View Full Version : Question for the ladies...

10-20-2005, 05:47 PM
This weekend one of my cousins passed away...So they had a guestbook on a website so anyone who isn't able to attend can sign it...Well my wife proceeds to tell me one of my ex-girlfriends signed it and left a e-mail address.So my wife emails her to find out how her and the family are doing like she knows her but they have never met or spoke...This is someone i dated nearly 20 yrs ago...One day maybe i'll be able to figure women out...Is this strange or what...

10-20-2005, 06:12 PM
This weekend one of my cousins passed away...So they had a guestbook on a website so anyone who isn't able to attend can sign it...Well my wife proceeds to tell me one of my ex-girlfriends signed it and left a e-mail address.So my wife emails her to find out how her and the family are doing like she knows her but they have never met or spoke...This is someone i dated nearly 20 yrs ago...One day maybe i'll be able to figure women out...Is this strange or what...
Maybe she's trying to find out something about your past that she may have heard through the grapevine...? Not sure... But yea, women are strange.

I've noticed girls tend to try and befriend their significant other's ex's, for whatever reason.

I have no interest in ever interacting with a guy who has seen my girl naked. What if a comment slips out of his mouth relating to how they used to have fun at their favorite spot or some BS like that...:tmi:

10-20-2005, 10:02 PM
Maybe she is worried that you are seeing her behind her back?

10-21-2005, 10:45 AM
that's rather odd...my boyfriend's ex emailed me, twice...i just ignored her. i have no desire whatsoever to talk to her, let alone befriend her. i think shes an evil bitch who's still not over him after years and needs to get over herself.

But then again...im not a normal girlie girl either...and dont get along with very many...

but yeah, that's really...odd....

10-21-2005, 12:22 PM
My ex and I have been broken up for over 3 years.....she was the one who actually broke up with me then I found out a week later she had slept with 2 of my friends on my old baseball team and what not.....She still calls all the time, emails me, etc...Ive blocked her number, changed my email address numerous times and cell phone number numerous times....every couple months she gets depressed and gives me a call or emails me.....I don't get her at all either....women

10-21-2005, 12:34 PM
My ex and I have been broken up for over 3 years.....she was the one who actually broke up with me then I found out a week later she had slept with 2 of my friends on my old baseball team and what not.....She still calls all the time, emails me, etc...Ive blocked her number, changed my email address numerous times and cell phone number numerous times....every couple months she gets depressed and gives me a call or emails me.....I don't get her at all either....women
My ex did that to me also... Very similar scenario (slightly different details of course). Eventually she stopped trying to get a hold of me.

I've been with my fiancee for 2 years and it's such a different relationship. There's no snooping around or trying to figure out each other's past... Mainly because we have been best friends for years, so we know more about each other than most people. We have more important things to worry about in life, such as a house, future kids, and financial stability.

I think most people (not just women) who act the way you described (or that the first post described) are stuck in a certain stage of their lives and need some growing up to do...

10-21-2005, 12:38 PM
My ex did that to me also... Very similar scenario (slightly different details of course). Eventually she stopped trying to get a hold of me.

I've been with my fiancee for 2 years and it's such a different relationship. There's no snooping around or trying to figure out each other's past... Mainly because we have been best friends for years, so we know more about each other than most people. We have more important things to worry about in life, such as a house, future kids, and financial stability.

I think most people (not just women) who act the way you described (or that the first post described) are stuck in a certain stage of their lives and need some growing up to do...

Excactly the situation I'm in as well...Amanda and I have been together for over 2 years and there is no if ands or butts about where she is, what she's doing or anything of that sort....I think I was stuck in a place when I was dating her as well since my father had passed away and what not and I didnt want to be alone at the moment or lose anything else close to me....now I say to her :fu: :devil: :lol:

10-21-2005, 12:49 PM
now I say to her :fu: :devil: :lol:
:devil::fu:to the ones who need to grow up:fu::devil:

10-21-2005, 02:53 PM
But then again...im not a normal girlie girl either...and dont get along with very many...

but yeah, that's really...odd....


Stang Girl
10-21-2005, 03:14 PM
My boyfriend's ex sent me a private message through AAS. Actually joined the car club so she could send me this pm about how I don't know my boyfriend and we are moving too fast and telling me how she had been lurking on the site. My boyfriend is a member as well and that is how she was keeping tabs on what we were doing. Of course, she wasn't using her name but kept slipping up by making comments that were only posted in certain areas of the board where you have to be a member. :hmmm:

Now my ex, he left me for a 19 year old (he's 36). After a couple of months, he found out I wasn't sitting at home pining away for him and actually had found someone that cared for me and was treating me right, he went psycho...calling me, emailing me. Finally got to the point where I filed harassment charges against him. You would think that he would get over it by now. And yes, he is still with the 19 year old. I just believe they have the same maturity level... >owned<

10-21-2005, 05:25 PM
If I saw my hubby's most recent ex's email address somewhere, I'd email her. I don't have any grudges towards her at all. I actually liked her before they split up. It's been so long since we've heard from her that I'd like to see how she's doing. If she found his email address somewhere and emailed him, I would be fine with that too. I'm not the jealous type, and I trust my hubby. No worries here. Just my humble opinion though...