10-21-2005, 06:08 PM
Some of you may have noticed that I haven't been around much lately and a couple of you made comments about it so I thought I would let you know what is happening.
First off, I started a new job this last Monday and that has me quite busy.
Second, two Tuesdays ago my father's leg went numb and it happened to be when he was walking down some steps and he fell. He couldn't get back up.
After a trip to the ER and an MRI the ER doctor said he had a spinal compression in his neck. The ER transfers him to the veteran's hospital.
The VA hospital wants to send him to Gainseville, FL to Shands Hospital to have spinal surgery to fix the spinal compression. But there is something about the MRI they don't like so they do another one.
Turns out he has two crushed discs in his neck. But that doesn't explain why he can't use one of his legs or why it's numb.
So two days ago they did a catscan on him and found some kind of damage in his lumbar region (lower back). I haven't talked to the doctor yet to get the skinny on the catscan results.
It seems he has irreparable nerve damage and will never use his leg again.
They are transferring him to the VA hospital in Tampa on Monday to have the surgery to repair the discs in his neck, but this will only relieve the pain in his back and arms, it won't help him walk again.
So, I have been a little occupied lately but everything is good. :thanks:
First off, I started a new job this last Monday and that has me quite busy.
Second, two Tuesdays ago my father's leg went numb and it happened to be when he was walking down some steps and he fell. He couldn't get back up.
After a trip to the ER and an MRI the ER doctor said he had a spinal compression in his neck. The ER transfers him to the veteran's hospital.
The VA hospital wants to send him to Gainseville, FL to Shands Hospital to have spinal surgery to fix the spinal compression. But there is something about the MRI they don't like so they do another one.
Turns out he has two crushed discs in his neck. But that doesn't explain why he can't use one of his legs or why it's numb.
So two days ago they did a catscan on him and found some kind of damage in his lumbar region (lower back). I haven't talked to the doctor yet to get the skinny on the catscan results.
It seems he has irreparable nerve damage and will never use his leg again.
They are transferring him to the VA hospital in Tampa on Monday to have the surgery to repair the discs in his neck, but this will only relieve the pain in his back and arms, it won't help him walk again.
So, I have been a little occupied lately but everything is good. :thanks: