taste but I will give my opinion.

I liked the post that J made a while back about "what a 10 rank is" To me a 10 is the ultimate stang, a car that has had quality modifications in every area. Or a pristine classic would get that from me as well.

Yea that red cobra convertible. Scott Wagner was the guys name I believe. That is a 10/10 Car.

11-11-2005, 03:30 PM
um sorry... I am one of those people who gives out a lot of tens! because they are all way better than my stock "5"!!! :)

11-11-2005, 03:36 PM
I know when I vote on cars if they have not made up there site i give them a 1, A single pic atleast deserves a 5, after that its how I like the car.


11-11-2005, 04:32 PM
I looked at your car and ranked it an 8. I did this because I like the the rims, and the all around clean look to your car. Although I left room for when you do future mods to re-rank you.

11-11-2005, 04:48 PM
I like the post J has put up it hits the nail on the head and reiterates what I have been trying to say right along. I also like the idea of a more rounded ranking sytem. I have recieved 9 "5"s allthough it's not a huge number but think about it should I have recieved anything less than a 7.Sound concieded not ment to be just let the car speak for itself. If people would "look" at the car's and put some thought into it instead of just passing over it like it was a salvaged piece of shit than I don't think my number would be currently at 44. This is just my ride what about the others who have poured thousands of hard earned money into thier rides only to to recieve 5's that is just wrong in my eyes and it comes from people that are angry or something!

11-11-2005, 05:45 PM
Ok,I have 18 5 & under ranks....with a total of 463 ranks...I would say that is pretty good...my average is 8.84881209503...I would say that is pretty decent...everyone has their own opinion and that is what makes us different! I rank totally different than some people may and that is my choice....not everyone is a ten but I TRY not to give less than a 6-7 to A STOCK car.....all stangs are worthy of that! As far as where you are in points, honestly if you do not vote or write comments when you vote, alot of people won't check you out (b/c they don't know you did) and if you are not actively getting your car out there for people to look at, lets face it there are ALOT of cars on here now.....I have a friend who climbed the ranks by hundreds in a week because he TOOK THE TIME TO WRITE PEOPLE...he never did that...so if they don't know to check the "who ranked me" link, they never knew he was there.....I think the site is fine th eway it is and I don't like the drama that it is becoming just participating.....I loved coming to the site and I LIVED on this site ALL THE TIME....but I feel like it is taking a different direction now :goodbye:

OHHHH....and it is SCOTT WINGER and he has a BAD AZZ COBRA...the best I have ever seen and WILL ever see by far...that car is a 20

11-11-2005, 05:47 PM
OHHHH....and it is SCOTT WINGER and he has a BAD AZZ COBRA...the best I have ever seen and WLL ever see by far...that car is a 20

Exactly what im trying to say here. The scale is only to 10. So if his car is a 20. and your car is stock. Do the math.

11-11-2005, 06:46 PM
I don't think I have ever checked to see who ranked me and what they ranked my car. I know I have gotten some good ones and some that have given me a ten. Doesn't matter to me really. I'm not here to get my car ranked as much as associate with other mustang owners and have a good time. Maybe even actually get an opportunity to meet some of you if/when you come out to Vegas for a car show. And if you leave a message asking me to rank your car, it will probably never happen. I totally dislike the "Ranked ya high, now rank me back". Come on, my car is not a ten, but I have gotten them. My car is barely a five to me. It is in good shape but it is a work in progress and a daily driver. It's my cruisin' car - not a show car.

Scott 01Cobra
11-11-2005, 07:28 PM
Well, first, Amy, you are SO sweet :)

Keep in mind that some people will vote everyone low just in hopes to pull down the scores of others.

I've judged at car shows for years so from me you'll get correct scores, but I would NEVER vote below 5. The obvious high end cars get 10s and several I would give a 9. lots of 8's. As J said stock cars are the ones that get 5 and I do exactly the same (like minds). However, if their site is VERY well done I'll bump it up a little based on that.

I guess I'm a little luckier because I only have 4 under 5 and 108 X 10. For an average of 9.47. But hey, I also have 2 cars invested into 1. LOL - gee I hate when I remind myself of that.

