View Full Version : Time to vent

09-29-2005, 08:24 PM
(Now first off I KNOW that this post belongs in the hunt section but I wanted to make sure that everyone saw it!)

OK I posted a hunt for best in show at an FFW. Obviously someone got very asshurt and complained (After it was claimed valid by 20 of my peers) that my claim was in err. Now I am sorry if your vaginal discomfort, whoever you are, would not allow you to merely ask me to retract it rather than complain to J and waste his time and try to make me look like an ass! I have a very good idea who it was and if it were you who complained,(I thought you were better than that!) This is a great display of a chicken shit motherfucker too scared to say something to me like an adult and would rather try and stab me in the back. :nailbite: I don't get riled up very often but an assualt on my character will not be tolerated. so to mr/ms. whoever you are you have ruffled this old birds feathers and I hope that your day has been made by being a total anal pustule on the ass of Gotstang.com. :fu: And to all others, if I posted in err I apologize and if J decides to retract it then so be it. OK I am done now. Have a nice fuckin day.

09-29-2005, 08:52 PM
I havent done anything yet, I just PM'd you about it and wanted to know what you thought... now I do. lol

09-29-2005, 09:21 PM
Damn...remind me not to get on your bad side! I have no idea what or who you are talking to and about, but I hope you get it all resolved and fixed. :)

09-29-2005, 09:25 PM
three words Anger Management Class lol. oh and by the way It was and I repeat was not me.

09-29-2005, 09:58 PM
2 new hunt claims added to give recognition to class winner's that have attended a "Fun Ford Weekend" or "NMRA" National.

09-29-2005, 11:28 PM
Damn...remind me not to get on your bad side! I have no idea what or who you are talking to and about, but I hope you get it all resolved and fixed. :)
:nailbite: :thumpupn:

09-29-2005, 11:32 PM
*cough* flame *cough* BS *cough*

i dunno about other peeps but keep this shit in pm's, u got a problem take it up with that person or an admin/mod....

the general public doesnt give a crap...

i want my 2 mins of my wasted life back for reading this thread lol jk

09-29-2005, 11:35 PM
chill people, some of you take stuff way to seriously on this site :looney: can't we all just be friends :beerchug: *group hug* :naughty:

09-30-2005, 10:15 AM
I agree that this should not be posted on the boards, as it should be kept to PM's. Having said that I just checked out the hunt claims as I had no idea what was being discussed here and I can see why there was a problem. Other than onebad95 none of the other claims are a true "best of show" winner. I have attended numerous FFW and NMRA events and I can assure you that winning best of show is a HARD feat to accomplish, and I highly doubt many will honestly be able to claim that hunt. "Best of show" means that you had the BEST car on the property for that event, and it takes a truely unique and well detailed car to win it. I don't know how many have ever seen a best of show trophie but this is what it looks like...

I don't know how onebad95 got that thing home but it was probably a good thing he had a 'vert so it could stick out the top.

It is still an honor no matter what to win anything at either an FFW or NMRA event, and for that you deserve a :thumpupn: stone_turp.

This does point to a larger problem with the hunt in that people do not read the instructions carefully, whether it be the person claiming the hunt or the ones voting on it. I won best 94-95 mustang at the NMRA Maple Grove event last year and I received a nice plaque for it, but I know its not a "best of show" award... my car has a LONG LONG way to go before I've ever see that prestigious trophie.

09-30-2005, 01:01 PM
WOW :diss: I agree 100% with sometimes people dont read the instructions on the Hunts....if I think I am on the border of something I will make a comment about :goodbye: I am sorry Stone, that you got pissed off....BUT Best in Show is Best in Show....they shouldn't have complained like that :fu: BUT, what are u gonna do.....if people validated it....than that's that :ranting: (Unless J says otherwise :looney: ) Let's all just have fun and get drunk :beerchug: :beerchug: ............OH PS, it wasn't me either :tmi:

10-01-2005, 08:00 AM
I understand that this should have been left for the PM's but therein lies the problem I don't know who it was!!! :D And... Like I said on the title it TIME TO VENT. I had no culprit to point the finger at so I just had to let it all go on the board so I could be pretty sure he/she would see it. If any of you guys have taken offense I am sorry but I also feel better now that I said how I feel and life can go on... Hi everybody! Hope everyone is doing well. :thanks:

White Stang
10-01-2005, 07:11 PM
If you don't win best show on GS it doesn't count anyway :lol: J/K That must of been a good feeling for Bad 95 to win that at FFW. If someone said they won it and he won the hunt I guess he tricked 20 people. But he still doesn't have the real thing just :bs: :rofl: But this brings up a diffrent thought someone that has limited funds to modify there stang will most likely never have a chance to when something like that. But here on GS if you keep your stang clean you will get love for your stang on Gotstang and that is one of the cool things about this site. :gso: Did someone say group hug :vomit: :lol:

10-01-2005, 11:55 PM
I know I am a pretty fart smeller... I mean... Yeah... Do not underestimate de sneakiness... :D