Stang Gurl
12-05-2004, 10:18 PM
Im so fed up with this bullshit... I took a break from this site for this very reason and all was kool until this shit... why the fuck do I have to take this shit over there? Why cant people grow the fuck up and just have a little respect?
12-05-2004, 10:22 PM
Im so fed up with this bullshit... I took a break from this site for this very reason and all was kool until this shit... why the fuck do I have to take this shit over there? Why cant people grow the fuck up and just have a little respect?
What did you expect from them? I only go there to get more imput for mods and such. I havn't even done a chop over there if a long time. I actually agree with you. You can feel free in the fact that we won't do that crap to you over here though. :gso:
12-05-2004, 10:30 PM
Its ok kim, just kick it with us over here, we love yah, lol, i gave up on 3.8 a long time ago!
Stang Gurl
12-05-2004, 10:32 PM
Its ok kim, just kick it with us over here, we love yah, lol, i gave up on 3.8 a long time ago!
go look at what the mod said prior to locking that thread.... thats fucking rediculous... Its like a mini *insert shitty mustang site here* ...
12-05-2004, 10:35 PM
why even get into it with them
12-05-2004, 10:35 PM
yeah, thats messed, if your gonna "keep peace" you dont agree with one side of the argument, end it and its done!
Stang Gurl
12-05-2004, 10:40 PM
why even get into it with them
YOu dont understand... the same group of fuckers start this shit anytime anything is posted anywhere about carshows or shit like that... my rims... you name it... ask cody... he can tell you what its been like... I like the site... I hate most of the members... it sux.
12-05-2004, 10:40 PM
Im so fed up with this bullshit... I took a break from this site for this very reason and all was kool until this shit... why the fuck do I have to take this shit over there? Why cant people grow the fuck up and just have a little respect? thats some bull crap there and wtf
"well if your gonna be a dike about it, your car isnt sponsered material, there is nothing special about it.
and for quadlogic there is nothing wrong with stock rims if you cannot afford good rims. and i dont see you posting on there asking for sponserships with a plain car" the whole frickin point of trying to get a frickin sponcer is to get the fund INORDER to hook up ur ride wtf *it doesnt even have rims* :censored:yet again the REASON for the sponcer iv seen cars bone stock get sponcers those guys r frickin trend b*tchs i think alot of new "car people" are out of touch with mods to focused on aftermarket rends rather then what they like or even functionality I SAW A CAR WITH TVS ON THE OUT SIDE it was strickly show but it was just over kill i mean some trends are cool but when u get to the point that a majority of fwd owners that mod there cars feel it nessecary to put a rear spoiler on there FWD car... anyway those people r retarded so stay here a :gso: <<<<
12-05-2004, 10:42 PM
thats some bull crap there and wtf
"well if your gonna be a dike about it, your car isnt sponsered material, there is nothing special about it.
and for quadlogic there is nothing wrong with stock rims if you cannot afford good rims. and i dont see you posting on there asking for sponserships with a plain car" the whole frickin point of trying to get a frickin sponcer is to get the fund INORDER to hook up ur ride wtf *it doesnt even have rims* :censored:yet again the REASON for the sponcer iv seen cars bone stock get sponcers those guys r frickin trend b*tchs i think alot of new "car people" are out of touch with mods to focused on aftermarket rends rather then what they like or even functionality I SAW A CAR WITH TVS ON THE OUT SIDE it was strickly show but it was just over kill i mean some trends are cool but when u get to the point that a majority of fwd owners that mod there cars feel it nessecary to put a rear spoiler on there FWD car... anyway those people r retarded so stay here a :gso: <<<<
What he said... :gso:
12-05-2004, 10:44 PM
go look at what the mod said prior to locking that thread.... thats fucking rediculous... Its like a mini *insert shitty mustang site here* ... i tryed to give him the worst rating but i had to sign up and all that andim not doing that but i tryed tho :gso:
Stang Gurl
12-05-2004, 10:45 PM
i tryed to give him the worst rating but i had to sign up and all that andim not doing that but i tryed tho :gso:
what rating?
12-05-2004, 10:46 PM
what rating? i clicked his link and saw something on there one said best of show so i slick the one on the other side
12-05-2004, 10:47 PM
I say we get our crew together, and go kick some 3.8mustang ass, lol, how about it guys, little brawl to defend our friend kim!!! :nutkick: :diss:
Stang Gurl
12-05-2004, 10:47 PM
i clicked his link and saw something on there one said best of show so i slick the one on the other side
Oh.. yeah they all went and voted for Damian to be jerks... oh well...