That NEW guy - PO10PONY has a sweet ride so he will get voted high - (reminder to vote for him). lol

Anyway ..... the REAL low scores are just jeolously so don't let it bother you.

11-11-2005, 07:30 PM
as far as I am concerned the only thing that I would like to see change in the ranking is if someone ranks me a 5 or under, give me feedback :beerchug: I want to have the best lookin car that I can and I value any comments...good or constructive criticism I am trying to build a nice car that I can use for daily driving and I value the opinios of the ppl here. I have ask some of the high ranked ppl for advice ..no need to be negative and ugly about it. Like I sed in my previous post in this thread I will take whatever rank I get with no complaining on the boards. Just like now I have a poll going and a post in the forum asking if I should paint my chin spoiler or leave it black. If you think my car is not worthy of a rank above 5, just tell me why.... and it should not be required to give the feedback. Everyone has things that they like or don't like..my pet peeve is black rims..hate em :ugh2: and I have told ppl that...I have fun here and I would hate to see ppl that have awesome stangs to leave because of the politics, save them for the real shows because that is really where they are..

11-11-2005, 10:14 PM
Im staying out of this one. :rofl:


11-12-2005, 12:19 AM
yea where dose it say who gave you a 5?
"Your car's website has been ranked 421 times for a total of 3919 GS points.
Your average rank per vote is 9.30878859857 "
i dont see it??

11-12-2005, 12:29 AM
Click on stats.


11-12-2005, 12:34 AM
ok im just a lil blind... thanks j

11-12-2005, 01:13 AM
I agree they are haters. All stangs rock :devil:

11-12-2005, 01:52 AM
I just looked at my ranks and I have 14 of 5 and under. I really don't think mine is a 10, but I know it ain't a 5 or less with over $6k in mods. I don't know what I ranked you MachGT, but I can tell you it wasn't a 5. I can't see giving anyone less than a 5 that has pics of their stang posted.

11-12-2005, 05:20 AM
i still cant see where it tells ya how many under 5 votes you have

11-12-2005, 05:20 AM
it just said my average is 8.3. but I did move up to a black ponie. Woo Hoo

11-12-2005, 09:45 AM
i still cant see where it tells ya how many under 5 votes you have
go to your website and hit stats...under there it has rank stats and you can see how many 5 and under,how many 6 ect....

11-12-2005, 10:12 AM
It doesn't say who gave me a 5, just the number of ranks at 5 or less. It would probably be bad if a lot of people knew who ranked them what. :lol:

11-12-2005, 10:17 AM
click on profile first. then rank stats

11-12-2005, 10:19 AM

11-12-2005, 10:27 AM
soon i will learn to read :rofl:

11-12-2005, 01:47 PM
It doesn't say who gave me a 5, just the number of ranks at 5 or less. It would probably be bad if a lot of people knew who ranked them what. :lol:
It is best that you don't know who ranked you under 5...could you imangine that thread!!! :devil: :devil:

11-12-2005, 02:47 PM
It is best that you don't know who ranked you under 5...could you imangine that thread!!! :devil: :devil:
OMG it would not be a Pretty Sight, LOL Get it Sight(Site) :clap: :clap:

11-12-2005, 03:02 PM
OMG it would not be a Pretty Sight, LOL Get it Sight(Site) :clap: :clap:

Funny Lady! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :beerchug: :beerchug: :beerchug: For Amy :beerchug: :beerchug: :beerchug:

11-13-2005, 02:40 PM
Eh, I was ranked 64 times as 5 or under and I have been ranked 324 times. Sometimes these rankings befuddle me...

11-13-2005, 03:08 PM
Here is a great kicker, I have had 59 below 5. Now that is a bunch of crap but oh well.

11-13-2005, 03:33 PM
I don't give much thought to ranks..heres my thoughts....your the owner of the car, so it must be a 10 to you, because you bought it. I love my car, thats all the matters!

I think a well taken car of mostly stock car can be a 10 too....not even has all the money it takes to make a car like Scott's. But it is also a 10!!

11-13-2005, 06:11 PM
Eh, I was ranked 64 times as 5 or under and I have been ranked 324 times. Sometimes these rankings befuddle me...

I'm sure we have our share of "V6's aren't a mustang" people here and there.