View Full Version : A Quick Katrina Report ( From a LEO)

09-14-2005, 02:07 PM
What's up Guys/Gals? This will be my formal "first post."
I'm a New Orleans Police Officer, and currently I'm on a 5 day leave from the city.
To say that things are terrible down here is an understatement.
The day the storm hit was devastating. But, as you know, it really wasn't the storm that caused most of the damage, it was the failiure of various levees within the area.
The day after the storm was unbelievable. There were looters, murders, rapes, shootings...., the city was out of control.
When the S*@T hit the fan, a large number of police officers abandoned us, when we needed them the most.
These COWARDS will be dealt with accordingly after the dust settles.
These cowards left us, and now they are returning, asking "What can I do to help"?
Before the storm hit, I relocated my dogs to the 3rd floor of my mother-in-laws' house, and left them enough food and water to last 3 days.
My family left for safe ground, and I had to stay behind in order to "serve and protect" my city.
No one ever thought that this would be a storm of such great magnitude.
Everyone figured that it will miss us, just like the previous storms within the last 15 years.
We were wrong! When I heard over the police radio that the 17th Street canal levee failed, my heart sank because it was then I knew that we lost everything we had.
Within minutes, my house was under 12-14 feet of water. I lost cell phone contact with my family for 5 days. I cried myself to sleep every night that I could not talk to my wife, mom,dad, and or hear my son's 1 1/2 year old voice.
Approximately 1 week later, my Lieutenant and I acquired a boat/truck/trailer, and we went off to see our properties.
When I got to my mother-in-laws' house, I stepped off the boat, and onto the 3rd floor.
To my dismay, I observed both of my dogs, lifeless, on the floor.
I placed them there to protect them from drowning, and they died of dehydration.
I can't help but feel responsible for their deaths.
We left and relocated to my house, and I saw that the water line was once at the gutters.
My house is raised 4 feet off the ground, and I have an 8 foot ceiling.
So, needless to say, my house was completely under.
I couldn't even see the garage where my Cobra is parked.
We then relocated to my Lieutenants' house, and we pulled up next to his house, and stepped off of the boat, onto his roof.
By the grace of God, I still have a house in the city of Kenner, La.
I'll give it up for my parents and my brother to live in.
My wife /son/and I will live aboard a Norwegian Cruise Ship until we are able to rebuild our house.
I can't forget to mention that our Mayor was on the news last night, and stated that the city has no more money to pay it's employees for the next pay cycle.
The city is trying to get lines of credit established, in order to pay us through December '05.
If the city can't pay us, then I'll have no recourse but to leave the city that I love, and accept conditional offers of employment in Ft. Lauderdale/Boca/ or Miami.
As I type this message, I had to pull away from the keyboard and wipe my eyes because it's a painful story to tell.
In closing, I wish ya'll good luck with your cars, and I'll be back in '07 with a Shelby GT 500.
Till then, enjoy life......, and have fun!! :goodbye:

09-14-2005, 02:18 PM
That breaks my heart. I wish I knew what more I could do for you.

09-14-2005, 02:32 PM
Thanks for sharing that with us Lawman... My prayers go out to you and your family... Keep in touch... cant wait to see your '07.

Black Stallion
09-14-2005, 02:51 PM
Hey, good luck down there. Stay faithful, things will get better.

09-14-2005, 03:04 PM
Hey, good luck down there. Stay faithful, things will get better.

09-14-2005, 04:19 PM
my condolensces to you and your family...I trully wish there was more that we could do here on the west coast then just send money and prayers. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family as well as fellow officers...Im joining the police force in February or so...I think I was as disgruntled as you when I heard that officers had left there post...regardless of whether your home was destroyed you have a job and duty to your citizens to protect them....By becoming a police officer you agree to lay your life on the line to save others if thats what it comes to. If you cannot accept that, then you shouldn't become a police officer or any other emergency worker for that matter.

09-14-2005, 04:56 PM
my condolensces to you and your family...I trully wish there was more that we could do here on the west coast then just send money and prayers. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family as well as fellow officers...Im joining the police force in February or so...I think I was as disgruntled as you when I heard that officers had left there post...regardless of whether your home was destroyed you have a job and duty to your citizens to protect them....By becoming a police officer you agree to lay your life on the line to save others if thats what it comes to. If you cannot accept that, then you shouldn't become a police officer or any other emergency worker for that matter. Very eloquently stated. My thoughts exactly!!

09-14-2005, 11:02 PM
that breaks my heart to hear that man, good luck to you and your family.

09-15-2005, 06:22 AM
May God Bless you and your Family my Friend and we are sorry for what had happened there We live on the West coast of florida and have be lucky so far. If that storm would have made a right turn we would have hade a direct hit. You are a man of pride for what you have done and not following your fellow officers who left you behind and as far as them being delt with they should be made an example of and server time just as all of the Hoodlums :censored: should be. Our prayers go out to you and your family and friends .

09-15-2005, 01:14 PM
God Bless U :thumbup:

09-15-2005, 03:32 PM
that breaks my heart to hear that man, good luck to you and your family.
Thank You!

09-15-2005, 03:33 PM
May God Bless you and your Family my Friend and we are sorry for what had happened there We live on the West coast of florida and have be lucky so far. If that storm would have made a right turn we would have hade a direct hit. You are a man of pride for what you have done and not following your fellow officers who left you behind and as far as them being delt with they should be made an example of and server time just as all of the Hoodlums :censored: should be. Our prayers go out to you and your family and friends .Thanks!

My Cobra
09-15-2005, 04:25 PM
God bless, just know that you can not blame your self for the things that have happend to your animals or the peopel around you, Keep on truckin and if you need anything let people know. I have seen you on many message boards and you know that most of the people on the boards feel bad and would do anything within there power to help you out, so do not be afraid to ask when you need it. You need a place to stay let us know, you need some cash to put clothes on your back or food in your stomach let us know. That is the last thing we need is the town saying they will not pay the peopel we need the most in that town. I would keep on workin and remember that what goes around comes around is not always a bad saying. God bless

09-15-2005, 05:44 PM
Like I said before...God Bless you and your family!!! It breaks my heart to read it....keep us posted on your journey!!! Sorry about the dogs, you did your best. If you need ANYTHING let me know.....Virginia Beach, Chesapeake..I am sure they are hiring you guys! take care...and can't wait to see the Shelby!!!!