12-05-2004, 10:48 PM
Sounds like yu just getting to much love on that site.
12-05-2004, 10:49 PM
Im so fed up with this bullshit... I took a break from this site for this very reason and all was kool until this shit... why the fuck do I have to take this shit over there? Why cant people grow the fuck up and just have a little respect?
lol, stanggurl you have been on 3.8 too long, to not understand that every thing is a flamewar overthere, hell someone asks for help and the bash the people for not knowing some simple things. if they didnt like your avatar they could do what i did and just block all avatars, and there is no problems, but like i have said before 3 point hate is gay :gso:
that was one hell of a run on sentance
Stang Gurl
12-05-2004, 10:49 PM
I say we get our crew together, and go kick some 3.8mustang ass, lol, how about it guys, little brawl to defend our friend kim!!! :nutkick: :diss:
lol.... gettem cooter haha
12-05-2004, 10:50 PM
I say we get our crew together, and go kick some 3.8mustang ass, lol, how about it guys, little brawl to defend our friend kim!!! :nutkick: :diss:H*LL MOTHERF*CKING YES :devil:
Stang Gurl
12-05-2004, 10:50 PM
lol, stanggurl you have been on 3.8 too long, to not understand that every thing is a flamewar overthere, hell someone asks for help and the bash the people for not knowing some simple things. if they didnt like your avatar they could do what i did and just block all avatars, and there is no problems, but like i have said before 3 point hate is gay :gso:
that was one hell of a run on sentance
Maybe... its just so dumb... like by flaming me for not having rims is going to magically put rims on my car... if that were the case... flame away!! lol... or.. maybe Im using the wrong avatar over there... hmmmmm haha
Stang Gurl
12-05-2004, 10:51 PM
I say we get our crew together, and go kick some 3.8mustang ass, lol, how about it guys, little brawl to defend our friend kim!!! :nutkick: :diss:
I cannot condone this activity...
but I cant stop you either... you are an adult :devil:
Stang Gurl
12-05-2004, 10:53 PM
RAWWRRRRRRRRRRRRum.... try that again J... the internet owned you lol
12-05-2004, 10:54 PM
Kim, im not just fighting for you, im fighting for all the mustangs out there with stock rims, this isnt just a battle for us, Its a war for all mustangers everywhere!!!
(That was my oscar moment, you think it was good enough?)
12-05-2004, 10:54 PM
RAWWRRRRRRRRRRRRi cant see it >_< what is it describe plz
12-05-2004, 10:58 PM is the crap im talking about :cussing:
Stang Gurl
12-05-2004, 10:58 PM
Kim, im not just fighting for you, im fighting for all the mustangs out there with stock rims, this isnt just a battle for us, Its a war for all mustangers everywhere!!!
(That was my oscar moment, you think it was good enough?)
12-05-2004, 11:00 PM
Oh.. yeah they all went and voted for Damian to be jerks... oh well...thats one distracting avatar u have there :thanks:
12-05-2004, 11:02 PM
YAY!!! I would like to thank my friends on for their support and inspiration, special thanks goes out to kim who got this whole project going with a small cry for help, I couldnt of done it without you! STOCK WHEELS ARE NOT A CRIME!!!!
Stang Gurl
12-05-2004, 11:07 PM
YAY!!! I would like to thank my friends on for their support and inspiration, special thanks goes out to kim who got this whole project going with a small cry for help, I couldnt of done it without you! STOCK WHEELS ARE NOT A CRIME!!!!
that was awesome lol... you guys have made me feel 1100000000 times better... thank you. :thanks:
12-05-2004, 11:09 PM
that was awesome lol... you guys have made me feel 1100000000 times better... thank you. :thanks:OH I MISSED IT DIDNT I >_< darn.. well i didnt have a membership over there anyway but i would have signed up just to get back at em with yall :gso:
12-05-2004, 11:13 PM
that was awesome lol... you guys have made me feel 1100000000 times better... thank you. :thanks:
fo' shizzzzzzzle
Stang Gurl
12-05-2004, 11:13 PM
OH I MISSED IT DIDNT I >_< darn.. well i didnt have a membership over there anyway but i would have signed up just to get back at em with yall :gso:
you aint missin much honey lol
Joe Friday
12-05-2004, 11:15 PM
Hmm.. All I saw basically was someone commenting on how you had an offensive avatar, which I could see that, which you still have not changed from a dancing penis. Someone one commenting that you need to get your car looking good before you'll get any kind of sponsorship. Companies don't just find some random person and hand out money. So I don’t see the problem. Maybe you should just calm down and realize this is the internet, everyone is a warrior.
