View Full Version : I really get sick of people asking...

10-03-2005, 11:54 AM
So I was at lunch today, driving through jack in the box...

and these guys come out and they're like...Is that your car! I'm like....im driving it aren't i?! Then they proceed to say it's awesome, and i thank them.

It's like....here's your sign!

I dont know if people just ask that...or if it's cause im a girl...

10-03-2005, 12:12 PM
I think it's because we are girls. I get the same thing all the time. You should also see the faces on them when my husband also tells them it's mine, and when they find out its manual boy they cann't belive it. :thumpupn: :devil:

10-03-2005, 01:01 PM
I get the same thing, and with me being a older Woman, you should see the look I get when they find out I drive a stick :rofl: :rofl: They have to walk over and look inside , I guess they don't believe me it's a Stick!!!

10-03-2005, 01:09 PM
lol I get the same thing. They assume that it is not mine. Then they assume it is an automatic. WRONG on both :devil:

10-03-2005, 02:17 PM
My hubby went to a fast food joint one night in my mustang and the kids working at the place were all hanging out the window and they told my hubby he had a bad ass ride... my hubby told them that the car belonged to his wife and he said they all had a look of awe on their faces and told him his wife was "bitchin"!!! LOL

10-03-2005, 02:25 PM
^^^^ "Thats the kind of girl im gonna marry"

10-03-2005, 02:48 PM
probly because, u rarely see girls with GT's, they usually drive v-6's, even so, not very many have them modded, or LOUD, as yours is.. lol... so that's probly why u get asked it alot... just keep up the good work, that way people can ask more.. lol

Black Stallion
10-03-2005, 02:53 PM
My friend and I were driving down the main road in my town and I heard a supercharger whine and a real nice exhaust tone, and I said, "theres a cobra around here" and sure enough there was one. Yellow, black racing stripes, The windows were like 5% tint all around so we couldn't see who was driving, so we decided to follow it. So it goes to the bar at the top of my street, and we stop and look over and a woman steps out, we were like, wow. So we say, nice car, and she's like thanks. Now that I think about it, I wish I got her number.... :naughty:

10-03-2005, 03:25 PM
When someone asks a girl if its her car.. they are checkin to see if she says "no, its my boyfriends" lol

My Cobra
10-03-2005, 04:16 PM
a girl in a stang is hot. I dunno why. I guess cause they share the same likes as me. When i had my saleen i had some girl drive up next to me in a roush stage two i figured ahhh its her rich sugar daddy's car. then the tag said "Not his" i was very supprised to say the least. so ha ha i can not say much i use to think the same way that they were only guys cars but they are not. Chick in a stang = hot (or chick that will have a stang some day) ha ha

10-03-2005, 04:25 PM
Ok...I agree Becca....MEN!! :dupe: That is why my license plate now says HERSSSS :smack: So the general public that THINKS it's my man's car will know :fu: Even when it was OUR car, he always said it was MINE, because he bought it for ME :goodbye: Most people in general are surprised I have a Cobra.....with the tint it is hard to tell who it is, so now they will know :thanks: (girls get a look of disgust b/c they want it to be some HOT guy :cussing: ) Drive on Chicks with Sticks (and autos....of course) :beerchug: :beerchug: :beerchug:

10-03-2005, 04:28 PM
a girl in a stang is hot. I dunno why. I guess cause they share the same likes as me. :thumpupn: I agree totally :w00t:

10-03-2005, 04:56 PM
I like it at car shows when guys walk up to my husband and ask him something about the mods on my mach, or just my car. He always says "Youll have to ask her" and points to me, then their eyeballs almost fall out. lol

It really gotten worse since I put on the 17x10.5s and exhaust...

10-03-2005, 05:04 PM
Is that your car?

Nope,,, No I was auditioning for the latest episode of cops...

Here's your sign....

10-03-2005, 05:09 PM
Ok...I agree Becca....MEN!! :dupe: That is why my license plate now says HERSSSS :smack: So the general public that THINKS it's my man's car will know :fu: Even when it was OUR car, he always said it was MINE, because he bought it for ME :goodbye: Most people in general are surprised I have a Cobra.....with the tint it is hard to tell who it is, so now they will know :thanks: (girls get a look of disgust b/c they want it to be some HOT guy :cussing: ) Drive on Chicks with Sticks (and autos....of course) :beerchug: :beerchug: :beerchug:

yeah i need a custom license plate!

10-03-2005, 06:40 PM
I don't get that too often. Maybe it's cause I have a Mustang Women sticker on her LOL. I did notice that most of the chicks I've seen driving around drive the 6s. And they don't wave.

