View Full Version : help me decide on a price

10-28-2005, 02:49 PM
I am looking for suggestion. My thoughts have come back about selling the car and investing the money for a year or 2 to make some more money. Then when the lease for the truck goes up, get another cobra. I am trying to decide what is a fair price to even put on the snake. Obviously I am not in a hurry to sell so that is not an issue with me. So far over the last 2 years I have invested

3k in paint job
4k in stereo system
10-12k in blower and engine
2k in wheels and tires

So if I went out at about 18k, is that too much or not enough. I would love to go out at 20 but that seems a bit high.

Like I said just an itch to put it up. This is kinda like when I sold the bar, anything for sale for the right price and if the offers is there, my heart isnt broke but if someone wants to give me what I think is fair then is all good

10-28-2005, 03:31 PM
Your gonna be hard pressed to find someone willing to pay that much although I am sure the car is worth every penny!

10-28-2005, 04:33 PM
if i had the money i would pay 30l.. lol.. but thats just me...

10-28-2005, 05:02 PM
Man I have seen prices all over the place on these. I just saw some that ranged from 17-26k and the ones around 19k don't even have what mines does.

10-28-2005, 05:23 PM
you can get a low mileage terminator for 20 grand or less...I think youre gonna have to eat a lot of the money you stuck into your car, unfortunately. Thats the deal with modding cars...if you get are going to stick a lot of money in your car you might as well plan on keeping it for a good long time or dont even bother. Thats why I havent even touched my engine bay.

10-28-2005, 05:36 PM
Oh I hear you, I expected that and of course what I figured I do is have this forever and may still be that way. I do love the car and expect it to be a classic one day, we will just have to see if I still have it at that point in time

10-28-2005, 06:40 PM
Dood U gotta keep something that nice.

10-28-2005, 06:41 PM
dude, i would trade my built 01 gt in a heartbeat!!! :) and i love my baby
i <3 96-98 cobras and your's is one of the sweetest i've seen... :)

10-28-2005, 09:20 PM
thanks guys

My Cobra
10-28-2005, 11:48 PM
i would say that you could get whatever you want for it if somebody i looking for that car. what sucks is ya never get any of the money back and the mods that you do narrow down the people that want the car. like on my car not everybody likes the paint that is on there so they will skip over my car a few people do not like the sound system so they skip over it and get another one. so you have to keep this in mind. if i were you i would keep it cause i would say you would get the blue book on it. keep in mind that people are cheep and selling a car like that you will sell it to somebody that knows mustangs which is bad becuae they know what they are worth. just my .02 keep it and bust your ass to get the extra money you need or want. take pride in what you have built and keep it for your own.

10-29-2005, 07:43 AM
I hear you MyCobra, this is a itch that I go through every now and then and I am hoping it will pass. I still have to redo the seats before next show season