12-05-2004, 11:16 PM
you aint missin much honey lol if anyone ever joins this and acts like them they should be booted off
12-05-2004, 11:17 PM
Joe, I dont think your getting the point that it has been more than that one thread, this has been over a long period of time and this was just the icing on the cake...
12-05-2004, 11:18 PM
Hmm.. All I saw basically was someone commenting on how you had an offensive avatar, which I could see that, which you still have not changed from a dancing penis. Someone one commenting that you need to get your car looking good before you'll get any kind of sponsorship. Companies don't just find some random person and hand out money. So I don’t see the problem. Maybe you should just calm down and realize this is the internet, everyone is a warrior.
Stang Gurl
12-05-2004, 11:18 PM
Hmm.. All I saw basically was someone commenting on how you had an offensive avatar, which I could see that, which you still have not changed from a dancing penis. Someone one commenting that you need to get your car looking good before you'll get any kind of sponsorship. Companies don't just find some random person and hand out money. So I don’t see the problem. Maybe you should just calm down and realize this is the internet, everyone is a warrior.
Hmmm... maybe you should see the whole picture here... the same conversation is started over there by the same people about the same damn topic all the damn time... it gets OLD. I am getting tired of it. You would too. And whats worse is the mods get in on the arguement knowing its turned into a flame war and instead of locking it they join in. Ive put up with alot of shit on that site so at this point Im beyond calm about it. Sorry.
Stang Gurl
12-05-2004, 11:19 PM
Joe, I dont think your getting the point that it has been more than that one thread, this has been over a long period of time and this was just the icing on the cake...
Stang Gurl
12-05-2004, 11:22 PM
Now im third place on that site :cussing:
12-05-2004, 11:24 PM
Hey it could be worse, I'm only accepted on that site because I did PS work for them. I'm a ricer, with APC products on my car, I couldn't care less about performance mods, I don't hate my V6, and I'm right wing Republican. I'm the complete opposite of everything about that site. lol.
12-05-2004, 11:25 PM
Now im third place on that site :cussing:
did you see my post? Look at my position on that site. :ugh2: :cussing:
Stang Gurl
12-05-2004, 11:25 PM
Hmm.. All I saw basically was someone commenting on how you had an offensive avatar, which I could see that, which you still have not changed from a dancing penis.
Just so you know... I took that image off of the smilies on this site... so if its good enough for GS it sure as hell is just fine for a site that allows racist joke threads and nudy pics on a regular basis.... basically what you are saying is tits and ass are fine but a cock and balls is not? I smell a double standard.
12-05-2004, 11:26 PM
Joe, I dont think your getting the point that it has been more than that one thread, this has been over a long period of time and this was just the icing on the cake...i know who that crap is whoever iv only had to deal with that crap face to face with people but i know how that crap is and it pisses me off when people do that crap when the sh*t happends like its on a schedule its only matter of time be fore someones going to snap
12-05-2004, 11:26 PM
Its ok Cody, we love you too, lmao!!
12-05-2004, 11:28 PM
Just so you know... I took that image off of the smilies on this site... so if its good enough for GS it sure as hell is just fine for a site that allows racist joke threads and nudy pics on a regular basis.... basically what you are saying is tits and ass are fine but a cock and balls is not? I smell a double standard. id say that smells like :bs: dang i dont see how anyone decent
could stand that site from wat im hearing
Stang Gurl
12-05-2004, 11:28 PM
Its ok Cody, we love you too, lmao!!
Yeah cody knows I wuv him... cause I do my own PS work lol so he knows Im not using him... you did one chop for me once tho remember? for my interior? It looke so good I made it permanent lol...
12-05-2004, 11:28 PM
Its ok Cody, we love you too, lmao!!
Thanks man. I feel the love. :gso:
12-05-2004, 11:28 PM
this thread is pointless...