10-03-2005, 06:49 PM
what they really meant to say was

"Hey, nice rack!"


"DAMN girl, how would u like to shift threw my gears"

thats what they meant...

10-03-2005, 07:04 PM
I cannot recall ever being asked if it's my car...but my friend Lisa get's it all the time. Maybe it just "looks" like my car? don't know...

but any guy (or girl) always says "nice car" "sweet Mustang" "I like your car" etc etc

10-04-2005, 12:27 AM
It's definitely because you're a girl and a very nice looking one at that!! That's why you're pic is still on the home page. Anyone, err.. any guy asking you that is only trying to make conversation. I guarantee that he likes you more than the car...

10-04-2005, 03:48 AM
This is how I see it ladies...If I see a sweet stang and there is a women driving it there is only one thing that comes to mind.."that's hot" I don't care if she owns it or not. :devil:

10-04-2005, 07:09 AM
We're going to need pix of all the female Mustang owners to be able to verify the posts in this thread.

10-04-2005, 07:26 AM
My wife hates my car because its stick , but she loves the attention of people pointing lol but when they ask what my plate means i laugh so hard because she dont normaly swear but tells them NO U F$%^&#G CANT . she gets a kick out of the looks on their faces

stangs look great with any woman driving but look even better when she is sitting beside you

10-04-2005, 07:53 AM
This is the first picture ever taken of me and my car in the same frame! It only took a year and a half! LOL It was taken last Saturday night at a lil Mustang gathering...

10-04-2005, 08:18 AM
We're going to need pix of all the female Mustang owners to be able to verify the posts in this thread.

Mine's on the banner

10-04-2005, 08:19 AM
Go wendy go!

10-04-2005, 08:19 AM
This is the first picture ever taken of me and my car in the same frame! It only took a year and a half! LOL It was taken last Saturday night at a lil Mustang gathering...

Cute shoes!

10-04-2005, 09:56 AM
HPBrat, and NastyNotch have posted up, how about the rest of the beautiful ladies of GS? :cool:

10-04-2005, 11:41 AM
HPBrat, and NastyNotch have posted up, how about the rest of the beautiful ladies of GS? :cool:

im on the front page. :lol: But here ya go anyway! i need new ones :hmmm: how'd this turn into a picture thread?! lol


10-04-2005, 12:01 PM
...how'd this turn into a picture thread?! lol

I showed up and peeked my head in here...that's how. :D

10-04-2005, 02:55 PM
im on the front page. :lol: But here ya go anyway! i need new ones :hmmm: how'd this turn into a picture thread?! lol


imagine this picture, with her in a bikini bottom instead of jeans, with a thumb pulling the bikini bottom down just a lil to tease you.....and im spent!

10-04-2005, 03:31 PM
imagine this picture, with her in a bikini bottom instead of jeans, with a thumb pulling the bikini bottom down just a lil to tease you.....and im spent!

Now... Imagine her boyfriend beating the living shit out of you while you stare at his girl with her bikini bottom on :)

10-04-2005, 03:53 PM
Now... Imagine her boyfriend beating the living shit out of you while you stare at his girl with her bikini bottom on :)

Imagine HER beating the living shit outta you for saying that whole bikini bottom thing Clint! LOL

10-04-2005, 05:31 PM
i didnt say her junk would be hangin out....

(you guys are mean to me)

10-04-2005, 05:49 PM
Now... Imagine her boyfriend beating the living shit out of you while you stare at his girl with her bikini bottom on :)


10-04-2005, 08:43 PM
O.K. so I'm driving around and I see a mustang.. I think hey nice mustang.. Then I see a really nice looking girl driving it and I'm like Damn she's hot!!! nice mustang + hot looking girl is a tough combo to beat.

10-05-2005, 06:08 AM
I can't get the Girls driving ANY kind of 'Stang, auto or stick to slow down long enough to talk to....!! I saw a blonde driving my cars twin the other day and thought of getting a "Hunt" pic of them sitting together, and she drove like 80 miles an hour everywhere and I played it safe and hung back.

10-05-2005, 07:29 AM
I can't get the Girls driving ANY kind of 'Stang, auto or stick to slow down long enough to talk to....!! I saw a blonde driving my cars twin the other day and thought of getting a "Hunt" pic of them sitting together, and she drove like 80 miles an hour everywhere and I played it safe and hung back.

