View Full Version : ****SEMA PICS****

Blow-By Racing
11-04-2005, 12:34 PM

11-04-2005, 01:17 PM
nice pics

11-05-2005, 02:12 PM
:devil: i would love to go to SEMA one day, they always have the baddest rides :devil:

Blow-By Racing
11-06-2005, 02:03 PM
yes they do!

Black Stallion
11-06-2005, 06:59 PM
Don't you have ti be invited to get into SEMA? Or is it a public event?

11-06-2005, 08:45 PM
My Dad got invited this year but I think you are right its not a public event...I have a auto dealers license, so I want to go next year...if the boss will let me go with him :lol: :lol: :lol:

11-06-2005, 08:58 PM
Great Pics. Thats the first ones I have taken the time to look at. I would love to go one time too.

11-07-2005, 09:55 AM
very nice pictures

11-08-2005, 02:35 AM
well from what i heard its $150 a ticket for public. I was invited, but i didnt have time this year. Going to CES in January tho. Nice to know it would have been free :lol:

11-19-2005, 10:10 PM
Nice pics