12-05-2004, 11:29 PM
Yeah cody knows I wuv him... cause I do my own PS work lol so he knows Im not using him... you did one chop for me once tho remember? for my interior? It looke so good I made it permanent lol...
I did a chop for your grille once two, but who's counting. :lol:
12-05-2004, 11:29 PM
Hey J, nothing compares to you cause you gave us this wonderful site, so dont feel left out man!!!
Stang Gurl
12-05-2004, 11:29 PM
I outrank the admins car muahahahahahahah!!! jk I better shut up before you hit the admin panel and give me neggy horsies lol... Im just messin lol
12-05-2004, 11:31 PM
You can do negative horsies? Whoa!!
Stang Gurl
12-05-2004, 11:31 PM
this thread is pointless...
no it isnt... i was ranting and now i feel better. Ive seen worse.
I did a chop for your grille once two, but who's counting.
OMG i forgot about that... arent you glad I didnt do that lol....
12-05-2004, 11:31 PM
Hey it could be worse, I'm only accepted on that site because I did PS work for them. I'm a ricer, with APC products on my car, I couldn't care less about performance mods, I don't hate my V6, and I'm right wing Republican. I'm the complete opposite of everything about that site. lol. i never liked that term "ricer" i have a totaly different definition for it then most people i think i think
Stang Gurl
12-05-2004, 11:32 PM
You can do negative horsies? Whoa!!
If you are J you can do anything you want lol
12-05-2004, 11:33 PM
i never liked that term "ricer" i have a totaly different definition for it then most people i think i think
I kinda take it as a badge of honor. everyone conciders a car that centers on appearance rice. That's what I am, so why deny it. :devil:
12-05-2004, 11:33 PM
If you are J you can do anything you want lol
True, like kick me off, I better be nice... :gso:
I took the negative votes off cause some of the 12 year olds from MW were causing problems.
Stang Gurl
12-05-2004, 11:34 PM
I kinda take it as a badge of honor. everyone conciders a car that centers on appearance rice. That's what I am, so why deny it. :devil:
proud to be rice... Im gonna put that in my sig... hey code... lets start a PTBR crew lmfao
Stang Gurl
12-05-2004, 11:35 PM
I took the negative votes off cause some of the 12 year olds from MW were causing problems.
Lol yeah...they got me pretty good.
12-05-2004, 11:35 PM
proud to be rice... Im gonna put that in my sig... hey code... lets start a PTBR crew lmfao
Better yet, the Gotstang Stock Rims Crew. :nutkick:
Stang Gurl
12-05-2004, 11:36 PM
Better yet, the Gotstang Stock Rims Crew. :nutkick:
OMG IM THERE... brb...
12-05-2004, 11:37 PM
me too, count me in!!! (if you will let me?)
12-05-2004, 11:38 PM
I kinda take it as a badge of honor. everyone conciders a car that centers on appearance rice. That's what I am, so why deny it. :devil: but the thing about that is those cars use to be called show cars ot trailer queens no disrespect to ur opinion i jusr specify it more
12-05-2004, 11:38 PM
Give me a sec, I have an idea. :dance:
12-05-2004, 11:40 PM
12-05-2004, 11:45 PM
12-05-2004, 11:45 PM
goodnight people :gso:
12-05-2004, 11:46 PM
Stang Gurl
12-05-2004, 11:47 PM
me too, count me in!!! (if you will let me?)
Hell yeah....
12-05-2004, 11:50 PM
wish i would have joined this site earlyer
Stang Gurl
12-05-2004, 11:50 PM
goodnight people :gso:
GN spiffy :gso:
12-05-2004, 11:52 PM
Night spiffy!! :gso:
12-05-2004, 11:55 PM
checkout teh sig :w00t:
12-05-2004, 11:57 PM
checkout teh sig :w00t:
YEAH BABY!!! We will show them the strength of stock rims!!!
12-05-2004, 11:57 PM
I updated the pic, you two. you can change it if you want. :w00t:
12-05-2004, 11:58 PM
wait, what did you update?
Stang Gurl
12-05-2004, 11:59 PM
I updated the pic, you two. you can change it if you want. :w00t:
Updated. Thanks cody :j:
12-06-2004, 12:00 AM
wait, what did you update?
It should blend in with the site backgroud now on the edges.
side note, If J ever changes the background color of the forum, I'm screwed. :rofl:
12-06-2004, 12:07 AM
Hmmm... maybe you should see the whole picture here... the same conversation is started over there by the same people about the same damn topic all the damn time... it gets OLD. I am getting tired of it. You would too. And whats worse is the mods get in on the arguement knowing its turned into a flame war and instead of locking it they join in. Ive put up with alot of shit on that site so at this point Im beyond calm about it. Sorry.
Kim...By the same reasoning here your a Mod. You should be holding the issue to a minimum here. You should be above their pettiness. I understand your issue there. Just leave the situation behind you and move on to a better site where people are willing to listen and hear what your saying. People that are not judging you on what you have or dont have.
A site full of fifteen year old that have nothing better to do but put down others that are not into their group mentality is not where you should be concerning yourself with. Move on and look for people that have the level of maturity that you have. People that will share your vision of what you want to do to your car.
Say this to that site :fu: move on and not look back.
12-06-2004, 12:11 AM
I am a stock rim user too....Add me to that list. ;)
12-06-2004, 12:12 AM
yeah buddy! just put the pic in your sig and enjoy! The more the merrier!!
12-06-2004, 12:13 AM
I am a stock rim user too....Add me to that list. ;)
Don't rub it in. :censored: :smack:
12-06-2004, 12:26 AM
Don't rub it in. :censored: :smack:
Well I can't help it if mine came stocked with 18" :naughty:
12-06-2004, 12:30 AM
HEY stang gurl i just got off work..thats bull shit i mean i make fun of you a lot but its joking around....not like them...i dont hang out at 3.8 really anymore because of the same ot of them hate on me cuz im 17 with a cobra! They are becoming a bad site and I hope we dont become one! *HUGS STANG GURL*
12-06-2004, 12:32 AM
Bruntzy, with the people we have on here right now, i dont think we will have that problem!!!
12-06-2004, 12:34 AM
Yea me either!
12-06-2004, 12:34 AM
BTW I have stock rims can i jOin?
12-06-2004, 12:39 AM
Im down, go for it, just put the pic in your sig
Stang Gurl
12-06-2004, 12:45 AM
Roush2960: Sexy bald head and great advice... :j:
Bruntzy aka skittles... your a big dork and thats why I love ya :devil: you guys rule... :devil:
12-06-2004, 12:47 AM
woo-hoo, i rule!!!
12-06-2004, 12:50 AM
Roush2960: Sexy bald head and great advice... :j:
Bruntzy aka skittles... your a big dork and thats why I love ya :devil: you guys rule... :devil:
Roush run while you can brother :nya:
Joe Friday
12-06-2004, 04:20 AM
Just so you know... I took that image off of the smilies on this site... so if its good enough for GS it sure as hell is just fine for a site that allows racist joke threads and nudy pics on a regular basis.... basically what you are saying is tits and ass are fine but a cock and balls is not? I smell a double standard.
Let's set this straight. I in no way control the smiles on that site. I said someone commented on your avatar and said it was offensive. Now being the rational person that I am, I can see the point that your avatar could be considered offensive to some people. I didn't say I was offended, I just said I could understand the guy's point. If you have a problem with the site, why do you continue to post there? I mean honestly if I was picked on because I had a nice Black GT mustang with 03 cobra rims, on a mustang site….. I would leave, because you know what, it's a bunch of ricer fags who have no idea what a good mustang looks like.
Now you want to have your car sponsored, my guess is for car shows. To get sponsors, might want to jot this down, your car must have something unique about it that no one else has. Slapping on some graphics and neon’s on your automatic V-6 is more than likely not going to cut it.
What you should of done, and I’m no expert in the show field, is saved the money you spent on all the random shit, bought some nice rims, drop the car, leave the stripes except not on the bumpers, picked up a GT bumper for your exhaust and installed the nice 2 tone leather interior that you want.
CDC has a nice mach 1 rear honey comb panel that would look great, and they have a nice V6 HO emblem to replace the GT emblem that is on it
Sorry for the "swift kick in the nutz" :diss: but right now all you have is a v6 with stripes and a few other mods. Don't be surprised when people don't take you seriously when you talk about wanting to be sponsored, and wonder why people get all in your face when you make some smart ass remark.
Thank you, here is your "You Were own'd by Joe Friday" sticker have a nice one :D
12-06-2004, 09:15 AM
Roush run while you can brother :nya:
Luckly I am on the other side of the country from her. :nailbite:
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