Playing it safe is NEVER the right answer...especially when a woman's attention is at stake. You should have caught up to her, pulled up beside her, got her attention, teased her a little, then dropped gear and blown past her with the wide open exhaust screaming. Based on the type of car she was driving, and the manner in which she was driving it, that probably would have made her instantly cream and there would have been no need for foreplay at that point. You could have let her catch up and had sex on top of one of your guys' car. But hey...what do I know? :lol: :D :cool:

10-05-2005, 08:10 AM
Imagine HER beating the living shit outta you for saying that whole bikini bottom thing Clint! LOL

LMAO! :lol: :thumpupn:

10-05-2005, 11:02 AM
Heres my proof...


10-05-2005, 11:55 AM
Wait till they see my wife in her 07 shelby.

I get asked all the time if I am selling my car to get the shelby. Everyone think's its going to be my car. I tell them its going to be my wife so she can try to race me.

She will still loose...espically after what going to be done next.

10-05-2005, 01:32 PM
This is the EXACT reason i got vanity plates, I was sick and tired or everyone complimenting my hubby on MY car...ugh NoW EVERYONE knows....and my hubby now fears driving my car lol.....my plates say GIRLZ GT

10-05-2005, 02:04 PM
Go wendy go!

10-05-2005, 03:01 PM
Watched Overhaulin last night and they worked up this lady's 2005 GT. It was impressive as hell. The supercharger brought the HP up to 420hp and this lady was a horrible driver... The big thing is my wife was actually pissed off they fixed up an O5 rather than someone elses car that needed the work. She got really upset when it was a lady's car. She told me that the car should be a guys car, because the woman obviously wasn't into cars at all. To be honest she wasn't. When they played the pranks on her she told the fake insurance guy she "Thought" the car had a V8 in it. :nutkick: Ain't that a kick in the sack.

10-05-2005, 03:15 PM
I saw parts of overhaulin last night... I turned it off after the hubby gave them shit over puttin stripes on the car. Ungrateful bastid.

10-05-2005, 05:56 PM
Playing it safe is NEVER the right answer...especially when a woman's attention is at stake. You should have caught up to her, pulled up beside her, got her attention, teased her a little, then dropped gear and blown past her with the wide open exhaust screaming. Based on the type of car she was driving, and the manner in which she was driving it, that probably would have made her instantly cream and there would have been no need for foreplay at that point.

Hell yeah! I aggree! So many times I see a hot guy (YES IN A MUSTANG) checking me out...but they never make an effort to catch me. Little do they know...maybe I WANTED him to!

I saw parts of overhaulin last night... I turned it off after the hubby gave them shit over puttin stripes on the car. Ungrateful bastid.

I always miss crap like that...dammit

10-05-2005, 05:58 PM
Watched Overhaulin last night and they worked up this lady's 2005 GT. It was impressive as hell. The supercharger brought the HP up to 420hp and this lady was a horrible driver... The big thing is my wife was actually pissed off they fixed up an O5 rather than someone elses car that needed the work. She got really upset when it was a lady's car. She told me that the car should be a guys car, because the woman obviously wasn't into cars at all. To be honest she wasn't. When they played the pranks on her she told the fake insurance guy she "Thought" the car had a V8 in it. :nutkick: Ain't that a kick in the sack.

OMG she needs to give me the KEYS!!!

10-05-2005, 06:00 PM
Hell yeah! I aggree! So many times I see a hot guy (YES IN A MUSTANG) checking me out...but they never make an effort to catch me. Little do they know...maybe I WANTED him to!
See, guys?!?!?!

Come down to MI...I'll catch 'ya. :cool:

10-05-2005, 06:05 PM
I passed this guy in a fox, two days in a row...you'd think the second day he would have banged a U turn! I even drove slower to see if he would. I thought since the first day he almost leaped out of his window....

well, he missed his chance

10-05-2005, 06:06 PM
nope, gotta stay in NH, I own a duplex

10-05-2005, 06:07 PM
I passed this guy in a fox, two days in a row...you'd think the second day he would have banged a U turn! I even drove slower to see if he would. I thought since the first day he almost leaped out of his window....

well, he missed his chance

It's entirely possible that he's gay. You never know. :D If it makes you feel better I'd have given chase. :D

10-05-2005, 06:09 PM
nope, gotta stay in NH, I own a duplex

I didn't say move here. :D Either, it doesn't matter...I'm married. :D

10-05-2005, 06:16 PM
Yeah, never thought of that..
funny too, I had a friend who was gay- he drove a 89 Mustang 5.0
yet the possibility It didn't occur to me

10-05-2005, 08:04 PM
most guys probably see a nice mustang like Nicoleb3x3's and think it has to be her boyfriends or husband's car..... but on a side note I have to give you props for the nice job on your car it's really cool looking Nicole...nice job!!!!

