View Full Version : Tweety and Sublimegt

09-23-2005, 04:24 PM
any one heard from them?? I hope they are safe and well....

09-23-2005, 04:50 PM
Tweety is safe - she and hubby (Blackmark on GS) are safe with relatives in NW Houston. Hopefully they will have a house to go back to when it's over?

Ladycobra01 and family are also safe up near San Antonio.

Haven't hear anything about Sublime?

Black Stallion
09-23-2005, 05:13 PM
Yea where is sublime? I hope he is alright.

09-23-2005, 05:25 PM
i hope every thing will ba alright :nailbite:

09-23-2005, 06:53 PM
Sublime said he was getting outta there on wednesday, so I'm sure he's safe by now... and Tweety was going to stay with a friend.

09-23-2005, 07:16 PM
Sublime is in Somewhere near Austin. I believe they are all safe.

09-24-2005, 08:39 PM
Anyone hear from Sublimegt yet? Hope he is OK!!!

09-24-2005, 09:00 PM
Sublime is back home

09-24-2005, 09:02 PM
geez.. lol... im allright.. i went to austin.. thanks for caring though.. yeah i went to austin.... im back now too, i stayed with my dads uncles, which is 97 years old, they were the damn beverly hillbillies... there remote had 5 buttons... it sucked ass.... but it only took 11 hours to get there, we left my house at 1pm , and got to austin at around 1145ish.. wasnt too bad, it could have been worse, we had gas.. and my car never looked so good, i had it packed down and she was low.... it was so heavy my car didnt wanna shift into 3rd.. lol.. owell....

09-24-2005, 09:12 PM
damn, just when I was gonna tell everyone he was locked in my basement. lol

09-24-2005, 09:18 PM
great to hear lmao third gear mmmmmmm lots of stuff ehhhhhh?? glad your ok m8

09-24-2005, 11:06 PM
lol funny j, thanks for caring everyone... makes me happier to come back here.. and believe me i was needing a computer, and gs... lol.. i almost went to find the local library...

09-24-2005, 11:11 PM
lol ........ believe me i was needing a computer, and gs... lol.. i almost went to find the local library...
i can relate, thats why this link is important to click on. I mean what would we all do???????


09-25-2005, 06:05 AM
Thanks everyone. I am back home too. Got back yersterday. The 98 GT we had to leave is ok no damage and the house is fine. Just a bunch of limbs down. We were without power til about an hour ago. Now once I get home from work tonight I can set my computer back up :devil: Thanks again everyone. What a great family we have in GS :devil:

09-25-2005, 08:28 AM
glad your back home girl , whew was worried about you.

09-25-2005, 01:13 PM
didnt know we were so loved here huh kelly? lol

09-25-2005, 02:57 PM
glad you guys are ok :beerchug:

09-25-2005, 03:16 PM
didnt know we were so loved here huh kelly? lol
Nope, we have an awesome family here. :devil: :gso:

09-25-2005, 04:49 PM
Glad you guys are safe and that damage was minimal.... :beerchug: was worried for alot of reasons about that area :nailbite: ...sorry @ the remote Sublime :rofl: And of course we care about you guys..... :looney:

09-25-2005, 10:59 PM
ya, nothing really happend here in southwest houston....evrything ok there in clearlake??

09-26-2005, 02:02 AM
also captindorko and midnitemustang00 are ok I talked to them.

09-26-2005, 08:58 AM
also captindorko and midnitemustang00 are ok I talked to them.

LOL thanks for caring will!

Glad all you guys made it home safe too! :thumpupn:

Stang Girl
09-26-2005, 02:18 PM
Glad everyone is ok. Tweety, let us know if you need anything. Jeff is looking for an excuse to come visit...