View Full Version : I will pay for it...

09-16-2005, 10:09 AM
Anyone have a copy of photoshop they will sell me or burn me? :thanks:

09-16-2005, 04:33 PM
Photoshop, Photoshop... If you're willing to pay for some decent software head to Best Buy, Fry's Electronics or Comp USA and pick up Ulead's PhotoImpact 10. Price is $65 to $100 and comes with more plugin's than PhotoShop and is almost as powerful. It's built for the internet with button creator, 3D text, special effects, compression software, animation software, etc. The package is freaking loaded. I have a shitload of software and this is the one I use the most. Photoshop is awesome for doing huge photograph projects, but it's not really made for the internet like this package is.