10-07-2005, 12:33 PM
So today im at the bank.... (mind you, i have my passenger seat out as well as the rear seat delete right now....) and this guy comes up to me while im sitting in my car...and he says...that sounds good, i bet it's got a cam in it! Im like um....no it doesnt, but thank you...and then he says...do you race it? And I say well i aint got no interior for nothin!! and he leans in to see if it's a standard And he just shakes his head and mumbles something about a girl driving a stick and racing.... WTF

10-07-2005, 01:31 PM
I have also seen a few surprised looks when I am in my car, and compliments = ). Or sometimes I get girls trying to catch up to me thinking a guy might be driving it cuz I have tints and they are pretty dark, the exhaust probably throws them off too hehe
I love it!

10-07-2005, 06:46 PM
So today im at the bank.... (mind you, i have my passenger seat out as well as the rear seat delete right now....) and this guy comes up to me while im sitting in my car...and he says...that sounds good, i bet it's got a cam in it! Im like um....no it doesnt, but thank you...and then he says...do you race it? And I say well i aint got no interior for nothin!! and he leans in to see if it's a standard And he just shakes his head and mumbles something about a girl driving a stick and racing.... WTF
hey Mdnite that guy is either gay or just plain stupid!..a woman as nice looking as you that is in to mustangs and is set up to race it is simply exhilarating!!!.. my props to all Gotstang women.. woot woot..

10-07-2005, 09:23 PM
RedFire-01; thx!

MdniteMustang00; yeah exactly-WTF is that all about?

10-08-2005, 04:59 AM
RedFire-01; thx!

MdniteMustang00; yeah exactly-WTF is that all about?
Insecurity maybe. They are brave enough to start the conversation but can't continue it. Just be flattered by the attempt I guess...

10-08-2005, 08:04 AM
So today im at the bank.... (mind you, i have my passenger seat out as well as the rear seat delete right now....) and this guy comes up to me while im sitting in my car...and he says...that sounds good, i bet it's got a cam in it! Im like um....no it doesnt, but thank you...and then he says...do you race it? And I say well i aint got no interior for nothin!! and he leans in to see if it's a standard And he just shakes his head and mumbles something about a girl driving a stick and racing.... WTF

He was jealous cause his girlfriend is lame compared to you :nya:

10-08-2005, 11:14 AM
He was jealous cause his girlfriend is lame compared to you

10-08-2005, 12:20 PM
i've had plenty of guys pull up next to me at a light while im cruising and ask "hey is that yours?" or "damnn you can drive that?" uh yeah, I can lol...dumbasses, i've had a good share of people tell me to take daddys car home or ask if its my bf's so that's why my plate says MYROUSH...I also blacked out my windows to limo in the back 3, 15 on the sides so when guys pull up, want to race and then get smoked...I can always roll my windows down and show them theyve just been stomped on by a chick...the look is ALWAYS priceless lol

10-08-2005, 01:49 PM
i've had plenty of guys pull up next to me at a light while im cruising and ask "hey is that yours?" or "damnn you can drive that?" uh yeah, I can lol...dumbasses, i've had a good share of people tell me to take daddys car home or ask if its my bf's so that's why my plate says MYROUSH...I also blacked out my windows to limo in the back 3, 15 on the sides so when guys pull up, want to race and then get smoked...I can always roll my windows down and show them theyve just been stomped on by a chick...the look is ALWAYS priceless lol
...dumbasses, haha....tinting the windows just to show the guys who's just smoked them....now that's just classic!!! The average guy just feels >owned<... man, you girls sure are a passionate bunch..and that greeting under your screen name.. :nailbite:

10-09-2005, 01:21 AM
Just so everyone knows for a fact, Becca and Amanda (Captndorko) are both very hot and yes they can both drive their cars. I've seen them both and cruised with them both. Those girls=HOT.

10-09-2005, 09:51 PM
...man, you girls sure are a passionate bunch..and that greeting under your screen name.. :nailbite:

She'll fuck some shit up! And of she get's into too much trouble, she's got some bad boys that will bail her out of anything.

10-17-2005, 11:02 AM
Haven't been on here in awhile but damn all these girls and their mustangs - AWESOME! Wish we all lived close together so we can cruise the streets and make everyone stare. I get it all the time too.."Is that yours?" I would get a liscense plate but can't think of anything creative just yet. All you ladies have badass stangs!! Nice to see ya'll here on the site :)

Stang Girl
10-17-2005, 11:57 AM
I get the questions a lot, is that your car, etc...I like it though when people ask my wonderful other half about the car and he says that it's mine and all the mods were done before him... :thumpupn: