View Full Version : had a bit of a scare today

11-02-2005, 10:53 PM
So I'm pulling out of the parking lot at work to go get lunch when my manager flags me down pointing to something on the ground so I stop and roll down the window to see what he wants.

Well it turns out there was a good sized puddle of fresh oil sitting there where my car had been so I take a quick peek under the car and sure enough, there's a bunch of oil spread around down there so I take it easy driving home and take the truck back to work after I eat.

I take off of work a bit early so that I'll have a bit of daylight and hurry home to jack the car up and see what's going on. I figured that one of my blower oil lines was messed up since I made them out of heater hose (replacing them this winter with braided steel lines). Turns out that the oil is comming out around the oil filter, I look at it and can see the gasket sticking out so I go to the autoparts store and get another filter. I swap them when I get back and sure enough there's 2 gaskets in there. The last time I changed oil the gasket stayed on the engine.

Funny thing is, this makes me glad that a spark plug blew out cuz that kept me from driving a 24 hour round trip with the oil filter set up like this!!! If that thing would have started spewing oil going down the interstate then I'd have a blown motor!!!!

11-02-2005, 11:31 PM
Great catch. That could have been way worse. I would be kissin the managers butt fer a lil bit lol

11-03-2005, 12:47 AM
Lucky, could have been BIG time problems... :nailbite:

11-03-2005, 09:14 AM
close call , bet your never let that happen again

11-03-2005, 09:45 AM
DIdnt you learn this lesson when NoSlo had this happen to him? CHECK THE FUCKIN OIL FILTER GASKETS!!!!!!