View Full Version : Any Stangs near WNC wanna have their stang in my movie?

10-12-2005, 05:31 PM
As some of you know me for the first Got Stang? Video & my photography. I've been trying to make a movie for almost a year now. Now I know what Rob Zombie means by how much it sucks to be the one who sets this all up. As of now I got a short list of stangs that'll be in it. A few from town & Also Jim03SVT & a few others from this site agreed to have their stang in it.

The film date is Sunday Oct 23. Some people have church so it will be in the afternoon when I need this done. Also Jim is driving his 03 Black Cobra vert from Nashville to make it here.

A short summary... once again:

One bright sunny day two friends decide to go for a drive when the car start to shake, sputter and grind until it comes to a stop off to the side of the road.
With the sun beating down hard on them and no cell phone service in the middle of nowhere & highly pissed off the girls have no choice but to walk to find a phone or some sort of help. An hour has passed by and no sign of any life. No buildings, no passing vehicles. When they do spot a small food mart. But safety first is how these girls were taught!
Look both ways before crossing the street!
Before their feet could even touch the white line a herd of Mustangs fly by inches from taking the girls with them. The girls are speechless & motionless, on their second attempt to cross the street a cop (possibility of 2 or 3) whiz right past them. The girls finally get to cross the street to try the payphone with the store being closed & their possible rides they couldve hitched gone out of site.

The stangs coming to a stop. They can go either left or right. With seconds they can be caught. The stangs roar to the right & hide as the cop(s) goes left but catches a glance of the stangs sneaking back down the highway & into the parking lot of the mart. The girls have no luck in contacting anybody by phone when they hear engines revving as where as one person gets out of a stang & asks the girls if they need a ride. The cop flies in & the lot is empty!...
After awesome stunts & cruisin in the stangs one of the stangers hands the girls the keys to a beautiful Cobra... Turns out to be a dream but a dream that is slowly coming true..

http://www.gotstang.com/photodisplay.php?useruid=491&showimage=188 http://www.gotstang.com/photodisplay.php?useruid=491&showimage=194 http://www.gotstang.com/photodisplay.php?useruid=491&showimage=190 http://www.gotstang.com/photodisplay.php?useruid=491&showimage=189 http://www.gotstang.com/photodisplay.php?useruid=491&showimage=192 http://www.gotstang.com/photodisplay.php?useruid=491&showimage=191 http://www.gotstang.com/photodisplay.php?useruid=491&showimage=193

The story line may change a bit. Jim Herbst is driving from Nashville in his 03 Cobra & MIGHT be able to bring some BMCers with him OR his buddies with Vipers.

Also this is weather permitting. If it’s slightly cloudy that is fine cause I’m not filming the sky. But if there is no chance of sunshine at all then god forbid I will have to postpone the filming. AGAIN!

Also the fact that some of the Stangers want to go ride the Dragon (300+ curves in 11miles). If all agree to go, then that will be fitting into the story line as well. Maybe the Blue Ridge Parkway.

The stangs will have to do some stunts & racing & cruisin for the film.

If all goes well The cop and/or cops will cooperate. We got some cool cops in this town, & some sucky ones too. If anybody nearby or is willing to make a long drive here, that's cool just let me know soon! I've been working on this film for almost a year so I'd like to get it done before people start putting their stangies away for the winter!! :toastxmas

Current GotStangers to be in film:
groundpounder (possible)
also a few GT's & V6's from town

October 23 (sunday afternoon) WEATHER BETTER BE F'N NICE !! :ranting: